
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 64

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to estimate the effects of the forage process on rumen fermentation characteristics and greenhouse gas emissions of rye. Rye was grown at the Taeyoung Livestock farm and harvested at the heading stage. The harvested rye (5 kg) was sub-sampled for fresh forage, hay, and silage in triplicates. The sub-sampled rye was freeze-dried or air-dried for fresh forage or rye hay, respectively. For rye silage, the sub-sampled rye forage was ensiled into a 10 L mini bucket silo and stored for 90 days. For 72 h rumen incubation, each forage (0.3 g) was placed into the incubation bottle with the rumen mixture (30 mL) in quadruplicates. After the incubation, total gas was measured and sub-sampled for CO2 and CH4 analyses, and the bottle content was centrifuged for in vitro digestibilities of dry matter (IVDMD) and neutral detergent fiber (IVNDFD), and rumen fermentation characteristics. Silage had higher crude protein, crude ash, and acid detergent fiber concentrations than fresh forage and hay but lower non-fiber carbohydrates and relative feed value (p<0.05). And, silage had higher lactic acid bacteria than the other forages but lower pH (p<0.05). After 72 h incubation in the rumen, fresh forage had higher IVDMD and butyrate content than the other forages (p<0.05). However, silage had higher rumen pH and propionate content than the other forages but lower A:P ratio (p<0.05). Regarding greenhouse gases, silage had lowest total gas (mL/g DMD and NDFD) and CH4 (mL/g DMD and NDFD) emissions, while fresh forage had lowest CO2 (mL/g DMD) emission (p<0.05). Therefore, this study concluded that the ensiling process of rye can effectively mitigate greenhouse gas emissions of Hanwoo.
        2024.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        출혈성 담낭염은 담낭염의 형태 중 드문 것으로, 특히 그동안 출혈성 무결석 담낭염에 대한 보고는 제한적으로 이루어져 왔다. 본 증례보고에서는 척추추간판염으로 입원 중인 환자에게서 간기능 검사의 이상 소견이 발생하여 시행한 현장초음파상에서 보인 이상 소견을 기반으로 출혈성 담낭염을 의심하였다. 환자는 문헌상 초음파상에서 출혈성 담낭염의 특징으로 제시된 담낭벽의 불규칙한 비후, 후방 음영이나 층적을 동반하지 않는 내강 안 에코의 소견 등을 만족하였으며, 이어서 촬영한 CT에서도 조영제 누출의 소견이 보여 혈역학적으로 안정된 상태에서 조기에 경피적 배액술과 후속 담낭절제술을 시행하였다. 절제된 검체에서는 혈괴와 함께 화농성 담낭염 소견이 확인되었다. 기존에 항혈소판제, 항응고제 등의 약제 복용이나 알려진 출혈 경향이 없었던 화농성 척추추간판염 환자에게서 출혈성 무결석 담낭염을 현장초음파로 합병증 발생 전에 진단하여 치료한 증례로서 보고하는 바이다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study estimated rumen fermentation characteristics and greenhouse gas emissions of different forages. Alfalfa, timothy, tall fescue, Italian ryegrass, and rice straw as the main forage sources for Hanwoo were used in the present study. Crude protein was highest in alfalfa but lowest in rice straw (p<0.05). Ether extract was higher in alfalfa and Italian ryegrass than in the other forages (p<0.05). Crude ash was highest in rice straw but lowest in tall fescue (p<0.05). Neutral detergent fiber was highest in tall fescue but lowest in alfalfa (p<0.05). Acid detergent fiber was highest in Italian ryegrass and rice straw but lowest in alfalfa (p<0.05). In vitro digestibilities of dry matter (DMD) and neutral detergent fiber (NDFD) were highest in timothy but lowest in rice straw (p<0.05). Rumen pH was highest (p<0.05) in alfalfa, while ammonia-N was higher (p<0.05) in alfalfa and Italian ryegrass than in the other forages. Total volatile fatty acid was highest (p<0.05) in timothy, while acetate and propionate were highest (p<0.05) in alfalfa and rice straw, respectively. Acetate to propionate ratio was higher (p<0.05) in alfalfa, timothy, and Italian ryegrass than in rice straw. Rice straw had lowest total gas (mL) (p<0.05) but highest its per DMD and NDFD. Rice straw had higher (p<0.05) CO2 (per DMD and NDFD) compared to alfalfa (per DMD and NDFD), timothy (per DMD and NDFD), tall fescue (per NDFD), and Italian ryegrass (per DMD). Again, rice straw had higher (p<0.05) CH4 (per DMD and NDFD) compared to timothy (per DMD and NDFD) and tall fescue (per NDFD). Therefore, this study indicates that timothy has a higher nutrient digestibility and volatile fatty acid in the rumen leading to a reduction of greenhouse gas emission.