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앵미의 온도와 파종깊이 및 토양수분에 따른 발아와 유묘생육의 특성규명 KCI 등재

Characteristics of Germination and Seedling Growth of Red Rice by Temperatures and Seeding Depths

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/242175
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한국작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Crop Science)
한국작물학회 (Korean Society Of Crop Science)

앵미의 온도와 파종깊이 및 토양수분에 따른 발아와 유묘생육의 특성을 규명하기 위하여 앵미 2종과 대안벼를 공시하여 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다.1. 저온조건에서 발아시험 결과 앵미가 대안벼보다 발아율이 높았고 발아속도도 빨랐으며 종자세가 우수하였다.2. 저온조건에서는 수분함량이 많을수록 발아율이 높았고, 중온조건에서는 토양수분 45% 조건에서 발아율이가장 높았다.3. 영천앵미의 발아 특성은 파종심도 6 cm 처리구에서는저온과 중온에서는 발아를 하지 않았으나 고온에서는 발아를 하였다. 4. 합천앵미와 영천앵미의 발아 특성중 영천앵미가 합천앵미보다 발아율 및 종자세가 우수한 것으로 나타났다.발아를 하였다.

Red rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important weeds in most of rice cultivating area. Seed germination related experiments were done to evaluate germination percentage, emerging speed, and initial growth by seeding depth and soil moisture level. The four experiments, 1) temperature, 2) seeding depth, 3) soil moisture level, and 4) seeding position, were done with combination each other on phytotron for germination and seedling growth related experiments of redrice. The treatments levels were: 1) Temperatures were 20/15(Low), 25/20 (Mid.), 30/25℃ (High), (day/night), 2) seeding depths were 0, 3, 6 cm, 3) soil moisture levels were 25, 35, 45, 55, 65% (VWC, %), and seeding position were furrow, ridge, ridge-top. The germination percentage and germination speed of red rice were higher and faster than Daeanbyeo in low temperature. Yoeongcheon redrice of seed germination percentage and seedling length was more vigor than Hapcheon red rice. Red rice was not germinated on 6 cm seeding depth until 11 days after seeding except high temperature treatment. Germination percentage increased with increasing soil water percentage in low temperature, however it was greatest in 45% in high soil moisture level between 25% to 65% in low temperature. Seed germination percentage and seedling length were not significantly different among the soil water level in mid- and high temperature levels. In conclusion, red rice could germinate in top soil (<6 cm) in mid- and high temperature range, so we might be control red rice by spraying herbicide after germination of red rice combined with delayed rotary cultivation.

  • 조영손(경남과학기술대학교 생명자원과학대학 농학전공) | Young-Son Cho Corresponding author