재배(栽培) 작약(芍藥) 정식(定植) 4년차(年次)인 의성품종(Paeonia lactiflora Pall.)을 지상부(地上部) 생육(生育)이 가장 왕성(旺盛)한 시기(時期)인 6월(月)에 채굴하여 뿌리굵기에 따라 30±2mm, 17±1mm, 12±1mm, 7±1mm로 구분(區分)하여 일반화학성분(一般化學成分)과 주(主) 약효성분(藥效成分)인 paeoniflorin 함양(含量)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 작약근(芍藥根)의 건조(乾燥) 후(後) 수축율(收縮率)은 약(約) 30%이며. 뿌리의 굵기에 따라 그 차이(差異)가 인정(認定)되지 않았다. 2. 외관상(外觀狀) 우수(優秀) 생약재(生藥材)로 평가(評價)되는 17±1mm 굵기는 7±1mm굵기에 비해 paeoniflorin의 함양(含量)은 1.0% 낮으나 총당(總糖) 및 전분(澱粉)의 함양(含量)은 8%, 5%가 각각(各各) 많았다. 3. Paeoniflorin 함양(含量)은 조단백질(粗蛋白質) 및 조섬유(粗纖維) 함양(含量)과 정(正)의 유의상관(有意相關)을 나타내었고, 조단백질(粗蛋白質)의 함양(含量)은 총당(總糖) 및 전분(澱粉)과 부(負)의 유의상관(有意相關)을 나타내었다.
This experiment was conducted to know the relationship between root diameter and the contents of paeoniflorin and some Chemical components in Paeoniae radix. Paeoniae radix of Euisung cultivar was harvested on 17 June, 1993 and divided into four gorups according to root diameter such as 30±2mm, 17±1mm, 12±1mm and 7±1mm. Paeoniflorin, total sugars, starch, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash of them were analyzed after dryed them for 30 days in room temperature. The ratio of shrinkage with different root diameter were not different significantly, and the average ratio of them was about 30%. Contents of paeoniflorin of 17±1mm root diameter was lower than that of 7±1mm. but contents of total sugar and starch of 17±1mm were higher than those of 7±1mm. Paeoniflorin contents was positively correlated with crude protein and crude fiber, and crude protein contents was negatively correlated with total sugars and starch.