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농촌 마을 공동체 유형에 따른 의식조사 - 충남 예산군을 대상으로 - KCI 등재

Analysis on Community Consciousness of Leaders and Members of Rural Village Community Organizations by types - Case Study on Yesan Gun -

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/248797
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농촌계획 (Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning)
한국농촌계획학회 (Korean Society Of Rural Planning)

The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of rural village's community status and consciousness through a questionnaire survey of community leaders and members. Nine types of rural village communities were selected in Korea through a pre-survey of amenity resources data from the Rural Development Administration. Survey items that could determine characteristics of rural village communities were derived from a literature survey of rural village community systems. A questionnaire survey was conducted for 12 Eup-Myeon in Yesan Gun and responses were gathered from 66 community leaders and 1,222 community members. The results derived from the data collected from the community leaders show that 50% percent of rural village communities have been operating for over 25 years, and that community works such as group purchases are carried out based on emotional sympathies between residents. The results derived from the data collected from community members show that on average, community activities are carried out at places that are between 30 and 60 minutes away. Most members are satisfied with regard to the status of their rural village community. A correlation analysis showed that the rural village community satisfaction depended on travel time, community fee, and activity time.

  • 장우석(공주대학교 지역건설공학전공) | Chang, Woo-Seok
  • 정남수(공주대학교 지역건설공학전공) | Jung, Nam-Su Corresponding author