Species composition and bycatch rate of the catches by dredge with bycatch reduction device to reduce bycatch were estimated around Yeongil Bay, Korea at June, 2015. Total catches were collected 31 species as Chordata 10 species, mollusca 8 species, arthropoda 6 species, echinodermata 5 species, sipunculida 1 species, annelida 1 species during the experiment at the Yeongil Bay. The dominant species were Scapharca broughtonii, Callithaca adamsi, and Atrina pectinata and they reached 79.9% of the total catch. The catch rate of Scapharca broughtonii and Callithaca adamsi was 69.6% and 10.4% respectively. The rate of bycatch was 20.1%, consisted with Echinodemata 13.0%, Chordata 3.6%. The catch of ordinary dredge was 27 species 1,307 number 85,052g and that of dredge with escapement device was 21 species 1,690 number 91,648g. In conclusion, the dredge gear with bycatch reduction device has higher catch rate of target species and lower bycatch rate to non–target species than ordinary one.
Experiments for catch and cluster analysis on the catch by gillnet for the Pacific herring were conducted using traditional nylon net (PA) and developing biodegradable net (PBS) with different monofilaments of #2 (=0.23 mm) and #3 (=0.28 mm) in diameter between 2011 and 2012, and of #2, #2.5 and #3 in 2013 in the eastern coastal waters of Samcheok, Korea. The total catch during the experiments was 3,337kg in weight and 16,757 individuals in number. Though the catch ratio of the Pacific herring in 2011 and 2012 was 97.4% and 98.7%, respectively, that of the Pacific herring in 2013 was 73.6% as the biggest and followed by goldeye rockfish (8.6%), black edged sculpin (8.4%), atka mackerel (7.2%) and Alaska cod (1.0%). The ANOVA analysis on the total catch in relation to net material showed that there was not statistically significant difference at the 5% level between nylon net (PA) and biodegradable net (PBS) (p=0.91). With the cluster analysis on the catch in relation to net material (PA, PBS) and twine thick (#2, #3), it showed the influence of net material on the catch was greater than that of twine diameter in this experiment. From the test of homogeneity on the catch by the gillnet with PA and PBS in which several species were caught in 2013, there was not statistically significant homogeneity in relation to net material (p<0.005). That meant the traditional gillnet of nylon (PA) was more efficient than the biodegradable (PBS) gillnet to catch several kinds of fish, however the PBS gillnet was better than the PA gillnet to catch the target Pacific herring.
The angle of attack of a cambered otter board in a bottom trawl was estimated using a three-dimensional semi-analytic treatment of a towing cable (warp) system that was applied to the field experiments of a bottom trawl obtained by the Scanmar system. The equilibrium condition of the horizontal component and vertical component of forces was used to the three forces acting on the otter board in the horizontal plane. Those forces were the force on the warp at the bracket, hydrodynamic lift and drag forces on the otter board and the force on the hand rope attached just behind the otter board. Also the equilibrium of moment about the front edge of the otter board was used to find out the angle of attack of the cambered otter board. When the warp length was 120m and 180m long and the towing speed was between 1.23 and 1.90 m/s, the estimated angle of attack of the cambered otter board was ranged between 26.1° and 29.6°, respectively, though the maximum lift force was at the angle of attack 22.6°. The angle of attack of the otter board was tended to increase weakly with the longer length of warp (180 m) at the same towing speed in the experiment.
This study is aimed to analyze the three-dimensional underwater irradiance using an optical simulation software and to clarify the propriety and operation method under considering luminous intensity distribution of the luring lamp and penetrability in the seawater, when we use the light diffuser type 300W high powered LED and the metal halide lamp (MHL) on a coastal squid jigging vessel in the 10-ton class, simultaneously. For their attenuation characteristics of each wavelength in relation to the sea, LED lamp was to be effective in the 1.9-fold at 50 m depth and 2.1-fold at 80 m for underwater irradiance more than MHL according to the power consumption. In addition, the underwater irradiance distribution using the LED and MHL combination was rather increased even when reducing total power usage up to 20% depending on the simulation with changing the configuration and lighting angle of the lamp. These results can be utilized as an evaluation method of the operation and performance of the LED lamp according to adjusting its arrangement and lighting angle.
