어군량의 추정에 필요한 활어체의 후방산란단면적을 실험수조 내에서 40KHz와 170KHz의 음파로써 담수어인 메기.잉어.틸라피아, 해수어인 볼낚.농어.숭어.용치놀래기 등에 대해 측면(side aspect)에서 각각 75~216회 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 전장(total length)이 10.7~24.0cm인 어체들의 후방산란단면적은 5.62×10 상(-5) m 상(2) ~7.23×10 상(-4) m 상(2)였으며, 그 표적강도는 -42.50dB~-31.38dB이었다. 2. 어체의 크기와 표적강도의 일반적인 관계는 어종과 주파수에 따라 다르나, 대체로 큰 어체일수록 잘 반사하는 경향을 나타내었다. 3. 활어에 대한 유효산란길이의 확률분포와 Rayleigh 분포화의 적합도를 유의수준 5%에서 x 상(2) 검정한 결과, 파장에 대한 어체의 길이의 비(acoustic length ratio)가 4.5 및 4.7처럼 적을 때에는 Rayleigh 분포를 이루지 않는다는 것을 알 수 있었다.
The backscattering cross sections of live fish and the probability density function of fish echoes were measured at side aspect. The measurements were made at 40 and 170 in KHz. The specimen fishes on the experiments were two catfish-total length of 16.8cm(L/λ is about 4.5, where the L is length, the λ is the sound wavelength) and 23cm(L/λ, ~6.1), a carp(Cyprinus carpio) of 17.5cm(L/λ, ~4.7), a Telapia(Tilapia mossambica)of 19.5cm(L/λ, ~5.2) and several fishes. Those lengths ranged from 10.7 to 24.0cm. The results of the measured maximum backscattering cross sections were 5.62×10 super(-5) to 7.23×10 super(-4) m super(2). Huang and clay reported that, when the fish was moving gently, the probaiblity density function of the fish echces was approximately the same with the Rayleigh probability density function. Thereafter Ehrenberg et al. also reported that the Rayleigh probability density function on fish was performed at the critical acoustic length ratio or more in theoretical base. Recently Dahl and Mathisen tested the Rayleigh probability density function on fish when the fish-length-to-wavelength ratios were greater than 100. In this paper the experimental result was also not accorded with the Rayleigh probability density function when the fish-length-to-wavelength rations were lower than the critical ratio