This study employed text mining techniques to analyze the major topics and research trends in plant ecological studies conducted in the Nakdong River basin. A total of 131 research articles published between 1977 and 2023 were collected from domestic and international academic databases. Our analysis revealed that the primary research themes include: wetland plant management and restoration, regional flora investigation, the relationship between aquatic plant communities and water quality, wetland plant community structure and distribution, riparian vegetation, and Phragmites australis (common reed). The majority of these studies were based on short-term field surveys (less than one year in duration; 79.7%), with a focus on regional flora investigation (30.5%), vegetation mapping (21.4%), and plant growth characteristics (17.6%). To ensure the longterm sustainability of the Nakdong River ecosystem, we suggest prioritizing long-term ecological research (LTER) initiatives and incorporating diverse research approaches, such as mesocosm experiments that manipulate key environmental factors. This comprehensive approach to plant ecological research will be crucial for evaluating the stability and resilience of the Nakdong River ecosystem and will ultimately contribute to the development of robust, scientifically informed decision-making processes and management strategies.
The occurrence of cyanobacteria and the formation of cyanotoxins in lakes and reservoirs are influenced by many environmental factors. In this study, the harmful cyanobacteria occurrence and cyanotoxins concentrations was investigated in three agricultural reservoirs in the southern Gyeonggi-do in 2023. Although harmful cyanobacteria growth and cyanotoxins formation are influenced by various environmental factors in the actual ecosystem, the cell density of harmful cyanobacteria reached its maximum in September when the water temperature was relatively high, and the highest cyanotoxins (microcystin and anatoxin-a) concentrations were observed in October when the water temperature dropped to the range of 20~23℃. From this investigation, harmful cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxins residence in investigated three agricultural reservoirs was observed.
This study proposes a steel plate retrofit method and a polyurea method to improve the structural stability and usability of a factory floor slab with a thickness of 120mm. To assess vibration changes, vibrations were measured before and after retrofit. A numerical analysis model was also developed to evaluate improvements in structural safety and usability. The natural frequency increased from 11.4Hz to 17Hz through steel plate reinforcement, confirming an increase in slab stiffness. The damping ratio increased from 2.3% to 3.2% with polyurea reinforcement, indicating improved vibration reduction. Additionally, numerical analysis modeling showed that the natural frequency increased from 13.9Hz to 16.2Hz due to the steel plate reinforcement, enhancing the dynamic characteristics of the floor slab and confirming the reliability of the analysis model.
The cultural heritage of fortresses is often exposed to external elements, leading to significant damage from stone weathering and natural disasters. However, due to the nature of cultural heritage, dismantling and restoration are often impractical. Therefore, the stability of fortress cultural heritage was evaluated through non-destructive testing. The durability of masonry cultural heritages is greatly influenced by the physical characteristics of the back-fille material. Dynamic characteristics were assessed, and endoscopy was used to inspect internal fillings. Additionally, a finite element analysis model was developed considering the surrounding ground through elastic wave exploration. The analysis showed that the loss of internal fillings in the target cultural heritage site could lead to further deformation in the future, emphasizing the need for careful observation.
수소는 기후변화 위기에 대응하기 위한 에너지원 중 하나로 주목받고 있다. 그러나, 수소는 밀폐된 공간에 누출되면 천장으로 상승하여 축적되고, 점화원과 만나면 화재나 폭발의 위험이 있다. 특히, 수소를 운송하거나 연료로 사용하는 선박은 여러 밀폐된 공간으 로 구성되어 있기 때문에 수소를 안전하게 사용하기 위해서는 공간 내에서의 확산 특성을 파악해야 한다. 본 연구는 선박 내 밀폐된 공간 에서 수소와 유사한 특성을 가진 헬륨의 누출방향에 따른 확산 특성을 실험적으로 파악하고, CFD 시뮬레이션을 통해 환기횟수가 25, 30, 35, 40, 45ACH로 증가함에 따라 누출방향에 따른 산소농도 변화를 파악하는 것이 목적이다. 연구 결과, 산소농도감소율은 -z 방향의 누출 이 2%, +x와 +z 방향의 누출이 1%였으며, 환기소요시간은 -z 방향 누출이 15분 30초, +x 방향 누출이 7분, +z 방향 누출이 9분으로 누출방 향에 따라 산소농도와 환기소요시간에 차이가 있음을 보여준다. 또한, 실험공간에서 환기횟수 35ACH 이상부터는 모든 누출 방향에서의 산소농도감소율과 환기소요시간에 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 따라서, 환기횟수를 증가하여도 산소농도와 환기소요시간이 개선되지 않았기 때문에 본 실험환경에서의 적정 환기횟수는 35ACH임을 알 수 있었다.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of damage to cultural assets resulting from vibrations generated by construction vehicle traffic. The cultural heritage's natural vibration frequency was determined to be 150Hz by measurement. The damping ratios were calculated as 4.7% using the logarithmic decrement approach and 4.3% using the half-power method. The vibration measurements obtained during vehicle operation indicated that, despite an increase in vehicle velocity of up to 15 km/h, the vibrations remained below the detectable level of 0.13 mm/sec. When the road is curved and the terrain is sloped, a suitable speed for vehicle operation was found to be around 17 km/h, at which point vibrations were seen. The highest recorded vibration amplitude at this velocity was 0.217 mm/sec, which remains below the stringent regulation limit of 2 mm/sec. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no actual harm caused by vibrations.
