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지구화 시대와 기독교 선교 KCI 등재

Globalization Period and Christianity Mission

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243213
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,100원
선교신학 (Theology of Mission)
한국선교신학회 (The Korean Society of Mission Studies)

This study is to focus on the contribution and explain in Christian mission toward global society. Globalization can be defined as the set of processes that yields a single world. Globalization is the process by which societies become interdependent in aspects of their values, culture, economics, social, and political. It is easy to communicate interdependent relationships through multimedia in the electronic culture. Global society has entered the Online Age, the world of instant access. Accelerating change has reached a critical point where all parts of the globe are electronically linked. This global society is connected by the development of information technology. In the global society we see progress through the Internet. The Internet access connects us worldwide, which is software with a common shape of organizing and processing information. Concerns for challenge of missional issues in global society is an important task in this article of how best connect for Christian mission to the various issues in globalization. Some issues are Islam expansion and growth in the world, postmodernism, secularism, and religious pluralism. I have suggest some Korea church tasks toward Christian mission in the 21century. We need international mission partnership between Korea church and World church. We must be evangel frontier mission toward unreached people in the world. Finally we have flexible mission strategy and wholistic mission in various mission fields and contexts.

  • 전석재(백석대학교 선교학)
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