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 노인 인구가 증가함에 따라, 이들의 삶의 질에 대한 사회적 관심도가 높아지고 있으며, 노인들의 건강하고 활기찬 노후를 고려하는 활동적 노후 및 고령친화도시의 개념이 주목받고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 많은 지자체는 노인들이 지역 사회에서 여생을 의미 있게 보낼 수 있도록 다양한 노인여가복지 서비스를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그러나 실질적인 노인 수요에 부합하는 서비스 공급이 이루어지지 못하고 있으며, 지역별로 노인여가복지 서비스의 공간적 격차가 발생하고 있는 실정이다. 이는 노인여가복지 입지와 관련하여 체계적인 법적 기준이 부재하기 때문이다. 이에 본 연구는 서울시의 노인여가복지 시설에 대한 수요와 공급의 공간적 불일치성을 탐색하고, 공간 효율성과 형평성을 고려한 노인복지센터의 최적 입지 대안을 제시하고 있다. 연구 결과, 여러 입지 시나리오에 따라 서울시 노인복지센터의 공간적 접근성을 향상시킬 수 있는 다양한 최적 입지 대안들을 제시할 수 있었으며, 향후 노인복지 서비스 공급과 관련한 계획 및 정책에 있어 중요한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the relationship between distribution of Bolboschoenus planiculmis which is main food source of swans (national monument species) with environmental factors, discharge, rainfall, and salinity in Eulsuk-do from 2020 to 2023. The distribution area of B. planiculmis in Eulsuk tidal flat was 103,672 m2 in 2020, 95,240 m2 in 2021, 88,163 m2 in 2022, and 110,879 m2 in 2023, and represents a sharp decrease compared to the 400,925 m2 area recorded in 2004. From 2020 to 2023, the growth densities of B. planiculmis were 243.6±12.5 m-2, 135.45±7.38 m-2, 51.10±2.54 m-2, and 238.20±16.36 m-2, respectively, and the biomass was 199.89±28.01 gDW m-2, 18.57±5.12 gDW m-2, 6.55±1.12 gDW m-2, and 153.53±25.43 gDW m-2 in 2020, 2023, 2021, and 2022, respectively. Based on discharge during May~July, which affects plant growth, the left gate discharge of the estuary barrage from 2020 to 2023 was 62,322 m3 sec-1, 33,329 m3 sec-1, 6,810 m3 sec-1, and 93,641 m3 sec-1, respectively; rainfall was 1,136 mm, 799 mm, 297 mm, and 993 mm, respectively; and average salinity was 14.7±9.4 psu, 21.1±4.7 psu, 26.1±2.7 psu, and 14.5± 11.1 psu, respectively. In 2022, cumulative rainfall (978 mm, about 70% of the 30-year average) and discharge (43,226 m3 sec-1) decreased sharply, resulting in the highest mean salinity (25.46 psu), and the distribution area, density, and biomass of the B. planiculmis decreased sharply. In 2023, there was a rise in discharge with an increase in rainfall, leading to a decrease in salinity. Consequently, this environmental change facilitated the recovery of B. planiculmis growth.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        진해만은 태풍 내습 시 피항 선박이 폭주하고 강한 바람 등의 영향으로 주묘가 자주 발생하며 이에 따른 선박 간 충돌 및 좌초 등 해양사고 발생 개연성이 매우 높다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 해역 특성에 맞는 진해만 정박지의 선박 간 안전이격거리 설정을 위한 연 구를 수행하였다. 진해만 태풍 피항지에는 태풍 내습 시 평균 100 ~ 200여척의 선박이 정박을 하고 있으며 풍속이 25m/s 이상되는 강한 외력에서 전체 선박의 약 70%에 주묘가 발생하는 상황인 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구에서는 국내외 설계기준 상 제시된 황천 시 정박 선 박간 이격거리, 실제 피항지로서 사용된 진해만 피항선박 간 이격거리, 강한 외력에 따른 선박 표류 시 적정 안전거리 등을 분석하여 제 시하였다. 그 결과 설계기준 상의 최소 기준과 비상조치 시간을 고려하여 약 400 ~ 900m의 안전이격거리가 필요하며, 공간상의 여유가 있 는 경우에는 700 ~ 900m 이격거리 설정이 필요한 것으로 도출하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 향후 진해만 피항지를 이용하는 선박에 대해 선박 간 안전 이격거리를 위한 지침 수립 시 활용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to select target fish species as baseline research for accumulation analysis of major hazardous chemicals entering the aquatic ecosystem in Korea and to analyze the impact on fish community. The test bed was selected from a sewage treatment plant, which could directly confirm the impact of the inflow of harmful chemicals, and the Geum River estuary where harmful chemicals introduced into the water system were concentrated. A multivariable metric model was developed to select target candidate fish species for hazardous chemical analysis. Details consisted of seven metrics: (1) commercially useful metric, (2) top-carnivorous