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Isolation and Characterization of Trophoblast Stem Cells-like Cells Derived from Human Term Placenta KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/1497
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Development & Reproduction (발생과 생식)
한국발생생물학회 (The Korea Society Of Developmental Biology)

The trophectoderm is one of the earliest cell types to differentiate in the forming placenta. It is an important for the initial implantation and placentation during pregnancy. Trophoblast stem cells (TBSCs) develop from the blastocyst and are maintained by signals emanating from the inner cell mass. However, several limitations including rarity and difficulty in isolation of trophoblast stem cells derived from blastocyst still exist. To establish a model for trophoblast differentiation, we isolated TBSCs from human term placenta (38 weeks) and characterized. Cell cycle was analyzed by measuring DNA content by FACS analysis and phenotype of TBSCs was characterized by RT-PCR and FACS analysis. TBSCs have expressed various markers such as self-renewal markers (Nanog, Sox2), three germ layer markers (hNF68, alpha-cardiac actin, hAFP), trophoblast specific markers (CDX-2, CK7, HLA-G), and TERT gene. In FACS analysis, TBSCs isolated from term placenta showed that the majority of cells expressed CD13, CD44, CD90, CD95, CD105, HLA-ABC, cytokeratin 7, and HLA-G. Testing for CD31, CD34, CD45, CD71, vimentin and HLA-DR were negative. TBSCs were shown to decrease the growth rate when cultured in conditioned medium without FGF4/heparin as well as the morphology was changed to a characteristic giant cell with a large cytoplasm and nucleus. In invasion assay, TBSCs isolated from term placenta showed invasion activities in in vivo using nude mice and in vitro Matrigel system. Taken together, these results support that an isolation potential of TBSCs from term placenta as well as a good source for understanding of the infertility mechanism.

  • Na Kyu-Hwan
  • Shin Kyung-Seon
  • Choi Jong-Ho
  • Cha Dong-Hyun
  • Kim Gi-Jin