Pore Filling Theory of Liquid Phase Sintering and Microstrcture Evolution
Based on the pore filling theory, the microstructure evolution during liquid-phase sintering has been analyzed in terms of interrelationship between average grain size and relative density. For constant liquid volume fraction, the microsturucture trajectories reduced to a single curve in a grain size(x)-density(y) map, regardless of grain growth constant. The slope of curves in the map was inversely proportional to average pore size, while it increased fapidly with liquid volume fraction. Increase in pore volume fraction retarded the densification considerably, but showed marginal effect on the slope. The activation energy of densification was predicted to be the same as that of grain growth as long as the liquid volume fraction is constant for any temperature range studied. The present analyses on microstricture evolution may demonstrate the usefulness of pore filling theory and provide a guideline for process optimization of liquid-phase sintering.