species metric, (3) pollution fish indicator metric, (4) tolerance fish metric, (5) common abundant metric, (6) sampling availability (collectability) metric, and (7) widely distributed fish metric. Based on seven metric models for candidate fish species, eight species were selected as target candidates. The co-occurring dominant fish with target candidates was tolerant (50%), indicating that the highest abundance of tolerant species could be used as a water pollution indicator. A multi-metric fish-based model analysis for aquatic ecosystem health evaluation showed that the ecosystem health was diagnosed as “bad conditions”. Physicochemical water quality variables also influenced fish feeding and tolerance guild in the testbed. Eight water quality parameters appeared high at the T1 site, indicating a large impact of discharging water from the sewage treatment plant. T2 site showed massive algal bloom, with chlorophyll concentration about 15 times higher compared to the reference site.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Ti-6Al-4V lattice structure is widely used in the aerospace industry owing to its high specific strength, specific stiffness, and energy absorption. The quality, performance, and surface roughness of the additively manufactured parts are significantly dependent on various process parameters. Therefore, it is important to study process parameter optimization for relative density and surface roughness control. Here, the part density and surface roughness are examined according to the hatching space, laser power, and scan rotation during laser-powder bed fusion (LPBF), and the optimal process parameters for LPBF are investigated. It has high density and low surface roughness in the specific process parameter ranges of hatching space (0.06–0.12 mm), laser power (225–325 W), and scan rotation (15°). In addition, to investigate the compressive behavior of the lattice structure, a finite element analysis is performed based on the homogenization method. Finite element analysis using the homogenization method indicates that the number of elements decreases from 437,710 to 27 and the analysis time decreases from 3,360 to 9 s. In addition, to verify the reliability of this method, stress–strain data from the compression test and analysis are compared.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study investigated the effects of forage cutting and baler mixing on the chemical compositions, fermentation indices, and aerobic stability of whole crop rice (WCR) haylage. The WCR (“Youngwoo”) was harvested at 48.4% dry matter and ensiled into a 300 kg bale silo with forage cutting (whole crop without cutting vs. 5 cm of cutting length). The WCR forages were ensiled without baler mixing process (CON) or with (MIX). The concentrations of dry matter, crude protein, ether extract, crude ash, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber of whole crop rice before ensiling were 48.4, 9.70, 2.57, 6.11, 41.2, and 23.5%, respectively. The forage cutting did not affect the chemical compositions, fermentation indices, microbes, and aerobic stability of WCR haylage (p>0.05). The CON haylages tend to be higher in NDF content (p<0.10). The MIX haylages had lower in lactate (p=0.019), and lactate:acetate ratio (p<0.001). The MIX haylages had higher in lactic acid bacteria (LAB) (p=0.010). Therefore, this study concluded that the fermentation quality of WCR haylage improved by baler mixing, but had no effects by forage cutting.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 연안이나 항만에 방치돼 해양환경과 선박운항 안전에 위협이되는 폐 FRP 선박의 처리 법률과 정책에 관한 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. FRP 선박의 방치가 늘고 있는 것은 처리에 비용이 많이 들고, 적절한 수거처리 시스템이 갖추어지지 않았기 때문이다. 해양수산부 등록어선통계에 따르면 2020년 기준 우리나라 등록어선 척수는 65,774척이고, 이중 FRP 재질의 어선은 63,314척으로 전체의 95%를 차지한다. 그중에서 폐선 선령으로 분류되는 26년 이상의 선박이 6,411척이다. 그 뿐만 아니라 2020년 말 기준으로 해양경찰청에 등록된 동력수상레저기구 중 FRP 선박은 21,903척인데, 대부분 일본 등지에서 수입한 중고선이어서 현재 폐선 연령에 도달한 선박도 상당수로 추정된다. 우 리보다 먼저 방치 FRP 선박 처리문제를 겪은 일본은 2005년부터 레저보트와 어선 등 FRP 선박 처리를 위해 FRP 선박 리사이클링 시스템을 운영하고 있다. 미국 주정부는 방치선박 제거를 위해 방치선박법 제정, 방치선박 제거프로그램 운영과 기금을 설치하고 있고, 선박반납프로그램도 운영하고 있다. 또한 2020년 부터 미국 연방정부는 2016년 로드아일랜드 주정부에서 시작한 FRP 보트 리사 이클링 시스템을 다른 주정부로 확산하고 있다. 우리나라도 선령 26년 이상의 FRP 어선이 연간 800척씩 증가하고, 폐선 선령에 도달한 레저선박도 적지 않아 일본과 미국과 같은 방치 FRP 선박의 재활용을 위한 시스템 구축이 시급하다. 방치되는 FRP 선박 문제를 해결하기 위해서는 선박 광역수거처리 시스템 구 축, 폐 FRP 선박 재활용 활성화, 선박 반납제도 도입, 레저선박 등록시스템 구 축이나 레저선박 소유자의 책임보험가입 의무화 등 법률과 정책 개선이 필요하다
