Effect of Circulation Cycle of Nutrient Solution on the Dissolved Oxygen Concentration, and the Growth and Phytonutrient Contents of Leafy Vegetables Grown in DFT Systems
주요 엽채류 7종의 주년 안정생산을 위한 담액수경 재배 시 양액의 순환주기가 양액의 용존산소 농도, 엽채류의 생육, 그리고 식물영양소의 함량에 미치는 효과를 검토한 결과, 양액을 1일 10분 순환 처리구는 정식 13일 후 용존산소 농도가 급격하게 떨어지고 17일 후에는 2.8mg L-1, 20일 후에는 최저 1.5mg L-1까지 낮아졌다. 처리 20일 후 7가지 엽채류의 생체중은 1일 10분 처리구에서는 대조구인 10분 순환/110분 정지 처리구에 비해 0~24% 범위에서 낮아졌으며, 10분 순환/10분 정지 처리구에서는 -2~34% 증가하였다. 양액의 순환주기가 짧을수록 식물체 엽내 P의 함량이 증가하였으며, 식물체의 C/N율과 비타민 C 함량은 감소하였다. 이상의 결과, 담액수경 엽채류의 안정적인 생육과 식물영영소의 흡수를 위해서 2시간에 10분 정도의 양액 순환 처리가 효율적이었다.
To determine the effects of circulation frequency of nutrient solution, three frequencies of 10min. on/10min. off; 10min. on/110min. off; and 10min. on/1,430min. off. treatments were applied to leafy vegetable production using deep flow technique (DFT) systems and their growth and phytonutrient content were investigated. In the 10min. on/I,430min. off treatment, dissolved oxygen concentration (DOC) 17 days after treatment decreased to 2.8mg. L-1, known to be a low DOC that causes hypoxia, and thereafter decreased to 1.5mg. L-1 20 days after treatment. Fresh weight of 7 leafy vegetables in the 10min. on/1,430min. off treatment was lower by 0~24% than those in the 10min. on/110min. off treatment, and those in the 10min. on/10min. off was higher by -2~34% than those in the 10min. on/110min. off treatment as control. As the more frequent circulation was applied, the higher phosphorous content and the lower carbon to nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) and total ascorbic acid contents were resulted. Results indicate that the circulation frequency of 110min, on/110min. off could be recommended for the production of the tested leafy vegetables in DFT systems.