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포장방법에 따른 데침나물의 저장중 품질변화 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Effects of Packaging Method on the Quality of Blanched Namul during Storage

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/241261
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

The objective of this study was to investigate the storage effects of the packaging method of blanched namul(Gosari, Torandae, Chwinamul and Siraegi). The samples were packaged with three packaging types (Vinyl packaging, sealing packaging and vacuum packaging) and were stored for 10 days at 10℃. The quality characteristics were evaluated via a microbiological test, hardness, pH and flavor patterns analysis. The pH values of the samples were not affected by packaging method. The total aerobic and coliform plate counts were high, in the order of vacuum packaging < sealing packaging < vinyl packaging. Vacuum packaging resulted in the highest hardness value. The flavor patterns of blanched namul by packaging type were analysed with electronic nose system equipped with 12 metal-oxide sensors, and the storage shelf life of namul was evaluated by measuring the change in volatile production. As a result, it was shown that namul in vacuum packaging had few volatile production changes with higher storage time.

  • 조인희(농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농식품자원부) | In Hee Jo
  • 김혜선(농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농식품자원부) | Hye Sun Kim
  • 김경미(농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농식품자원부) | Gyoung Mi Kim
  • 김진숙(농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농식품자원부) | Jin Sook Kim
  • 김기창(농촌진흥청 국립농업과학원 농식품자원부) | Gi Chang Kim Corresponding author