        2023.01 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is a descriptive research study attempted to identify factors influencing depression of new nurses, focusing on job stress, self-efficacy, resilience, and social support factors of new nurses. The subjects of this study were 174 new nurses with less than one year of nursing experience, who worked at five university hospitals in the metropolitan area. A self-report questionnaire was used for the data collection of this study. The collected data were subjected to stepwise multiple regression to analyze the factors affecting depression using the SAS 9.4 program. As a result of the study, the average score of depression of the subjects was 13.01 out of 80, Factors influencing the subject's depression were identified including job stress(p<.001), self-efficacy(p=.044), resilience(p=.013), social support(p=.012), work department(p=.021), and work type(p=.001). It was found that the higher the job stress of the subject, the higher the degree of depression, while the higher the self-efficacy, resilience, and social support of the subject, the lower the degree of depression. In this study, it was confirmed that job stress, self-efficacy, resilience, and social support were factors influencing the depression of new nurses. In order to prevent depression of new nurses and actively manage with depression, it is suggested that arbitration programs for new nurses will be needed to reduce job stress of new nurses, strengthen self-efficacy, resilience and social support. It is also thought that strategies supporting for new nurses at the organizational level, such as the establishment of various social support systems, are needed
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 미생물 첨가에 따라 거세한우 비육우 분의 이화 학적 특성, 미생물 성상, 가스발생량 및 퇴비 부숙도에 미치는 영 향을 규명하고자 수행하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면, 4주 후,미생물 첨가구에서 수분, 유기물, 총질소 함량 및 pH가 낮았으며, 나머지 이화학적 특성에서는 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 유산균과 효모균 수는 증가하였으며, 대장균 수는 감소하였다. 12주 후, 미 생물 첨가구에서 유산균과 고초균 수는 높았으나, 수분, 효모 및 대장균 수는 낮게 낮았다. 하지만 암모니아, 황화수소 발생량과 퇴비 부숙도는 미생물 첨가에 의한 효과가 나타나지 않았다. 따라 서, 거세한우 분에 미생물을 첨가하면 유익균은 증가하고, 병원성 미생물은 감소하여, 비육우의 생산성은 증진될 것으로 사료되지 만, 가스 발생량 및 퇴비 부숙도에 대한 추가적인 연구는 지속적 으로 수행되어야 할 것으로 사료된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Recently, increasing number of local governments are introducing on-demand public transportation service in real time to improve the management efficiency of public transportation. In preparation for the autonomous driving era, the “autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time” is being developed in the public transportation sector to introduce on-demand public transportation. For this service to become the public transportation of the future, it must receive publicity. Therefore, in this study, indicators were selected to evaluate the publicity of the autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, and a survey was conducted among the general public to examine the validity of the indicators. METHODS : To secure the publicity of on-demand public transportation in real time, the goal of the service was first set. Second, the keywords of the service were analyzed to define the publicity requirements of this service. Based on the analyzed keywords and definition of publicity, service indicator types were