
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 16

        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vegetable oils are a rich source of bioactive substances. Phytosterols in those have been known for many years for their properties for reducing blood cholesterol levels, as well as their other beneficial health effects. Phytosterols are triterpenes that are important structural components of plant cell membranes just as cholesterol does in animal cell membranes. The aim of this study was to provide consumers with information about phytosterol contents in vegetable oils in Korea market. The contents of major phytosterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol) in 50 vegetable oils of 10 kinds (perilla oil, peanut oil, avocado oil, olive oil, pine nut oil, sesame oil, canola oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil, and sunflower oil) were analyzed by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector. The average contents of vegetable oils containing 5 or more samples were in the order of sesame oil (334.43 mg/100 g), perilla oil (262.16 mg/100 g), grape seed oil (183.71 mg/100 g), and olive oil (68.68 mg/100 g). Phytosterol content of sesame oil and perilla oil was high among vegetable oils.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study constructed a wheat-specific primer and a probe using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS). 2 regions of wheat (Triticum aestivum) and real-time PCR conditions were established. The calibration curve showed a slope of -3.356, a correlation coefficient of 0.998, and an amplification efficiency of 98.589%. Experiments were carried out on the rice flour mixed with 50%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001% of wheat. The result showed that it was possible to detect samples mixed with up to 0.01% of wheat. As a result of checking, the wheat detection potential of rice, 34 processed foods, and seven processed foods was ascertained. The real-time PCR method using the wheatspecific primer and probe developed in this study can be used to identify the authenticity of the raw materials, such as the incorrect indication of the raw materials utilized and the unintended mixing of wheat during the manufacturing process.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오메가-3 제품의 안전성을 알아보기 위하여, 경기지역에 유통되는 20개의 fish oil과 algae oil을 원료로한 건강기능 식품 오메가-3에 대하여 EPA와 DHA의 함량과 산화 정도를 조사하였다. 산가의 결과값은 0-2.9 mg/g으로 평균 및 표준편차는 0.5 ± 0.6이며 CODEX/FAO의 기준 3.0 mg/g을 적용하였을 때 모두 적합하였으며, 과산화물가의 경우 2.6-14.1 meq/kg로 평균 및 표준준편차는 5.5 ± 2.9이며, 기준 5.0 meq/kq을 적용하였을 때 20건 중 11건이 적합하고 9건이 기준을 초과하였다. 아니시딘가는 국제적인 기준을 20을 적용하였을 때 18건이 적합하였으며 2건이 기준을 초과하였다. 총 산화가는 기준 26을 적용하였을 때 16건이 적합하였으며 4건이 기준을 초과하였다. 오메가-3의 산화에 대한 안전성 확보를 위하여 새롭게 설정되어 3월부터 시행되고 있는 산가 및 과산화물가에 대한 기준 올해 11월 시행예정인 아니시딘가와 총산화가에 대한 시행은 매우 바람직하며 지속적인 감시를 통하여 산화로부터의 안전성 확보에 기여할 것으로 보인다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘농약 허용물질목록 관리제도(Positive List System, PLS)’는 당해 농산물에 등록된 농약 잔류허용기준이 없으면 일률기준 0.01 mg/kg을 적용하는 제도이다. 본 연구에서는 경기도 내에서 유통되는 열대과일류의 잔류농약 모니터링을 실시하여 PLS의 실효성을 검토하고, 국내 재배 열대과일의 농약 잔류허용기준 설정에 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 경기도 내 유통되는 열대과일류 120건에 대해 다종농약다성분 분석법에 따라 잔류농약 220종을 검사한 결과 바나나, 망고, 키위 3품목 7건에서 6종의 잔류농약이 검출되었다. 바나나에서 azoxystrobin와 chlorpyrifos, 망고에서 chlorfenapyr, 키위에서 chlorothalonil, iprodione, pro-cymidone이 검출되었다. 그 중 국내산 망고에서 chlorfenapyr, 국내산 키위에서 chlorothalonil이 각각 1건씩 검출되었고 PLS 적용 결과 잔류허용기준을 초과하여 부적합 판정 되었다. 따라서 국내에서 재배되는 열대과일류를 대상으로 농약 잔류허용기준을 설정할 필요가 있다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The safety of fake anti-impotence drugs (fake Viagra : 26 samples, fake Cialis : 25 samples) distributed in Gyeonggi province was studied by monitoring the concentrations of anti-impotence pharmaceutical ingredient and their analogues. The concentrations of anti-impotence pharmaceutical ingredient 4 specis and their analogues 17 specis were estimated using by HPLC/PDA, LC-MS/MS. The range of concentration of sildenafil in fake viagra was 40~199 mg/tablet, among them the portion of the concentrations of sildenafil over 150 mg/tablet exceeded 65%. 3 cases in tested samples contained sildenafil and tadalafil. The range of concentration of sildenafil in fake cialis was 102~249 mg/tablet, among them the portion of the concentrations of sildenafil over 150 mg/tablet exceeded 88%. One case in tested samples contained demethylhongdenafil (90 mg/tablet). These results indicate that there were many fake anti-impotence drug contained high level of anti-impotence pharmaceutical ingredients, a sustainable monitoring and the blocked distribution of fake anti-impotence drugs recommended.