
선교신학 KCI 등재 Theology of Mission

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제6집 (2002년 12월) 13


2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There are many different cultures in this world. Likewise, it is important to understand that cultures are largely different. There are about 175 definitions of culture according to cultural anthropologists. However, it is clear that there is only one Gospel in the midst of many different cultures. It is the biblical truth which cannot be changed under any circumstances. The biblical truth sets people free of sins and lets them have eternal life (In. 8:36). The goal of missions is to witness to Jesus Christ, the Word of God and pursue true conversion as a result of a radically different world view. The core of true conversion is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. The way of making His disciples and the meaning of becoming His disciples could be different according to culture. A cross-cultural missionary should understand culture and love the people in culture and minister to the people's needs in order to communicate the Gospel to the people (I Cor. 9:20). The cross-cultural missionary needs to encourage the people to become Christ's disciples as Jesus Christ served the people in incarnational ways. The people need to encounter the Lord in their own culture and have a close fellowship with Him. In consequence, the cross-cultural missionary should not impose his or her own cultural forms upon the people whom he or she is called to serve. Rather, a cross-cultural missionary needs to communicate the biblical truth instead of his or her own cultural forms. It is because what is sacred is not a cultural form but the biblical truth. To communicate the biblical truth to the people, the crosscultural missionary needs to distinguish biblical meanings from cultural forms and to communicate the biblical meanings to the people in their cultural forms. As discussed, culture is an effective medium of communicating the Gospel message to the people who are yet to be Christians. The cross-cultural missionary has the responsibility to share the Gospel with the people without destroying their culture. As Abraham respected and accepted the Hittites' custom (Gn. 23: 1-19) and the apostle Paul encouraged Gentiles to become Christians while remaining in their cultures (Acts 15), a cross-cultural missionary has to respect the people's culture. Human culture is worth being saved. Culture is an effective means of fulfilling God's intention. There is a close relationship between the Gospel and culture. The Gospel traverses, judges, and saves culture. The Gospel dedicates, sanctifies, and beautifies culture. The Gospel exorcises demons in culture. Culture receives or rejects the Gospel. Culture communicates the Gospel and conditions peoples to have faith in it. Culture brings glory to God.
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
It is essential that we have appropriate missions to share and communicate the Gospel, and to understand the interests, needs and world views of those we are trying to communjcate with. However, the big issue of today's missions seems to be the problem of cotextualization. During the mission history of two thousand years, there were so many experiences and attempts of the cross-cultural missions, questions like, "How the Gospel can be communicated effectively and relevant" figure prominently in the discussions of contextualization. The old forms or pre-stages of contextualization are accommodation, adaptation, and indigenization. It is enough to note some of that kind of approach, i.g. the missions of Mateo Ricci , Roberto de Nobili, etc. Although there has been much work on the subject of contextualization, the author will trace in this paper the historical background and theory of the contextualization. and try to show contextualization as a paradigm shift in mission theology. Then the author suggests to consider the theoretical basis of the contextualization, like principles, I) creative tension or complementarity of Gospel and cu ltures, 2) "indigenizing principle and pilgrim principle", 3) "critical contextualization", and "transcultural or supral cultural theology", and 4) "the prophetic, hermeneutical, and personal challenges of contextualization." However, contextualization is not the only method of missions, it has also limitations. Contextualization of the Gospel should be always reflected and reaffirmed in the process of mi ssions, by the "the international hermeneutical community"( ecumenical co-worker and local church leader, missionary and theologian), with the principle of theologia viatorum.

2부: 선교가 문화를 취급하는 방법유형

2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The article articulates a relation between gospel and culture in terms of mission, focused on the conceptual development of "contextualization", The article analyzes replication model from the 17th century to 1850s, indigenization model to 1970s, inculturation model and contextualization model from early 1970s, and currently appeared inter-contextualization model in the light of relation between transmission and reception of gospel in the mission field , The models are discussed in view of three points: first, understanding of mission, i, e. subject of mission, second, understanding of gospel, i. e. attitude to the Bible, third, understanding of culture, i. e. inclusive extent of socio-political aspect. In conclusion the article discloses some problems such as various possibility of translation of foreign terminologies into Korea, ambiguity of contextualization model, syncretic inclination of inculturation model and finally suggests the inter-disciplinary approach to the (inter-) contextualization model.
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Der Begriff "Synkretismus" kann, quasi wertneutral, rein deskriptiv-phanomenologisch verstanden werden; gewohlich jedoch verbinden sich mit ihm negative Bedeutung - die offenbarte, uberlieferte, gelehrte "reine" Religion wird verletzt und insofern geschwacht, gleichsam "verunreinigt" - es entsteht moglicherweise eine "Bastard-Religion". Synkretismus meint nach der fundamentalistischen Auffassung die unzulassige Vermjschung von religiosen und kulturellen Elementen mit der christ lichen Botschaft. Die Frage nach dem Wert des Synkretismus verweist auf den Standort des Beobachters. Wer an einer Stelle steht, die vom Katholizismus profitiert, wird dazu nei gen, den Synkretismus als eine Bedrohung anzusehen, die es zu meiden gilt. Wer dagegen naher am Boden ist, der wird im Synkretismus einen normal en und naturlichen Prozen sehen. Welche Definition und Bewertung von Synkretismus ist hilfreich? Dieser Artikel handelt sich diese Problematik in verschiedener Kultur.

