
선교신학 KCI 등재 Theology of Mission

이 간행물 논문 검색


제14집 (2007년 2월) 10

통일과 북한선교

2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The recent nuclear crisis triggered by North Korea on October 9, 2006 and the subsequent changes of political environment of the Korean Peninsula and surrounding superpower countries demand the Korean Christians to think seriously about the impending future of the South-North relationship and the possibility of the reunification of two Koreas no matter what kind of process may be taking place during the course of reunification. Even the possibility of sudden collapse of the North Korean regime has been cautiously proposed. At least many politicians and observers agree to the reality that the Koreas are in the first stage of reunification after the historical South-North Summit Talks in 1990. What does Korean Christianity do for the impending reunification of the Koreas? Do we have a master plan for the future other than the old paradigm of nationalistic approach by the radical proponents of “Unification Theology” during the 1970s and 1980s? Do we have a mission plan for North Korean Christianity after the reunification other than the imperialistic church planting based on South Korean Christians' denominational lines? What if there is a sudden collapse of North Korea? The present author aims to provide a comprehensive outlook for the leaders of South Korean Christianity to review the possible scenarios of reunification process by examining the expecting results of reunification and/or collapse. The author predicts that there will be (1) massive migration of North Koreans to South Korea (2) minor territorial conflict with China (3) the rapid dismantle of North Korean society (4) the rapid rise of unemployment rate (5) the rise of anti-North Koreans sentiment (6) the dissatisfaction of North Koreans increases. To verify these predictions, the author investigates the preceeding case of reunification in Germany, the role of East German Church in the process of reunification and the following results, and the lesson that could be gathered from the cases of North Korean refugees who have tried to settle in South Korean society. As conclusion, the present author suggests to South Korean Church to prepare the followings: (1) the theological enterprises for the soft-landing of North Koreans' Ju-che Philosophy (2) the theological articulation for preventing social anomie among North Koreans (3) Making South Korean churches as a strong mediating structure to make a political space (4) Interpreting the Christian Gospel with the theology of peaceful reconciliation and mutual endurance (5) Becoming a member of reunification governance (6) Paradigm shift from “nationalistic strategy” to “global-dimension reunification plan”.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study concentrates on analyzing the realities of the early childhood education in North Korea. After the liberation of Korea, the North drew all of their policies out of Karl Marx’s and Nikolai Lenin’s socialistic ideology. The early childhood education policy has been one of the policies to fulfill Marx’s ideology which after the establishment of the juche ideology in 1970 replaced the child nurture education ideology. North Korea’s child nurture education ideology can be classified as first, growing the child into a revolutionary juche type person. Second, make them recognize Kim Il Sung as the only leader for the juche ideology. Third, educate them to be guardians for the revolution of communism. And finally, it can be classified as the liberation of the female from children fostering and family duties. After the death of their chief Kim Il Sung in 1994, their system changed by focusing on Kim Jung Il. During 1999, in which North Korean law and ordinances experienced fast changes, the 1976 enacted [early childhood education law] underwent additions and rectifications. Looking at North Korea’s early childhood education based on those changes, children now are receiving collectively nurture education at early childhood education institutions such as day nursing centers and Kindergarten, if early at age of 1 month. Early childhood education expenses are all covered by the government and society. The basic idea of the preschool system is to raise them strong and implant a communistic mind early on. In North Korea children age 1 month to 3 years old receive nurture education at the day nursing center, and children of age 4 years to 5 years receive their education at the Kindergarten. They maintain a same age grouping system. Especially in Kindergarten the preschool education of the higher classes are regarded as compulsive education. North Korea’s early childhood education has a lot to do with the woman’s liberation of household responsibilities. Therefore the configuration of the childcare institutions is divided regarding women employment patterns. Thus, there are childcare institutions in which they can entrust their child for one day, one week, 10 days, or even for one month. The purpose of North Korea’s early childhood education is to prepare the ground for the school education in which the main focus is on ideology. Particularly in 1995, after Kim Il Sung’s death, they published an education guide with the title ‘Children have to be well educated from early on’and thereby enforced ideology education for children. It appeared that the main context about the ideology education is based on stories about Kim Il Sung’s and Kim Jung Il’s childhood. According to the principal of North Korea’s educational constitution they enforce intellectual education, culture of aesthetic sentiments and physical education to create an overall developed communistic being which has combined aspects of revolutionary-, working class conversions and virtue and knowledge. In terms of intellectual education in which classes are focused on the teacher, nowadays tend to practice more active participation methods which involve singing and observations, most of the class material is still about Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il. An efficient way to transmit educational context is to make them aware, classify them into age and physiological characteristics and assuring a unified way of teaching, and so on. The training for new teachers of formal school education and early childhood education falls to the obligation of each province. Thus, every district has the obligation and responsibility to educate new teachers or caretakers of the day nursing center and Kindergarten through formal school education channels. In case of shortage of teachers and caretakers they use informal school education channels to supply of those. Furthermore present teachers are required to take re-education classes to provide for excellent performance. This re-education is exists to extend the teachers pragmatic political abilities and to put emphasized meaning on the revolutionary worldview.