In this study, the structural performance of the specimen fabricated through 3D printing was evaluated through monotonic loading experiments analysis to apply to 3D printed structures. The compression and flexural experiments were carried out, and the experimental results were compared to the finite element model results. The loading directions of specimens were investigated to consider the capacity of specimens with different curing periods, such as 7 and 28 days. As a result, the strength tended to increase slightly depending on the stacking direction. Also, between the 3D-printed panel composite and the non-reinforced panel, the bending performance depended on the presence or absence of composite reinforcement.
A bending experiment was conducted to verify the structural performance of the U-flange truss hybrid bean using rebars or steel pipes to reinforce the upper compression zone. As a result of evaluating the bending strength of the truss hybrid beam according to the Structural Design Standard (KDS 14 2020: 2022) by introducing the lattice member as a tensile resistance element, the following conclusions were obtained. Considering the lattice element as a tensile resistance element, the nominal bending strength was increased by 38.57 to 47.90 kN.m. As a result of reviewing the experiment as to whether the flexural member has proper ductility, it was found that it is desirable to place appropriate rebars, steel quality plans, and lateral restraints on the upper and lower parts of the hybrid beam to have sufficient ductility ratio.
Environmental issues such as global warming due to fossil fuel use are now major worldwide concerns, and interest in renewable and clean energy is growing. Of the various types of renewable energy, green hydrogen energy has recently attracted attention because of its eco-friendly and high-energy density. Electrochemical water splitting is considered a pollution-free means of producing clean hydrogen and oxygen and in large quantities. The development of non-noble electrocatalysts with low cost and high performance in water splitting has also attracted considerable attention. In this study, we successfully synthesized a NiCo2O4/NF electrode for an oxygen evolution reaction in alkaline water splitting using a hydrothermal method, which was followed by post-heat treatment. The effects of heat treatment on the electrochemical performance of the electrodes were evaluated under different heat-treatment conditions. The optimized NCO/NF-300 electrode showed an overpotential of 416 mV at a high current density of 50 mA/cm2 and a low Tafel slope (49.06 mV dec-1). It also showed excellent stability (due to the large surface area) and the lowest charge transfer resistance (12.59 Ω). The results suggested that our noble-metal free electrodes have great potential for use in developing alkaline electrolysis systems.
A typical low and medium-sized neighborhood living facility in reinforced concrete building secures a high floor and pursues an efficient module plan(long span). Accordingly, research on the development of new hybrid beams that can innovatively reduce labor costs such as on-site installation and assembly while securing strength and rigidity is ongoing. In order to verify the structural performance of the U-flanged truss composite beam with newly developed shape, Experiments with various variables are required. Based on the results, this study is to evaluate the strength of U-flanged truss hybrid beam through the flexural strength of the Korea Design Code and experimental values. It was evaluated that nominal flexural strength was 110% to 135% higher than the experimental value.