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cosmetics using natural materials which was purchased in retail stores, distributed in Gyeonggi province(32 samples) and online through internet(24 samples) were analyzed by pesticide residues and target preservatives for assessing the safety of it. Natural or organic certifications was identified in 22 samples among 56 samples and most of them were Ecocert. Pesticide residues was detected in 3 samples among 56 samples and each compound and concentration was permethrin(0.6 mg/kg), tricyclazole(11.7 mg/kg) and malathion(0.05 mg/kg). All of it was purchased through internet. Target preservatives was detected in 13 samples among 56 samples and one of them was over the maximum allowed concentration and the rest of them were within the maximum allowed concentration of the respective preservatives. The compound which was over the maximum allowed concentration was benzoic acid and compounds which were within the maximum allowed concentration were sorbic acid, benzoic acid and methylparaben. They were all identified substances in products and the number of detected preservatives in retail stores were higher than online samples purchased through internet. As a result of this study, The method of analyzing pesticide residues and limit in cosmetics using natural materials should be set up as soon as possible and the monitoring about preservatives in cosmetics using natural materials should be conducted on continuously.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This example was able to focus on the long usage of the pavement that it was merely through the oxidation of the asphalt pavement which it could contact with on the road in the industrial housing complex and correlation regulation of the asphalt subsidence with the load in basic Infra of the configuration. The problem in conjunction with the subsidence (transformation) was interpreted as a problem of the subsidence of each pavement layer to lead the subsidence of the road or the transformation to packaging side asphalt pavement, but the traffic number of times of the heavy vehicle highlights for main problems with the road where is concentrated. In the case of general asphalt paving, it thinks it exposes light, and to study a general phenomenon for the asphalt transformation and a cause for a pavement construction method and the property of material used for pavement and a complement method by the case study at this time of the compound with the heavy vehicle traffic that it can become clear that small success transformation occurs at a point in time when 1-2 years more pass, and a fatigue rift occurs by ultraviolet rays, the oxidation with the contact with the air afterwards, and described beginning to use by the above.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Especially because of the distinctiveness that new experiments and research provoke coexistence of various risk factors, the researchers in university laboratory are being exposed to incidents that are difficult to predict. Due to the fact that the numbers of accidents that occur at the university laboratory are increasing, the necessity for laboratory safety management is on the rise. Most laboratory accidents are caused by the ability that can detect risk factors such as unsafe behavior or unsafe condition but is not working perfectly. In order to prevent researchers in advance from unsafe behavior or unsafe condition, effective safety education, systematic safety management, safe research environment, continuous safety check and proper measures after accident are the most important factors. In this study, survey was conducted in university laboratory to identify the factors that affect on safety management and to measure the safety management level. As a result, effective measures are proposed for the improvement of the safety management level.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        전통적인 Demerit 관리도는 일반적으로 자동차, 컴퓨터, 핸드폰 등 하나의 복잡한 제품에서 다양한 유형의 결점들이 동시에 발생하는 공정을 모니터링하기 위하여 사용된다. 관리도에서 공정 평균의 작은 변동을 빠르게 감지하기 위한 방법으로 EWMA기법은 매우 효과적이다. 본 연구에서는 EWMA 기법 보다 공정 평균의 작은 변동에 더 좋은 성능을 보이는 GWMA기법과 전통적인 Demerit 관리도(1928)를 결합한 Demerit-GWMA(generally weighted moving average) 관리도를 제안하였으며 그 관리도의 수행도를 평가하였다. 그 수행도 평가 결과, Demerit-GWMA 관리도는 공정 평균의 작은 변동을 감지하는데 classical Demerit 관리도, Demerit-EWMA. 관리도에 비하여 더 민감하다.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The safety of liquid-type herbal preparations (47 samples) and beverages containing herbal medicines (18 samples), which are distributed in Gyeonggi province was studied by analyzing heavy metals,benzo(a)pyrene, preservatives and sugar content and to explain the differences between medicine and food based on the labeling standards. The herbal preparation is regarded as medicine and can be differentiated from the beverages containing herbal medicine, which is food, based on the fact that the herbal preparation should be labeled with usage,dosage, efficiency and effect. The mean concentrations of Pb, As, Cd, Hg were found to be 0.014 mg/kg, 0.113 mg/kg, 0.004 mg/kg and 0.003 mg/kg in herbal preparation and 0.009 mg/kg, 0.122 mg/kg, 0.003 mg/kg and 0.002 mg/kg in beverages containing herbal