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The number of North Korean defectors has increased from the 1990s. This phenomena has sought some significance as the reunification of the Koreas is being considered. It can shed insight on problems of socio-psychological adaptation. The dynamic process of the defectors' adaptation to the South Korean society may model a process of adaptation needed on a wider scale of and when reunification of Korea is achieved. North Korean defectors in South Korea are experiencing various difficulties in the capitalist society of South Korea including different value, identity problem, difficulties of social life, economic unrest, and psychological and emotional uneasiness. In this study, their problems and difficulties are analyzed for developing adaptation process. The process of adaptation for defectors can be divided into four stages: pre-awareness, awareness, adaptation and settlement. Particularly, mental and psychological difficulties are stumbling blocks to their adaptation. They need education for social adaptation and counseling programs. In fact, many South Koreans do not understand the North Korean defectors' difficulties in their process of adaptation. South Korean people need to accept North Korean defectors as their brothers and sisters, as persons of the same nation. Reunification is not restoration of the original state before the division. True reunification is to restore a broken relationship between the North and South.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The article deals with the roles of Chinese Christian NGOs for social service and the implications for North Korea. The article consists of 4 parts: Chinese NGOs and the roles for social service, possibility of Chinese Christian NGOs for social service, the implications for North Korea, and missionary tasks of Korean Churches for both China and North Korea. The first part discusses necessity of NGOs for social service in China which has been in sufferings such as gap of the rich and the poor, and unemployment due to the economic reform policies of China. The reform policy motivated to establish many kinds of NGOs in Chinese civil society. Under the socialist political rule Chinese NGOs are characterized with the supplementary roles for Chinese authority or mediation roles between the authority and people. The second part analyzes the Chinese Christian NGOs and their social roles. Under the religious policies of the Chinese regime, the history and theology of the three-self church and so-called the home-based church are described. Their social roles are analyzed in the perspective of NPO which is existed for public service. Particularly the activities of the Amity Foundation, an excellent Christian NGO in China are emphasized. The third part describes some possibilities of Christian NGOs for social service in North Korea which has just started to exercise the economic reform policy. During implementing the policy most of North Korean people have been suffered from social problems such as gap between the rich and the poor. NGOs can contribute to relieve North Korean from social poverty. Also the society needs some Christian NGOs. In conclusion the article suggests two tasks to the Korean Churches in the perspective of NGO. First, the Churches are asked to support to establish Christian NGOs in North Korea such as the Amity Foundation in China. Second, the Churches should reflect their mission policies for China which emphasized on conversion and church planting. Instead the Churches are asked to support to develop Christian NGOs in China.

지구화시대 신학교육

2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
1. Die Kirche steht heute vor der Herausforderung der Globalisierung. Die ernste und dringende missiologische Aufgabe besteht darin, den Kirchen und Christen zu helfen, die von den negativen Folgen der Glaoblaisierung konfrontiert sind. Es gibt unheimlich viele Probleme, die vom Prozess der Globalisierung verursacht wurden. Aber Ich halte die folgenden Probleme fuer die Gewaltigste, naemlich, die Vertiefung der Armut durch die Polarisierung, Konflik der Religionen, Gewalt, und die Zerstoerung der Vielfaeltigkeit der Kulturen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit liegt darin, zu untersuchen, welche theologische Herausforderung die Globalisierung mit sich bringt, inwieweit diese Herausforderung im theologischen Ausbildungsprozess in Korea und Taiwan beruecksichtigt wird, und wie das Curriculum fuer den veraenderten Kontext neu konstituiert werden kann. Dafuer habe ich zwei Laenderbeispiele gewaehlt, denn Korea und Taiwan haben sehr aehnlichen historischen Erfahrungen hinter sich, bzw, die kolonialherschaft, die westliche Mission, die politische Unterdrueckung und kirchliche Widerstandsbewegung und die gemeinsamen religioesen Traditionen(Buddhismus, Konfuzi -anismus, Taoismus, Shamanismus etc.). Der Grund dafuer, warum die Tehologie sich fuer die Wirkung der Globalisierung interessiert, liegt insbesondere darin, dass der grosse Teil der Menschen von den sehr negativen Folgen der Globalisierung betroffen sind und darunter leiden. Nicht nur auf der internationalen