3부: 선교와 문화의 지역적 사례들

2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The concept of globalization has emerged as a powerful paradigmatic concept in explaining many far-reaching economic, social, and cultural transformations in many parts of the world. Globalization can be defined as all the multi-dimensional process by which peoples of the world are incorporated into a global society. The drives of globalization are the tools of modern technology and the free market economy. The purpose of this paper is to understand globalization as a modern context for mission and how it has influenced the Korean church. This paper argues that globalization is not only opportunities for Christian mission but also obstacles against it. This paper discusses some benefits and obstacles to mission. For example, in an age of globalization more and more people can have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message, however, it makes more difficult for them to be disciples. Globalization encourages the context to foster the privatization of Christian faith. The paper suggests some future tasks for the Korean church in an age of globalization: the development of partnership, faith community, worldwide and communal sense of responsibility, and Christian civil society movements. It is hoped that the Korean church will contribute to the globalization of Christian gospel in the future, by embracing the global vision, one Kingdom of God under Jesus Christ.
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The article is to describe the recent phenomena in the area of American culture and religion such as multiculturalism, popular religion, and civil religion. It is also to evaluate those phenomena from the viewpoint of a missiological perspective. Multiculturalism is defined as all kinds of activities which try to support the various cultures and heritages of ethnic people groups and to overcome ethnocentrism. It is criticized by the conservatives as a political theory which tends to lose its truth, universality, and objectivity. From the missiological point of view, it can be used for developing the multicultural strategies for Christian missions. Popular religion exists outside the official religious institutions and it is related to the folk beliefs such as dream, charisma, trans meditation, channeling, angels, faith healing, and etc. It is criticized by Neoorthodox theologians that it tends to neglect the historical and political aspects of the social phenomena. Even though it is criticized by them as syncretism, it can be helpful for Christian missions to understand people's popular lives. Civil Religion is to respect the virtues and values of American citizens which are traced to Christian values such as temperance, private assets, individual responsibility, and patriotism. It is criticized as an ecumenical Protestant tribalism which tends to be misused by the imperialistic expansionism to destroy the cultures of minority. From the perspective of Christian missions, it should transform its selfishness into the world brotherhood in the 21 st century of the universal and multicultural world.
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This thesis critically analyzes the present condition of Christianity in Asia. It notes the shift of World mission from a Western perspective to Asian perspective. It also provides a descriptive analysis of the factors affecting the spread of Christianity in Asia. Concrete recommendations are drawn to fortify Asian missions. Furthermore, this thesis discusses the role of Korean Christians, as a majority, in the spread of the gospel. The Christian population in Asia is considered statistically as a marginalized denomination with less than ten percent (10%) share of the total world Christian population. However, considering the thirty percent (30%) Christians around the world, Asian Christians constitute a minute proportion to Ule face of the Christian faith. This is taken in the context of a global perspective that Christian Mission in Asiastill continues to be in the state of passivity despite the numbers of missions sent abroad to spread the gospel. The 21st century World Mission has shifted its target to the Asian third world countries. W. B?lman stressed that the center of mission is moving towards the 3rd world countries. Missions have taken into account the number of population and the di stinctive features of Asia. W. B?lman also noted that before the 21st century the Christian population among the whites is more overwhelming than the nonwhite Christians. In the turn of the 21st century, the growth has changed. This is manifested in the growth of non-white Chri stian population in Asia after the evangeli zation by the western missionaries. To date, the 3rd world Christians has taken quantum leaps to share the gospel to their neighboring countries. Despite the missions conducted by churches and Christians in Asia, the people has stayed steadfast to passivity to the acceptance of the gospel. One distinct feature of Asian roots is its various cultural heritage. These roots have been celebrated and preserved to take its truest color. The spirit evolved by this heritage enlivens the Asians. Throughout the years missions have approached these cultures in the light of western ideology and theology. The differences created a conflict and resulted to the passivity of Asians to Christian faith. The author agrees with Aloysius Pieris that poverty is a major factor in the resistance of the Asians to accept the gospel. The control of st ru ctured institutions, s uch as government, eco nomy and education, have hindered the influx of new fa ith. Aloysius Pieris calls this forced poverty. Asian countries have been the crad les of world religions. The growth of these religions all ied the growth of civilization, which strengthened believers in Asia. Some of these world religions are: Shintoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and even Christianity. These religions have guided believers through their respective scriptures and the tides of civilization strengthened these faiths among Asians. Missions have been idealistic to penetrate the threshold of these major religions and make them accept the Christian faith. But the plurality of religions curtailed the light of Christian faith to the Asians. The Asian population plays a vital challenge to the world Christian Mission. It constitutes a big portion of the world population in which the Christian faith has not reached. The immersion of missionaries to do the task of sharing the gospel has been in vain. Passivity of