Determination of Phenolic acids and Flavonol Aglycone Contents in Orostachys japonicus A. Berger Grown under Various Cultivation Conditions
The content of four phonolic acids 1-4, and two flavonol aglycones 14 and 15 from Orostachysjaponicus A. Berger grown under night-break and day-length controlled experiments was estimated and compared with those in wild plants. The amount of the phenolic acids 1-4 and the flavonol aglycones 14 and 15 increased with increasing light irradiation under both the night-break and day-length control conditions. It was disclosed that the cultivation conditions such as the night-break and the day-length control were not adversely affect the production of phenolic acids and flavonols in Orostachys japonicus A. Berger extracts.