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Measurement of Dynamic Contact Angle of Yarn for Evaluation of Fabric Comfort Performance KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/246316
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감성과학 (Korean Journal of the science of Emotion & sensibility)
한국감성과학회 (The Korean Society For Emotion & Sensibility)

Testing device was newly designed and built to measure the dynamic contact angle. The measurement was made using microscope interfaced with computerized image analysis system while the dynamic condition being controled using Instron. As specimens for the experiment, two different types of fibers, i.e., hydrophilic and hydrophobic, were prepared. In case of hydrophilic fiber, the increase of twist level gave the increase of contact angle. However, in hydrophobic yarn the increase of twist level gave the decrease of contact angle. When saline was used as a telling liquid, the increase of the concentration gave the increase of contact angle. The results rationalized clearly on the basis of known concepts could be used in designing fabric structure for the improvement of comport performance.

  • Cheol-Jae Hong
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