본 시험은 최적 Silage 옥수수 품종을 선발하는데 필요한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 국내산 옥수수 4품종 (수원 19호, 광안옥, 횡성옥, 수원옥)과 외국 도입 Silage용 품종으로 미국계통 7품종 (P 3144 W, P 3352, P 3156, DK 501, DK 729, DK 713, DK 689)과 프랑스 Limagrain계통 6품종(H 545.64, H 645.12, H 643.99, He 7466, H 644.18, H ALISEO) 총 17
This experiment was conducted from May to August in 1997 to selected the wrn hybrids being suitable for silage at farm in the Kongju National University through the comparison of growth characteristics, forage yield and growth analysis about native and im