Shrimp beam trawl fishery is one of the important coastal fisheries in Korea. It has a regulation to the length of beam (8m) and wing net (7m) of shrimp beam trawl that has been used in the district of Junlanam-do and Gyungsangnam-do. This regulation was made in relation to the size of shrimp beam trawler of 3-ton class at that time. Now the shrimp beam fishing vessel has a limit not greater than 5 tons in gross ton. Recently, with improvement of fishing industry and fishing vessel fishermen asked the expansion of the length of beam and wing net, therefore it is necessary to investigate the effect of lengthening the beam and wing net length. Three different beams (8m, 10m and 12m in length) and three different wing net (7m, 10m and 13m in length) were made and the experiment was conducted near Narodo of Goheng by two fishing vessels of 4.98 and 4.88 tons in gross ton between June 2011 and October 2012. When the length of wing net was increased from 7m to 10m and 13m, the relative catch ratio in total biomass was increased 25% and 79% for shrimp, (17% and 22% in total), respectively. And when the beam length was increased from 8m to 10m and 12m, the relative catch ratio was increased 35% and 84% for shrimp, (21% and 37% in total), respectively. The force exerted to the iron guide of inhauler’s with the beam length of 8m was about 30% greater than that with the beam length of 10m when hauling the shrimp beam trawl net.
The investigation for species composition and catch in the Korean deep-water of the East Sea (also known as Sea of Japan) was carried out with trammel nets of 7 mesh sizes (6.1~24.2cm) offshore Donghae (2006) and Yangyang (2007) of Korea. The catches were 1,268kg and composed of 37 species between 200m and 1,200m in depth. The principal species caught were Taknka's snailfish, salmon snailfish, red snow crab, hunchback sculpin, snow crab, spinyhead sculpin, Tanaka's eelpout, Alaska cod and so on. Those were target fish for commercial value except salmon snailfish. The mesh sizes for the largest catch were 10.6cm and 15.2cm in the fishing ground of Donghae and Yangyang, respectively. The habitat of snow crab was shallower than that of red snow crab in both areas. Trammel net enabled to investigate fish in deep-water with small fishing vessel and rather cheap expenses in contrast to bottom trawl that required too much of it. With increasing inner mesh size of trammel net the mean size of some principal species such as Taknka's snailfish, spinyhead sculpin, hunchback sculpin, Pacific cod, snow crab, red snow crab and hybrid between snow crab and red snow crab tended to be large in certain range of mesh size.
안평대군이 주도하고 군신들과 안견이 참여하여 제작된 ≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫은 <몽유도원도>와 함께 조선 초기에 높은 수준을 이룩한 시화 제작의 전형이었을 것으로 생각된다. 1442년에제작된이 시첩에는당대 문사들의 소상팔경시와 함께 소상팔경도가 그려져 있었으나 현재 그림은 산실되고 시문만 첩의 형태로 전한다. 여러 가지 정황으로 보아 ≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫에 소상팔경도를 그린 화가는 안견으로추정된다. 안견은 조선초기에활약한 최고의 산수화가로 그가 이룩한 화풍은 당대는 물론 후대의 산수화에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 현존하는 조선초기의 소상팔경도중 상당수가 안견의 전칭을 지닌 점도 시사하는 바가 크다. ≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫제작의계기가된 남송寧宗의 팔경시 는 여러가지로 중요한 의미를 지니고있다. 남송영종의 팔경시 는팔경의순서에 새로운 변화를 보여주며, 조선초기에 제작된 소상팔경도의 순서에 많은 영향을준 것으로 생각된다.안견이 그렸을것으로 추정되는≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫의<소상팔경도>역시 영종의 팔경시 의 순서를 따랐을 가능성이 높으며, 이그림 이후대의 소상팔경도에 많은 영항을 주었을 것으로 추정된다. 조선초기의 소상팔경도중≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫과 가장 연관이 깊은 작품은 구幽玄齋 소장의<소상팔경도>로 생각된다. 그림의 순서와 화제의 표기 방식등이 유일하게 남송영종의 팔경시와 일치한다. 팔경이 개별적으로 독립된 작품이면서 하나로 이어지는 유기적인 구성을 보이는 점 에서도≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫의 시의내용과도 부합한다. <소상팔경도>에 그려진 각 폭의내용도남송영종의 팔경시 를 비교적 충실하게 따라 그린듯이 크게 어긋남이 없다. 유현재본 <소상팔경도>는 북송대에서 명대에 이르는 李郭派 화풍의작품들과 많은 공통점이 있다. 아울러 소재와 표현에서 안견의 <몽유도원도>와도 유사성이 인정된다. 유현재본 <소상팔경도>는 안견이 그린 것으로 추정되는 ≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫의 소상팔경도를 충실히 임모하거나 방한 작품으로 생각된다. 조선 초기와 중기의 다른 소상팔경도 및 산수도 중에서 많은 작품이 유현재본 <소상팔경도>와 많은 연관을 보이는 것도 ≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫의 안견의 <소상팔경도>가 범본範本으로서 후대 작품에 미친 지대한 영향으로 추정된다. 앞으로≪비해당소상팔경시첩≫과 유현재본<소상팔경도>의 연관이 보다 분명하게 밝혀진다면 산실된 안견의<소상팔경도>에대한 단서를 얻을 수 있으며, 안견의<소상팔경도>가 후대작품에 미친 영향 및 조선초기 소상팔경도의 전개과정에 대해 보다 구체적인 분석과 이해가 이루어질 것으로 기대된다.