Ebene, sondern auch auf der Ebene des Binnenlandes vertieft die Globalisierung den Kluft zwischen Armen und Reichen, die Polarisierung der Arbeit und Ausbildung durch die Integration des Weltmarktes, das FTA und die revolutionaere Entwicklung der Kommunikationstechnologie. Die Globalisierung aktiviert die internationale Wanderung der Arbeitskraft und die daraus folgenden interkulturellen Begegnungen. Das Ostasien war und ist heute noch eine multireligioese Gesellschaft. Viele Laender leiden unter der strukturellen Armut. Der ethnische und religioese Konflikt ist die latente Krise, die zu jeder Zeit explodiert werden kann. 2. In Asien haben Korea und Taiwan sehr aehnlichen historischen Erfahrungen: zuerst im sozio-politischen Sinne, die japanische Kolonialherschaft, die Unterdrueckung des autoritaeren Regimes, der Kampf fuer Demokratie, Freiheit und Unabhaengigkeit. Und dann im kirchlichen Sinne, die beiden Laender waren ein Missionsland und die Kirche, insbesondere die presbyterianische Kirche war gepraegt von der kontextuelle Theologie auf Grund der politischen Situation. Dies fuehrte zur Vernachlaessigung des interreligioesen Dialoges. Im Curriculum der theologischen Ausbildung ist der interreligoese Dilaog entsprechend wenig berucksichtigt. Die theologische Ausbildung began in Asien etwa vor 200 Jahren und war von der europaeischen und amerikanischen Mission bestimmt. Die theologische Ausbildung war auch ein Produkt der Missionarischen Theologie. Aber dennoch hat sich die theologische Ausbildung inzwischen sehr viel veraendert durch die aktiven oekumenischen Bewegungen. Der oekumenische Merkmal der theologischen Ausbildung muss sichtbar werden im offenen Verhaeltnis zu anderen religioesen Traditionen, zu anderen theologischen Versuchen und im aktiven Engagement der Laien. Die Theologische Ausbildung in Korea orientierte sich lange auf die USA und Europa und zeigte weinige Interesse fuer die Entwicklung der asiatischen Theologie. In anderen asiatischen Laender ist es m.E nicht viel anders. Es ist an der Zeit, dass die Kirchen in Asien voneinander lernen und versuchen, im kulturell und historisch gemeinsamen Kontext theologisch zusammenzuarbeiten. Die oekumenische Theologie ist nicht ein Disziplin oder ein Anhang der Theologie. Oekumene bestimmt den Charakter und die Orientierung der Theologie ueberhaupt. Theologie ist ihrem Wesen nach oekumenisch oder nicht oekumenisch. Oekumene wird im weiteren Sinne als 'Haushalt' verstanden, bzw. als 'lebendig machen aus der Kraft des Todes'. Die oekumenische Theologie richtet sich nach Leben und Gleichheit des Menschen. Es kann keine Theologie geben, wenn sie die Wirklichkeit der Zerstoerung des Lebens stilschweigend duldet und Gott des Lebens nicht verkuendet. Oekumenische Theologie im Zeitalter der Globalisierung zu treiben, beginnt zuerst mit grundsaetzliche Veraenderung des traditionellen Curriculums aus der Sicht des Lebens, also aus der Perspektive des leidenden Volkes.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Christian Education and theological education in the secular age has to change their traditional framework. Theological Education which regards and addresses secularization as a negative phenomenon cannot properly serve the contemporary pluralistic society. The traditional understanding of both Christian Education and Theological Education is that they serve as the “light“ of world. The traditional position of theological education in the West is that education should serve as a light that brightens the dark world with the Christian spirit. Theology was considered the most superior discipline which lit the world from its ivory tower. There is the position of Christian and Theological Education as the “salt“ which purifies the secular things of the world as well as the secular aspects which have penetrated Christianity through the process of secularization. This is the position maintained by the school of fundamental Christian and Theological Education which is against secularization. The problem of this position is that, according to the dualistic world-view, the church is not willing to go into the world but attempts to purify the world and bring it into the church. Thus it does not complete the secularization of Jesus Christ who was incarnated to come and serve the world. As such, Christian Education and Theological Education has to play the role of “leaven“ in the world just as the Church has to be the leaven of the world. Education should be like leaven which spreads the Christian spirit and the Gospel by changing the world in the pluralistic fields of mission of the secular age. For this kind of education, Christian Education and Theological Education need to become concrete and practical to befit contemporary pluralism, and further to be changed into mission-oriented education. In this sense, I would like to propose the reform of Theological Education focusing on practical Biblical Theology, practical Church History, practical Systematic theology and missional Practical Theology.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the era of globalization, patriarchal system has been expanded and those on the margin of the system, including women, become poorer and their status gets lower in the hierarchy. Especially, traditional gender role division between the public and the private widens feminization of poverty. The traditional gender role division is so deeply rooted in church system and theological education that limits women's participation in church leadershi Patriarchal features of theological education vary. First of all, it is fundamentally found in its patriarchal understanding of God as patriarch. It is also found in Europe-centered theological curricula as well as in the dualistic division between teacher and learner and between theory and practical site. To critically engaging theological education in the context of Korea, the present article suggests four elements for developing a post patriarchal theological education. First, the purpose of theological education needs to focus on the development