medicines, respectively. In 10 cases of herbal preparations and 6 cases of beverages containing Rehmanniae Radix Preparata (Sukjihwang), benzo(a)pyrene was not found. According to preservative test on herbal medicine, dehydroacetic acid was found less than the indicated content in 6 cases out of 37 cases, which labeled with preservatives, and benzoic acid, dehydroacetic acid and methylparaben were contained with 164.0~198.0 mg/kg, 149.8~272.5 mg/kg and 88.4 mg/kg, respectively, in 3 cases out of 10 cases, which was not labeled with preservatives. Among 16 cases of beverages containing herbal medicines, 3 cases of preservative-labeled beverages had the preservatives, and the rest of all, which was not labeled with preservatives, did not show that they contain any preservative, therefore, it was suitable for the labeling standards. As a result of sugar content test, preservative-labeled products were not appreciably different from the others.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 경기도내 유통되고 있는 한약 및 한약제제에 대한 안전성을 평가하고자 한약 165종 366건에 대한 중금속 및 잔류이산화황 오염 실태와 한약제제 68건에 대한 보존제 사용 실태를 조사하였다. 한약 중 중금속 검사결과는 13종 17건(4.6%)이 기준을 초과하였고 기준 초과 검출 농도는 Pb 6.1~19.2 mg/kg, Cd 0.4~0.7 mg/kg, As 6.9 mg/ kg, Hg 0.7 mg/kg 이었으며, 국산 한약은 110건 중 2건 (1.8%), 수입산 한약은 256건 중 15건(5.9%)이 기준을 초과 하여 국산보다 수입산이 3.3배나 많았다. 잔류이산화황 검사결과는 10종 13건(3.6%)이 기준을 초과하였고 그 중 국산 한약은 4건에서 105~428 mg/kg이 검출되어 평균 338 mg/ kg이었으며, 수입산 한약은 9건에서 114~2,468 mg/kg이 검출되어 평균 804 mg/kg으로 수입산이 국산 한약 보다 2.4배 높았다. 한약제제에 대한 보존제 검사결과 보존제가 표시 된 17건(액제 14건, 환제 3건) 중 액제 3건에서 dehydroacetic acid가 표시량의 48.9~64.1% 검출되어 표시량 미만이었으며, 환제 1건에서는 benzoic acid가 139.9% 검출되어 표시량을 초과하였다. 보존제가 미표시된 51건(액제 6건, 과립 제 28건, 환제 17건) 중 액제에서 benzoic acid 3건, dehydroacetic acid 1건이 검출되었으며, 과립제 11건과 환 제 7건에서 benzoic acid가 검출되었다.
        2009.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The global economic recession caused a great change of the labor environment such as restructurings and unstable employment. This facts brought about an increase in sense of rivalry, over workload, job uncertainty and lowering of self-confidence. Due to the fact that the work process and employing system in construction field is little differ from normal industries, especially, labors working in construction field are much exposed to the job stress. On this study, we survey construction-field labors and made an analysis of the gathered data through the statistic method to reveal what kind of job-stress factors influence on the defects of construction works. As the result, we investigated the truth of the induction factors which cause the job-stress in costruction field and proposed an alternative plan for an effective job-stress management which make the defect rate low.
        2009.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The government separated and established the industrial safety and health law from the Labor Standard law since 1981 to promote the labor's working environment and to improve the conditions of laborers. The government made a lot of effort to discharge the industrial safety and health law by continuous revision of the law thereafter. it is, however, difficult to establish clear-cut lines of authority and responsibility due to the fact that the substantial application of the industrial safety and health law is adapted by enterprise's autonomous management. There are frequent industrial disasters on the small and medium enterprises which have financial difficulty and it means this causes much more social cost. Finally, for the improvement of laborer's safety, health and working environment in the small and medium enterprises we need to raise the effectiveness of the industrial safety and health law through enhancing a government-office's administration and surveillance with the changing mind of a business proprietor. On this paper, we research on the actual condition of the administration, inspection and regulation of safety and health by means of the industrial safety and health law. Thereafter we analyze how much the Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency and vicarious businesses of safety & health management help. we used the survey method to gather data from 380 laborers directly and analysed the data by SPSS v17.0.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리나라 화장품의 살균⋅보존제 성분은 포지티브 리스트로 관리되고 있다. 포지티브 리스트는 적절한 정량분석법이 필요하지만 아직 분석법 개발이 미비한 상황이다. 본 실험에서는 가스크로마토그래피와 불꽃이 온화검출기(GC/FID)를 이용하여 살균⋅보존제 성분 14종을 동시분석 하는 방법을 개발하였다. 분석법의 validation 결과 특이성을 확인하였고, 검량선의 직선성은 dehydroacetic acid (0.9891)를 제외한 14종에서 상관계수가 0.9997 이상으로 양호하였다. 검출한계(LOD)와 검량한계(LOQ)는 각각 0.0001 mg/mL ∼ 0.0039 mg/mL와 0.0003 mg/mL ∼ 0.0118 mg/mL로 나타났으나, dehydroacetic acid는 각각 0.0204 mg/mL, 0.0617 mg/mL로 나타났다. 반복성은 1.0% 이하로 나왔으나 dehydroacetic acid는 7.1%로 나왔다. 회수률은 96.9% ∼ 109.2% 나타났다. 본 실험방법으로 유통 중인 화장품 50건을 검사한 결과 화장품에 주로 사용되는 살균⋅보존제는 chlorophene, phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, parabens 이고, 모두 배합한도 이내로 검출되었다.