The investigation for the catch and species composition in the deep sea of the East Sea was done to search marine organisms using some kinds of traps with small commercial fishing vessel near Goseong, Korea from 2008 to 2009. The experiments was carried out with some different traps at the depth of 200m, 400m, 700m and 1,000m. In 2008, the amount of catch with rectangular, cone and drum net traps was 91.4kg with twelve trips and the proportion of catch with rectangular and cone traps was high. Dominant species caught were Aniwan whelk (57%), snow crab (12%), hunchback sculpin (7%) and red snow crab (5%). The catch of Aniwan whelk was done well with rectangular and cone traps at the depth of 700-1,000m. Snow crab was mainly caught with rectangular and cone traps at the shallower depth of 200m, while red snow crab caught a lot with cone trap at the deeper depth of 700m. In 2009, the amount of catch with rectangular, cone and round traps was 92.4kg with nine trips. The proportion of catch with round trap was higher than that with cone trap. Dominant species caught were snow crab (67.1%), Aniwan whelk (14.8%) and northern shrimp (9.8%). Snow crab was caught well with round trap at the depth less than 400m.
For an effective management of fisheries resources, it is very important that to make clean inhabitation environment and to preserve fisheries resources. The material which is mainly used as fishing gear in modern times, is polyethylene, polypropylene, polyamide, etc., chemical fiber. And lost fishing gears which are make of these, occur ghost fishing and ocean pollution. To solve these problem, we development biodegradable fishing trap using the polybutylene succinate (PBS). Developed traps are for red snow crab (Chionoecetes japonicus) and shrimp, major traps in the East Sea, and we carried out fishing research using two kind traps in the coastal sea of Ayajin-port (Goseong) to analysis fishing efficiency of PE trap and PBS trap. As a result for fishing experiment (year 2005-2006) of red snow crab trap, two kind traps were almost the same in catches and length composition. During a experiment, parts of meshes, used for over 1 year, were cut by biodegradation. As a result for fishing experiment (year 2007) of shrimp trap, northern shrimp (Pandalus eous), coonstripe shrimp (Pandalus hypsinotus) and morotoge shrimp (Pandalopsis japonica) were catched, and the almost is northern shrimp. Two kind traps were almost the same in catches and length composition. In accordance with these result, it is recommended that the developed traps are have to commercialized because the fishing powers of PE traps and PBS traps were same. But biodegradation speed is have to controled in consideration of ocean microorganism volume and traps life.
This paper showed the difference between the selectivity of gill net by least square method with polynomials in Kitahara's and that by maximum likelihood analysis for Japanese sandfish and Korean flounder. Catch experiments for Japanese sandfish using commercial vessels off the eastern coast of Korea were conducted with six different mesh sizes between October and December 2007 and those for Korean flounder with five different mesh sizes between 2008 and 2009. The mesh size of 50% probability of catch corresponding to biological maturity length of fish was not different between that by least square method and that by maximum likelihood analysis for Japanese sandfish, however, a little different for Korean flounder, that is, those mesh sizes of 50% probability of catch for biological maturity length of Korean flounder were 10.6cm and 10.1cm by least square method and maximum likelihood analysis, respectively.
For an effective management of fisheries resources, we need fisheries informations necessary for the establishment of reasonable fishing effort and TAC distribution. To study the present state of by-catch and discard of gill-net fishery in the East Sea, we carried out fishing research using trammel nets in the coastal sea of Susan-port (Yangyang), Jangho-port (Samcheok) and Hupo-port (Uljin). As a result, a total of catch of Susan was 259,172g and that of Hopo was 577,638g. Thus Catch of Susan was 1.49 times more than that of Hupo considering the number of used fishing gear. And catch of Janho was 7.4 times more than that of Susan considering the number of experiment. Two methods of by-catch analysis in this study were used, one method is standardizing of listed species catching possible in fishing license, another method is regarding catch species under 1% of total catch as by-catch. As a result of by-catch analysis of two method, by-catch rate of Susan was 6.55% and 5.87% respectively, that of Hupo was 44.70% and 5.24% and that of Jangho was 0.96% and 2.31%. Discard rate of fish in Susan, Hupo and Jangho were 1.59%, 3.42%, 2.23% respectively.
