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도로 침하에 따른 아스팔트 파손에 대한 연구 KCI 등재후보

A case study for the asphalt damage with the subsidence

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/246065
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

This example was able to focus on the long usage of the pavement that it was merely through the oxidation of the asphalt pavement which it could contact with on the road in the industrial housing complex and correlation regulation of the asphalt subsidence with the load in basic Infra of the configuration. The problem in conjunction with the subsidence (transformation) was interpreted as a problem of the subsidence of each pavement layer to lead the subsidence of the road or the transformation to packaging side asphalt pavement, but the traffic number of times of the heavy vehicle highlights for main problems with the road where is concentrated. In the case of general asphalt paving, it thinks it exposes light, and to study a general phenomenon for the asphalt transformation and a cause for a pavement construction method and the property of material used for pavement and a complement method by the case study at this time of the compound with the heavy vehicle traffic that it can become clear that small success transformation occurs at a point in time when 1-2 years more pass, and a fatigue rift occurs by ultraviolet rays, the oxidation with the contact with the air afterwards, and described beginning to use by the above.

  • 강인원 | Kang, In-Won
  • 조상훈 | Cho, Sang-Hoon
  • 심철우 | Sim, Chul-Woo
  • 김동철 | Kim, Dong-Chul