Christians has always been the reason for the resistance. However, this research, P9sits that mission should be revolutionized to achieve its goal of sharing the gospel. Choan Seng Song suggests Transpositional Theology to carry out the mission. This is the change of approach to introduce the gospel based on Asian perspective. Aloysius Pieris calls this as Asian style gospel. Adaptation to the different cultures in Asia through mission research will play crucial role in the attainment of the task. With the adequate knowledge of the culture, genuine empathy to the experiences, situation, condition and status of Asians will ease the immersion of missionaries in a different culture. The establishment of oneness to the particular group of Asian will be timely for the inculcation of the Christian scripture. Thus, increasing the chance to spread the gospel successfully. Since oneness is very important to the spread of the gospel, Asians are more capable of understanding, adapting, empathizing with fellow Hinduism, Asians. This is called by Choan Seng Song as the 3rd ideology that only Asians can see the Asian roots. Theology school system should restructure its westernized method of teaching theology. Western missionaries have left Asian Theology schools with teachings designed in western context and it has effected the spread of the gospel by Asians also using the western approach. Students of theology will appreciate more the teachings of, the gospel when the context is based on their Asian background and experiences. Appreciative students will be potent instruments in the spreading of the truth. Forced poverty as stated earlier has been identified by Aloysius Pieris to hinder the spread of Christianity, which is in contrast to voluntary poverty. Voluntary poverty manifests the features of a true Christian. He who chooses to be poor truly believes in the doctrine and wholeheartedly serves for the spread of the gospe\. He is a selfless servant of the church and tries to live a life that of Jesus Christ. World mission is optimistic that the realization of its vision will be achieved. Asian Christians comprises only less than ten percent (10%) of the Asian population. Despite the Chri stianityis unpopularity in Asia, Korea has reached a majority in number. Recently, statistics shows that twenty five percent (25%) of the Korean population are Christians. Unlike other Asian countries with framed religions such as Japan (Shintoism), India (Hinduism/ Buddism), China (Confucianism), Korea has opened its horizon to other religions, which includes Christianity . Historically, Korea has its religious roots in Shamanism. In the passing of time, Christian missionarie have immersed with traditions and belief of Korea. Other philosophies (Confucianism, Buddhism, Shintoism, Hinduism) have also found their way to shape Korean belief. Since Christian population in Korea is overwhelming now , Christians are to take part in the spreading of the gospel in Asia. This is the role of the Korean Christians. With the recommendations above, Korean Missions are expected to prosper in its missiological task in religious plurality in Asia.
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This thesis is review on a study for the relation Gospel and local culture in Korea. There were theological efforts to searching for the relation between Gospel and traditional culture since transmitting christianity to Korea. I call the discussion of the relation between Gospel and traditional culture theology of inculturation. The notion of inculturation is a term that is mainly discussed in the context of encounter between the Christian Gospel and the local culture. Inculturation also means that Christianity takes root within a particular culture, bears fruit and continues to thrive. It is to be lived and evangelized in the life of korean people. Thus when the local culture of Korea have received the evangelical values of Christianity, it had undergone the process of being renewed and perfected. The inculturation of Christianity brings about mutual progress and renewal. When the Gospel meets the culture of Korea, it renews and perfects local culture. In turn, the Gospel gains the richness of the proper value of the local culture. The objective of inculturation is to embody the spirit of Gospel in hope that its Christian message permeate the lives of the people. IncuIturation needs to undergo the process of local and historical adaptation. This presentation will examine the literature on inculturation and focus on the reality of inculturation, what contemporary Koreans desire concerning the inculturation of the Christianity, and the direction that Inculturation needs to take at this time in history. Inculturational theology in Korea is a result of searching for the relation between Gospel and korean traditional culture. In this Thesis I also share putting the question of inculturational theology in Korea. At first I will review the styles of inculturational theologies by korean theologians. An next I will also look upon theological duties which we should have take. There are much studies on the progress of inculturation in Korea. I am proud of that. In conclusion, I will propose some tasks for the theology of inculturation in korean Christianity. At first, there must be relevance of context in the inculturation. And We must study christian culture which has been inculturated since the first age of mission to Korea. I think that the Korean Church is expected to take root in Korean society as Korean Christianity is always being inculturated according to time and place.
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The internet is "an information flea market" in which people can easily access online magazines, world information and discussion groups. Electronic mail is fast becoming an essential tool for communication. However, it does not only deal with information and communication. A new vocabulary is showing up, such as, the world of cyberspace "and electronic community" which indicate the occurrence of a new type of life and perception called, the virtual world. Virtual means "almost as good as real" or even better than real. Virtua l reality creates an electronic environment-cyberspace that engages the senses so vividly that it feels reaL" Many people in the coming age will live in this space. This cyberspace is different from mass communication in that "it allows one the opportunity to speak as though to one person, yet reach millions."


2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
2002.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료