Cast fishing gear needs some time for fishing progress, and catches and their composition by submerged time can change by several cause. Therefore, it is very importance to study fishing capacity of fishing gear by submerged time. This study is to investigate catches and their composition of shrimp trap, that is used in the coastal of the East Sea, and to find the fittest lifting time of trap. Experimental term are September 2006 and August 2007, the location is the coastal of Oho, Goseong, Gangwondo, Korea and one hundred trap is used at each casting and lifting of gear. For convenience of description, survey of 2006 and 2007 are dented as experimental code 1 and 2, and submerged time 21hr, 43hr and 66hr are dented as code A, B and C. The result of obtained from the above approach are summarized as follows: Many Northern shrimps(Pandalus eous), dominated 96.36%, are only catched in experimental code A, and in code B and C, some of coonstripe shrimp(Pandalus hypsinotus) and few morotoge shrimp(Pandalopsis japonica) are catched. CPUE of code 1A, 1B and 1C per trap were 21.67g, 29.51g and 28.48g, and those of code 2A, 2B and 2C per trap were 25.44g, 32.93g and 33.36g. Therefore, 24.66% of catch increased according as submerged time passes from 1 day to 2 days, and almost no change of catch was to be -1.1%. Carapace length of code 1A, 1B and 1C were 23.77mm, 25.00mm and 25.57mm, and those of code 2A, 2B and 2C per trap were 23.83mm, 24.95mm and 25.45mm. Thus, the more submerged time is, the less catch of small fish is and the more catch of large fish is. Consequently, fit lifting time of shrimp trap is after 2 days, and if considered trouble of fishing gear and condition of catch, the fittest lifting time is the third successive day of casting date.
A series of fishing experiments was carried out in the eastern coastal waters of Korea from January, 2002 to March, 2003, using gill nets of different mesh sizes (m 180, 210, 240, 270 and 300 mm) to determine the size selectivity of gill net for female snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio. The catch of experimental gears was mostly snow crab (97%), Chionoecetes opilio. The maximum carapace length (RL) of each female snow crab caught in the fishing experiments was measured. The master selection curve was estimated by applying the extended Kitahara s method. The selection curve showed that the gill nets of larger mesh size allowed more female crabs of small carapace size to escape. The optimum values of RL/m for 1.0 of retention probability was 0.563 and RL/m was estimated to be 0.249, 0.290, 0.319, 0.344 and 0.367 when the retention probability were 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5, respectively.
For an effective management of fisheries resources, we need fisheries informations necessary for the establishment of reasonable fishing effort and TAC distribution. We carried out fishing research using trammel nets in the coastal sea of Susan-port(Yangyang, Gangwondo, Korea) and Hupo-port(Uljin, Gyeongbukdo, Korea) and analyzed fishing power variation of the fishing gear in terms of species composition, condition and so on for both sites. A total of 29 species were caught with most dominant species of Hippoglossoides dubius followed by Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini, Lophius litulon and Alcichthys elongatus in Susan. The total number of species caught in Hupo was 37 species with most dominant species of Todarodes pacifius followed by Lophius litulon, Hexagrammos agrammus and Pseudopleuronectes herzensteini. CPUE of Susan fishing area per trammel net was 12.74 fish and 2.00kg on average, while it was 6.80 fish and 2.27kg on average for Hupo. The fishing power index for both sites was 1, placing the two fishing grounds in a same level.
The fishing lamp is a fishing gear that gathers fish at night. But the cost of oil, which is used to light fishing lamp, has been risen significantly up to 30-40% of total fishing costs. Therefore it is very urgent to develop an energy economical fishing lamp in order to solve the business difficulties of fisheries. Under this background, this research aims at developing a fishing lamp for squid jigging and hairtail angling fishery using the LED, which has excellent energy efficiency and durability. The LED fishing lamp developed can be controlled to fix a fit direction of fish shoal deep because a fishing lamp can be adjustable up and down directions. One unit of fishing lamp has about an 80Watt capacity and the frame of fishing lamp is made of aluminium to emit generated heat of LED to outside. The LED lamp developed was highly durable, only 5.7% of emitting efficiency decreased for 18 months. The illuminance of a unit LED lamp was 2,070lux at 1m and 21lux at 10 m distance, and the intensity of LED lamp system emitted 2,580lux and 400lux at the respective distances. After development of this fishing lamp, 100 units are installed on operating fishing vessels. Experimental results show that energy consumption of squid jigging and hairtail angling was reduced by 40% and 87%, respectively. In conclusion, our methods showed elevated fishing power, compared with traditional fishing method: 37.7% for squid jigging and 24.5% for hairtail angling.
