본 연구는 초종과 파종비율을 달리한 혼파초지를 비교 검토하여 건물수량과 품질을 높일 수 있는 혼파방법을 찾고자 관행 혼파초지{conventional mixtures(CM), orchardgrass (Potomad) 50% + tall fescue (Fawn)20% + Kentucky bluegrass(Kenblue) 20% + white clover(Regal) 10%}, 레드 클로버 + 혼파초지{Red clover mixtures(RM), orchar
The object of this experiment was to investigate the effect of mixture which consist of different seeding rates and species on dry matter yield and quality in Daejon area. The field trials were conducted from 2003 to 2005 at Chungnam National University i