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분포형 생태수문모형 개발 및 내성천 유역에의 적용 KCI 등재

Development of Distributed Ecohydrologic Model and Its Application to the Naeseong Creek Basin

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/241013
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한국수자원학회 논문집 (Journal of Korea Water Resources Association)
한국수자원학회 (Korea Water Resources Association)

본논문에서소개되는분포형생태수문모형은현실적으로확보가능한입력자료와최소한의매개변수를이용하여유역의수문, 식생, 지표온도를모의하는모형이다. 개발된모형은내성천유역에대해적용하여모형의활용가능성을살펴보았다. 우선적으로 매개변수에 대해 민감도 분석을 실시하여 모의결과에 많은 영향을 주는 매개변수를 선별해보았으며 이후최적화 기법을 통해 모형의 매개변수를 추정하여 내성천 유역의 최근 10년간(2001~2010)의수문, 식생, 지표온도 그리고 추적(routing)을통한하천유량및하천수온을모의하였다. 최적화기법을통해추정자료를이용하여매개변수를추정하였으며 일부 격자를 제외한 대다수의 격자에서 적절히 모의된 것을 확인하였다. 하천유량 및 하천수온의 경우 단위 유역말단두지점에대해검증을실시하였으며하천유량및하천수온적절히모의된것을확인할수있었다. 실제유역인내성천유역을대상으로분포형생태수문모형이최소한(현실적으로확보가능한)의입력자료와매개변수를이용함에도불구하고유역 수문순환 및 식생을 적절히 설명하고 있음을 살펴볼 수 있다.

Distributed ecohydrological model which can simulate hydrological components, vegetation and landsur- face temperature using practically available input and observed data with minimum parameters is introduced. This model is designed to properly simulate in area with lack of observed data. Parameter estimation and calibration of the model can be carried out with indirectly estimated data (monthly surface runoff by NRCS- CN method and annual actual vaporization by empirical equation) and remote sensing data (NDVI, LST) instead of observed data. We applied this model in the Naeseong creek basin to evaluate the model validity. Firstly, we found the sensitive parameters which largely influence the simulation results by sensitivity analysis, and then hydrological components, vegetation, land-surface temperature, routed streamflow and water temperature were simulated over 10 years (2001 to 2010) using calibrated parameters. Parameters are estimated by optimization method. It is shown that most of grids are well simulated. In the case of streamflow and water temperature, we checked two observed points in the outlet of watershed and it is shown that streamflow and water temperature are properly simulated as well. Hence, it can be shown that this model properly simulate the hydrological components, vegetation, land-surface temperature, routed streamflow and water temperature as well, even though in despite of using limited input data and minimum parameters.

  • 김상단(Pukyong National University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Associate Professor) | Kim, Sangdan Corresponding Author
  • 김정숙(Dongseo University, Division of Energy and Bio-Engineering., Professor) | Kim, Jeongsook
  • 김인환(Pukyong National University, Department of Spatial Information Engineering, Candidate of Ph.D) | Kim, In-Hwan
  • 최대규(Pukyong National University Institute of Environmental and Marine Scinece, Research Fellow) | Choi, Daegyu