Squid jigging fishery is very important in that there are about 1,000 jigging vessels more than 10 tonnage and about 5,000 ones less than 10 tonnage in Korea. But the cost of oil which is used to light fishing lamps, goes significantly up to almost one hundred million won for 50 tonnage vessels and forty million won in case of vessels less than 10 tonnage. This cost has almost taken 40% of total fishing costs. That is, the fishing business condition of squid jigging fishery is recently in the very difficult situation. As oil price increases, the business condition of the fishery gets worse and worse. Therefore it is very urgent to develop an economical fishing lamp, to solve this problem of fishery's business difficulty. This research aims at developing a fishing lamp for squid jigging fishery using the light emitting diode which has very excellent efficiency and durability. We made a water tank with 20 meters width which is a shape of raceway to research behavioral characteristics of Japanese flying squid to LED light, and made an experiment to investigate optimum wave of LED light to lure squid. The method is to establish LED lamps on both ends of water tank and to observe squid's behavior. Colors and wave lengths of LED lamps, used in experiment, are red(634nm), yellow(596nm), green(523nm), blue(454nm) and white(454nm+560nm). In experiment for attractive capability of LED lamp to squids, Japanese flying squid are highly attracted to blue lamp and white lamp. However, they are dispersed to red and yellow lamps. In addition, Japanese flying squid have moved and stayed in both dark ends of water tank. When compared intermittent lamp with continuous lamp, Japanese flying squid are highly attracted to intermittent lamp when intermittent interval is 0.25 second.
Estimation of the gear shape and cross section of sweep at mouth of a bottom trawl net was described and applied to the field experiments obtained with the Scanmar system. The shape of the trawl net from wingend to the beginning of codend was assumed to be part of an elliptic cone of which the cross section was ellipse, and that of the float rope be of form yf=afxbf. In case of a bottom trawl with warp 180m long, the radius of ellipse, the cross section of sweep at mouth, the eccentricity of the ellipse, the inclination angle of float rope and the contribution of the side panel to net height were estimated in accordance with towing speed. The horizontal radius of the upper ellipse increased with increasing towing speed, the eccentricity of it became slightly bigger as increasing the towing speed which meant the shape of it being flat. And the inclination angle of the float rope was about between 7 and 12 degrees in case of the above bottom trawl.
This study aims to reduce the bycatch of young fishes and other species in the octopus(Octopus vulagris, Octopus dolfleini) trap fishery on the East Sea, Korea. We carried out field experiments and tank experiments to verify the fishing efficiency and bycatch with the different 8 types of trap. 4 of them had mesh size 20, 35, 55 respectively and 75mm, 2 of them with escape ring of diameter 30mm and 50mm and 2 of them with escape device. The gap was 20 and 40mm respectively. The mesh sizes of the traps with ring and frame were 20mm. The traps with mesh size 20 and 35mm were not reasonable because it could fish under 300g octopus as bycatch which is not permitted by the Korean fisheries regulations. The catch number of octopus over 300g by traps with escape ring of diameter 30mm was 53. The catch of trap with mesh size 20mm was 54. The catch of trap with mesh size 35mm was 53. There is no significant difference among them. The catch number of octopus over 500g that is fishermen's favorite one was 46 in the trap with escap ring. The diameter of was 30 mm and the catch of trap with mesh size 20mm was more 3 catch and the catch of trap with mesh size 35mm had 6 more catch. Fishermen wanted to catch over 500g octopus because the octopuses had commercial value. The traps with escape ring can be replaceable with he traps with mesh size 20 or 35mm because the trap is suitable to conserve the octopus resources and keep the fishermen's fishing substantiality.
The mesh selectivity of gill net for Japanese sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus) caught in the East Sea, Korea was described. The experiment was conducted with five different kinds of mesh size (39.4, 45.5, 51.5, 53.0, 57.6mm) between November and December 2006 in spawning season. The catch was mostly Japanese sandfish (93.3%) and some others (6.7%), and almost all of the female Japanese sandfish were larger than the fork length at 50% maturity (16.7cm). The selection curve for the female Japanese sandfish caught from the experiments was fitted by the Kitahara's method to a polynomial equation which was s(R)=exp{(0.2584R3-5.3445R2+32.269R-59.868)-0.6585} where R=l/m, and l and m are fork length and mesh size, respectively.