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농업용 저수지의 유해 남조류 발생 및 조류독소 농도 현황 KCI 등재

The Harmful Cyanobacteria Occurrence and Cyanotoxins Concentration in Agricultural Reservoirs

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438736
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
생태와 환경 (Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment)

The occurrence of cyanobacteria and the formation of cyanotoxins in lakes and reservoirs are influenced by many environmental factors. In this study, the harmful cyanobacteria occurrence and cyanotoxins concentrations was investigated in three agricultural reservoirs in the southern Gyeonggi-do in 2023. Although harmful cyanobacteria growth and cyanotoxins formation are influenced by various environmental factors in the actual ecosystem, the cell density of harmful cyanobacteria reached its maximum in September when the water temperature was relatively high, and the highest cyanotoxins (microcystin and anatoxin-a) concentrations were observed in October when the water temperature dropped to the range of 20~23℃. From this investigation, harmful cyanobacteria blooms and cyanotoxins residence in investigated three agricultural reservoirs was observed.

서 론
재료 및 방 법
    1. 조사대상 농업용 저수지
    2. 시료 수질 분석
    3. 유해 남조류 세포밀도 분석
    4. 조류독소 정량 분석
결과 및 고 찰
    1. 조사된 농업용 저수지 수질 분석 결과
    2. 농업용 저수지 남조류 발생 현황
    3. 농업용 저수지 조류독소 농도 현황
결론 및 제 언
적 요
  • 김민주(한경국립대학교 화학공학전공, 화학기술연구소) | Minju Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Center of Chemical Technology, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Repulblic of Korea)
  • 강지원(한경국립대학교 화학공학전공, 화학기술연구소) | Jiwon Kang (Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Center of Chemical Technology, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Repulblic of Korea)
  • 이성민(한경국립대학교 화학공학전공, 화학기술연구소) | Seong-min Lee (Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Center of Chemical Technology, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Repulblic of Korea)
  • 김영기(한경국립대학교 화학공학전공, 화학기술연구소) | Young-Kee Kim (Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Center of Chemical Technology, Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, Repulblic of Korea) Corresponding author