of theological personality to raise individuals that concerns justice and love of God, instead of vaguely stating its aim to raise those who serve the world and church. Second, a post patriarchal theological curricula bring intra-disciplinary courses into practice. The courses would be framed based on a subject or practical issues driven from the realities of Korea, instead of following traditional curricula that affirms sharp division of subject areas. Third, a post-patriarchal theological education seeks to establish alternative theological concepts that reflect current realities. For example, instead of understanding God according to title or human role, as like God the Father, God can be described according to the action of God, such as God the creator, God the redeemer, and God the savior. Finally, a radical change of patriarchal structure of church is necessary for the effective operation of post patriarchal theological education.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study of Asbury Missiology is an analysis of the theological characteristics of missiology. Through this analysis, the goal is to try to understand the direction where the American missiology is heading, to offer directives to help those who wish to study missiology in the United States, to compare the course of the Korean missiology and that of Asbury’s. Lastly, the goal is to look into which direction the course on Korean missiology, one of the categories of theological education in this global era, should be established and how it should be expanded. The first chapter is about understanding why look into this issue through Asbury Theological Seminary. The second chapter will look into the history of Asbury Theological Seminary and its theological tradition. The third chapter is about Asbury’s faculty and its missiology courses. In the fourth chapter, the characteristics of the curriculum of Asbury Missiology will be evaluated and the new alternative proposal of Stanley will be introduced and evaluated. In the fifth chapter, I will present the awaiting task that the Korean missiology academic world should solve, and finish up this text.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is to focus on the contribution and explain in Christian mission toward global society. Globalization can be defined as the set of processes that yields a single world. Globalization is the process by which societies become interdependent in aspects of their values, culture, economics, social, and political. It is easy to communicate interdependent relationships through multimedia in the electronic culture. Global society has entered the Online Age, the world of instant access. Accelerating change has reached a critical point where all parts of the globe are electronically linked. This global society is connected by the development of information technology. In the global society we see progress through the Internet. The Internet access connects us worldwide, which is software with a common shape of organizing and processing information. Concerns for challenge of missional issues in global society is an important task in this article of how best connect for Christian mission to the various issues in globalization. Some issues are Islam expansion and growth in the world, postmodernism, secularism, and religious pluralism. I have suggest some Korea church tasks toward Christian mission in the 21century. We need international mission partnership between Korea church and World church. We must be evangel frontier mission toward unreached people in the world. Finally we have flexible mission strategy and wholistic mission in various mission fields and contexts.
2007.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Inevitably, Korean-Americans have had to suffer an ethnic identity crisis in living between Korean culture and American culture. Sometimes they ask themselves “Who am I? Where do I belong in between Korean society and American society? Am I a Korean or an American?” This is the Korean-American’s trouble and wrestling for ego synthesis in the middle of the American culture. There are bigger gaps between assimilated children and parents who are not readily assimilated into American culture. The author is very concerned about the outlook for the future of the Korean-American family situation, especially in the generation gap problem. As a possible answer to this circumstance, the author researches the missiological importance of Korean-American’s identity education through the use of the Jewish model, who successfully maintains their own identity despite their long periods of Diaspora history. In section 1, the author deals with the nations which have survived and will survive in the future, especially concentrating on Arnold Toynbee’s theory about challenge and response, and the three essences of the collapse of civilization. Another main focus of this section is Jewish education as an important identity keeping tool. In section 2, the author discusses the Jewish and the Korean-American in the viewpoint of assimilation models, especially based on the Gordon, Won-mu Hurh, and Kitano’s analysis about assimilation. In comparison with Piaget’s external assimilation and internal accommodation, Gordon’s social structural assimilation theory is applied to the Jewish model as a good model of the Korean-American’s identity education method, and Gordon’s cultural assimilation theory is applied to the African-American model. Won-mu Hurh’s four models are mentioned in this section. Kitano’s four cells also are dealt with in this section. In section 3, the author deals with Yong-soo Hyun’s vertical culture and horizontal culture as a good answer to the Korean-American's identity question. In section 4, the author handles the role of parents as important teachers of their children. In section 5, the author deals with the role of the Korean immigrant church as an important place of the Korean-American’s identity education. In all sections, the author compares the Jewish model with the Korean-American situation.