본 연구는 마가목의 발아율 제고 및 육묘방법을 구명하기 위하여 연구한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 마가목 종자는 무처리에서 22.6%정도의 저조한 발아율을 보였으나, BA 200ppm을 20분간 처리에서는 78.9%정도로 발아율이 높았다. 산사나무 종자는 최고 11.1%의 발아율을 보였으나, 화학약품과 생장조절제 처리에 의한 발아율 증가는 없었다. 출현율은 상자 육묘와 포트육묘 재배 시 93-95%로 높았으며, 49공 포트육묘 재배 시 육묘기간 50일 묘에서 근장이 길고, 건조근중이 높아 근생육이 양호하게 나타났다. 상자육묘 재배 시 육묘기간이 40일 묘에서 초장, 건조엽중이 포트육묘 보다 높았으며. 결과적으로 마가목의 실생육묘시 포트육묘로 50일 재배 후 이식하는 것이 가장 양호 하였다.
This study was conducted to clarify on germination rate enhancement effect and to develope the growing seedling method on Sorbus commixta Hedl. The results were follows; The optimum temperature of stratification and germination of mountain ash was 5℃ the seed germination rate in wet stratification with sand at 5℃ for 90 days was 22.6% and the highest germination of 78.9% was observed when seed was soaked in BA 200ppm for 20 minute after stratification for 90 days at 5℃. The highest germination of large chinese hawthorn was 11.1% when seed was soaked BA 50ppm for 20 minute after stratification 90 days at 5℃. Emergence ratio in box raising seedling and pot seedling showed high, 93 and 95%. Root length and dry root weight in pot seedling for 50 days showed higher than that of direct seedling and box raising seedling, Plant height and dry leaf weight in box raising seedling showed higher than that of pot seedling and direct seedling. The growth increment of seedling was high between 40 days and 50 days after seedling. The excellent seedling of mountain ash was produced in pot seedling for 50 days.