classified, and the indicators were defined by type. A user satisfaction survey was conducted on the final selected indicators to improve the degree of completion of indicator development. The user survey was conducted by presenting selected publicity indicators to respondents responding on a five-point scale to determine whether each indicator could satisfactorily evaluate publicity. RESULTS : When examining various previous research cases and the contents required for autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, the required items of publicity indicators were found to be “safety” in terms of “autonomous driving” and “convenience” in terms of “demand response.” Publicity indicators were developed according to these three items. Thirty-one indicators were developed, and a satisfaction survey was conducted on the general public for each indicator. In the survey, most of the indicators scored 3.5 points or higher, indicating that the indicators were generally well defined. Users gave the highest score to “fairness” among the three items, and “reasonable fairness” was found to be a necessary item as a publicity indicator. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, evaluation indicators were selected to secure the publicity of autonomous public transportation mobility on-demand service in real time, and a satisfaction survey was conducted for each indicator. Most of the indicators showed a score of 3.5 or higher, indicating that they were generally well defined. However, this study has a limitation in that it surveys the general population. In future, experts should be included in the survey to increase the degree of completeness of the public indicators.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Smart materials capable of changing their characteristics in response to stimuli such as light, heat, pH, and electric and magnetic fields are promising for application to flexible electronics, soft robotics, and biomedicine. Compared with conventional rigid materials, these materials are typically composed of soft materials that improve the biocompatibility and allow for large and dynamic deformations in response to external environmental stimuli. Among them, smart magnetic materials are attracting immense attention owing to their fast response, remote actuation, and wide penetration range under various conditions. In this review, we report the material design and fabrication of smart magnetic materials. Furthermore, we focus on recent advances in their typical applications, namely, soft magnetic actuators, sensors for self-assembly, object manipulation, shape transformation, multimodal robot actuation, and tactile sensing.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ti-6Al-4V alloy has a wide range of applications, ranging from turbine blades that require smooth surfaces for aerodynamic purposes to biomedical implants, where a certain surface roughness promotes biomedical compatibility. Therefore, it would be advantageous if the high volumetric density is maintained while controlling the surface roughness during the LPBF of Ti-6Al-4V. In this study, the volumetric energy density is varied by independently changing the laser power and scan speed to document the changes in the relative sample density and surface roughness. The results where the energy density is similar but the process parameters are different are compared. For comparable energy density but higher laser power and scan speed, the relative density remained similar at approximately 99%. However, the surface roughness varies, and the maximum increase rate is approximately 172%. To investigate the cause of the increased surface roughness, a nonlinear finite element heat transfer analysis is performed to compare the maximum temperature, cooling rate, and lifetime of the melt pool with different process parameters.
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