‘청아’는 내재해 다수성 장류용콩 신품종을 육성하기 위하 여 내도복, 다수성 품종인 ‘신팔당콩 2호’를 모본으로 1999년 도에 인공교배한 SS99505 조합으로 계통육성법으로 선발하였으며 계통명은 ‘강원 110호’이다. 꽃색은 백색이고 잎모양 은 난형이며, 종자모양은 구형이다. 종피색과 배꼽색은 황색 이고 백립중은 25.2 g으로 ‘태광’보다 2.4 g 무거운 대립이다. ‘태광’에 비하여 개화기는 7월 20일로 11일 빠르고 성숙기는 9월 30일로 5일 빨라 조숙종이면서도 등숙기간은 6일 길다. 특히, 도복에 강하며 불마름병과 바이러스에 강하다. 수량성 은 ‘태광’보다 생산력검정시험에서는 15% 증수하였고, 철원 등 4개 단작지역 적응성검정시험에서는 14% 증수하여 평균 종실수량이 ha당 2.72톤이다.
A new soybean cultivar ‘Cheonga’ was released by Gangwondo Agricultural Research & Extension Services, Republic of Korea in 2009. The Goal of breeding was for high yield, lodging tolerance, and resistance to diseases such as Soybean mosaic virus and bacterial pustule. The ‘Cheonga’ was selected from progenies obtained from a cross between ‘Shinpaldal 2’, showing yellow seed coat, lodging tolerance and high yield, and ‘SS91809’, showing yellow seed coat, lodging tolerance and early maturity. It has a determinate growth habit, white flower, yellow seed coat, yellow hilum and large spherical seed (25.2 g per 100 seeds). The ‘Cheonga’ has 11 days early in flowering date and 5 days early in maturity than the check cultivar ‘Taekwang’. The ‘Cheonga’ has 6days longer in maturity period than the check cultivar. The ‘Cheonga’ is partial tolerant to soybean mosaic virus and bacterial pustule, the major soybean disease in Korea. Especially, ‘Cheonga’ shows lodging tolerance. The average yield of ‘Cheonga’ was 2.72 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials carried out in two years from 2006 to 2007, which was 14 percent higher than that of check cultivar, ‘Taekwang’.