Recently, cultural heritages in South Korea gain many interests of restoration and preservation from the government since many of that have been severely damaged during earthquakes. Many previous studies in both terms of experimental and analytical approaches have been done to examine structural behavior and decide appropriate methods of preservation. Being motivated by such researches, this research aims to investigate a religious stone pagoda dated back to the Goryeo Dynasty in Korea. The structure consists of a granite stone foundation and baked bricks, which resembles the shape of traditional pagodas. In order to examine the structural behavior of the pagoda, an analytical model is implemented using ANSYS, a comprehensive engineering simulation platform. For the time history analysis of the pagoda, several earthquake excitations are chosen and input to simulation modeling. Seismic response of the tower such as time domain, natural frequency, modal shapes and peak acceleration measured at each layer are presented and discussed. In addition, the amplification ratio of the tower is calculated from the accelerations of each layer to determine tower stability in accordance with Korean seismic design guide. The determination and evaluation of status and response of the brick tower by simulation analysis play an important role in the preservation of history as well as valuable architectural heritages in South Korea.
This study develops a new device system for measuring a slope of object with non-adhesive, non-contact and non-face-to-face, namely Inclinometer Slope Laser Measuring (ISLM), that is applicable in the field. This system includes cradle, laser, camera, and computer and the filming and is performed after laser projection at programmed intervals. After measuring the amount of displacement converted to numerical values, these values can then be transferred to the office using the selected data transmission method. The obtained results from the test carried out to verify the reliability of the ISLM system indicated that the ISLM system can measure with accurately level of 0.1mm/Pixel at 1m distance and when increasing the camera resolution, the precision might increase proportionally. Therefore, the proposed measure system may widely apply on-site for various constructions, especially, in the case of object with very high surface temperature where exhibits difficulty to directly measure the adjacent structures. However, due to the sensitive reaction to the illuminance, this method can be applied with caution at times of large changes in illuminance, such as at dawn and at dusk.
This study evaluates safety assessment before and after repair of Seonamsa temple seungseon bridge, which refer to the representative Hongye bridge in Korea. In this approach natural frequency of the structure were considered in the modeling procedure. Trial & error method is applied to obtain the approximate natural frequency before and after retrofit construction. Stiffness of the actual structure was examined to account for the dynamic characteristics of Hongye bridge measured in the field and adjusting parameters in computer modeling. The safety and usability of the stone structure in terms of load bearing capacity and displacement were examined.
Tomb of King Muryeong, located in Sonsan-ri, was found vulnerable due to leakages during since the summer of 2016. This research aims to evaluate structural safety of the Tomb under the tumulus. Site surveys were conducted to find vulnerable inner parts. Structural safety assessment is presented based on both site survey results and analytical results obtained through FEM analysis using the ANSYS program. The underground structure was explicitly modeled to focus on two types of loadings: design loads and actual gravity loads. In general, the tomb does not show any critical deflection increase or damage through the analytical investigation. However, maintenance through continuous monitoring is necessary to prevent severe deflections and stress concentrations since the rigidity of the tomb materials are very vulnerable and likely to be reduced due to prolonged weathering and continuous rain leakage.
W2C is synthesized through a reaction-sintering process from an ultrafine-W and WC powder mixture using spark plasma sintering (SPS). The effect of various parameters, such as W:WC molar ratio, sintering temperature, and sintering time, on the synthesis behavior of W2C is investigated through X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the microstructure, and final sintered density. Further, the etching properties of a W2C specimen are analyzed. A W2C sintered specimen with a particle size of 2.0 μm and a relative density over 98% could be obtained from a W-WC powder mixture with 55 mol%, after SPS at 1700℃ for 20 min under a pressure of 50 MPa. The sample etching rate is similar to that of SiC. Based on X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis, it is confirmed that fluorocarbon-based layers such as C-F and C-F2 with lower etch rates are also formed.
When 3D printing is used practically at construction sites, there is a serious lack of studies on the conflict with construction-related laws and expected operational problems. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to present obstacles and directions for improvement in construction-related laws (Building Act, Construction Technology Promotion Act, Housing Act, Construction Machinery Management Act, etc.) for practical operation of 3D printing. The important results are as follows. Amending existing construction-related laws for 3D printing is irrational and inefficient in terms of structure and material. This study proposed a method of satisfying performance required by laws or standards based on the performance design method presented in existing laws and systems through structure and material performance certification procedure. In addition, inclusion of 3D printing equipment in the Construction Machinery Management Act results in various restrictions such as equipment inspection and certification of machine parts. As such restrictions can block vitalization of 3D printing, a long-term and step-wise approach was suggested.