
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 17

        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 울진군 대형산불 발생이 연안해역에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위하여 울진군 나곡(F-1), 후정(F-2), 봉평(F-3), 공세 항(F-C)에서 수질과 함께 해조류의 종조성, 우점종 및 군집 특성을 분기별로 조사하였다. 수질 분석 결과, 산불에 대한 영향을 판단하기 위한 수소이온농도(pH)는 표․저층에서 각각 8.07~8.30과 8.12~8.48 이었다. 본 연구의 pH 값은 동해의 연안 해수에 있는 일반적인 농도 범 위에 포함된 값으로 산불로 인한 직접적인 영향으로 볼 수 없었다. 연안 조하대에서 조사한 해조류의 분석 결과, 전 시기에 대한 해조류 의 종조성 비율은 홍조류(58.1%) > 대롱편모조류(갈조류, 25.8%) > 녹조류(14.5%) > 현화식물(1.6%) 순이었다. 시기별 해조류의 우점종은 3 월과 6월에 나곡(F-1)과 후정(F-2) 해역에서 대롱편모조류(Ochrophyta, 갈조류)의 미역(Undaria pinnatifida)이 가장 우점하였다. 9월과 11월은 봉평(F-3) 해역과 공세항(F-C)에서 각각 홍조류(Rhodophyta)인 우뭇가사리(Gelidium elegans)와 혹돌잎류(Lithophyllum sp.)가 가장 우점하였다. 군집분석에서는 그룹이 계절에 따른 특정 해조류의 출현 유무에 따라 2개(A, B)로 나누어졌다. 우점종은 그룹 A에서 미역, 우뭇가사리, 미 끈뼈대그물말, 그룹 B는 주로 혹돌잎류가 출현하였다. 따라서, 연구지역의 해조류 종조성과 군집구조는 전형적인 수온에 따른 계절변화 와 함께 대조구와의 유의미한 차이도 보이지 않아서 산불에 의한 영향은 나타나지 않았다.
        2017.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 삼척과 울릉지역에 불교가 어느 시기에 전파되었고 정착되었는지를 살펴보고자 하는 글이다. 삼척지역은 4~5세기에 신라의 문화가 전파되고 505년에 이사부가 실직군주로 부임하면서 신라에 복속되지만 이 시기의 문헌기록이나 불교유적 또는 유물은 확인되지 않았다. 현재까지 삼척지역에서 가장 시기가 이른 자료는 굴산문의 개산조인 범일국사가 삼화사를 창건한 것으로 추정되고 있으나 이와 관련된 유구나 유물은 확인된 것이 없다. 이후의 유적으로 흥전리절터와 삼화사, 영은사, 지상사가 있다. 유물로는 국립춘천박물관에 소장된 7세기 중엽 작품인 금동보살입상과 8세기에 작품인 금동여래입상, 삼화사의 철불과 3층석탑, 지상 사의 철불 등이 있다. 특히 흥전리사지의 3층석탑과 석등재 그리고 「國統」이 새겨진 비문 그리고 최근에 공개된 「梵雄官衙之印」은 삼척지역의 불교세력을 새롭게 밝힐 수 있는 큰 성과라 할 수 있다. 이로보면 삼척지역의 불교는 적어도 7세기 중엽 이전에는 불교가 전래되었으며 8세기에는 정착되고 9세기에는 신라불교가 정착단계를 지나 확산되는 양상이 나타나고 있다. 울릉지역의 불교 전래는 이사부가 울릉도를 복속하는 512년 이전에 불교가 전래 또는 일부의 계층에서는 인식하고 있었음을 추정할 수 있다. 이는 사자라는 동물이 현재와 같이 당시에도 존재하지 않는 동물임에도 울릉주민이 두려워하는 대상이었다는 것은 불교의 호법신장 역할을 하는 사자를 인지하고 있었다고 보았다. 이후 울릉지역에서 확인되는 유물로 800년대를 전후한 시기에 내륙에서 제작되어 울릉지역에서 수습된 소형금동불과 불상 대좌 편 등이 있어서 적어도 이 시기에 불교가 정착하였으며, 의종 11년인 1157년에는 절터와 범종 석탑 등이 있다는 것은 불교가 완전히 정착하였음을 보여 주고 있다. 이로 보면 삼척과 울릉지역은 적어도 6세기에는 불교가 전파되어 8세기에는 정착과 확산단계에 있었음을 알 수 있다.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 울진군 죽변의 암반조간대에서 2년(2015-2016)간 계절별 저서동물의 군집구조와 분포양상을 분석하였다. 죽변 암반조간대의 종조성은 5문 41종으로 자포동물 4종, 연체동물 19종, 환형동물 3종, 절지동물 13종, 극피동물 2종이 출현하였으며, 총개체수 1,642 inds./m2, 총생체량 1,959.42 gWWt/m2 조사되었다. 조간대 상부는 조무래기따개비(Chthamalus challengeri), 좁쌀무늬총알고둥(Nodilittorina radiata)이 우점하였다. 하부는 지중해담치(Mytilus galloprovincialis), 배무래기(Nipponacmaea schrenckii), 구멍밤고둥(Chlorostoma turbinata)이 우 점하였다. 계절별 우점종의 경우, 조간대 상부에는 겨울과 봄에 조무래기따개비, 여름과 가을에 좁쌀무늬총알고둥이 우점하였다. 조간대 하부는 전 계절에 걸쳐서 지중해담치가 우점하였다. 군집분석을 통해 생물군집의 분기별 유사성을 분석한 결과, 이들 지역은 세 개의 그 룹으로 구분되었다. 조간대 하부의 2015년 11월, 2015년 8월, 2016년 2-8월의 Group A와 조간대 하부의 2016년 11월, 2015년 5월의 Group B, 2015년-2016년 조간대 상부의 Group C로 구분되었다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fishing pots are one of the important fishing gears in our coastal and offshore fisheries. In terms of a sustainable use of marine resources, there are concerns about the ghost fishing by lost pots. It is reported that 10 to 70% of the pots are abandoned or lost annually. This study is to compare the catching efficiency of drum type whelk pots that are made of biodegradable nets to those made of the ordinary nets, in the eastern coast of Korea. Five types of drum pots were used with combination of biodegradable nets and ordinary (PA, PE) nets applied to the main and funnel parts of the pots: pots with biodegradable nets (Bio+Bio); pots with PE net (PE+PE); pots with body and funnel made of biodegradable nets and PE nets respectively (Bio+PE); pots with body and funnel made of PE nets and PA nets respectively (PE+PA); pots with body and funnel made of PE nets and biodegradable net respectively (PE+Bio). Field experiments were conducted from June 18th, 2015 to August 7th, 2015 using a commercial fishing vessel in the Uljin waters on the eastern coast of Korea. Two fleets of pots with one hundred in each, 20 pots of each type, were casted for 8 to 15 days to analyze their catching efficiency. The catch of target species, whelks, was 202,563.0 g with catch rate of 38.7% of the total catch, while the bycatch was 320,709.7 g with the rate of 61.3% of the total catch. The catch of whelks was the highest in the Bio+PE pots (46,020.3 g), followed by the Bio+Bio pots (42,027.5 g), the PE+Bio pots (41,849.9 g) and the lowest being PE+PE pots (38,054.2 g). Compared to the conventional pots, the pots with biodegradable nets on the body or entrance part had slightly higher catch rate for both the target species and the bycatch. The PE+PE had the lowest catch rate. There is no significant difference in catch between the pots with biodegradable nets and the ordinary nets for the target species such as Buccinum opisthoplectum, Neptunea eulimata, Buccinum striatissimum. Consequently, using biodegradable nets for the conventional whelk pots can reduce ghost fishing by lost gears while keeping the performance of the pots.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The species composition and distribution of catches by dredge gear in the Yeongil Bay, Korea were investigated on aseasonal basis from February to November, 2015. Total catches consisted of 44 species and 35 families. They were 13 species of fish, 10 species of crustacea, 5 species of echinodermata, 5 species of gastropoda, 4 species of cephalopoda and 3 species of bivalvia. Major catch species was shellfish and had seasonal variations in catch. In spring and winter, the catch of ark shell (Scapharca broughtonii) was increased. Adversely, the catch of admas venus clam (Callithaca adamsi) increased in sunmmer and autumn. Species diversity indices was high as the value of 1.99 in spring, and low to the value of 0.34 in summer. In addition, multi dimentional scaling (MDS) indices also was high in spring as the value of 1.99. In summer, the index was low as the value of 0.34. Similarity analysis based on species data was transformed by fourth root. With the result of cluster analysis and MDS analysis, species was divided into two groups. The first group as Group A consists of winter and spring species and another was Group B made of species in summer and winter.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the characteristic of age and growth, samples of Megangulus venulosus were collected monthly by dredge in the coastal waters of Gangneung, Korea from January to December 2014. The age of M. venulosus was estimated by measuring the ring radius on the shell. Because the relationship between shell lengths and ring radii in each ring group was regressed well, each ring was considered as an annual growth ring. Based on the monthly variation of the marginal index (MI) of the shell length, it is assumed that the ring of this species was formed once a year during September and November. From the parameters calculated using the average length when the year ring was formed, the estimated von Bertalanffy growth equation were SLt=236.3(1–e–0.061(t+0.184)) in age.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Species composition and bycatch rate of the catches by dredge with bycatch reduction device to reduce bycatch were estimated around Yeongil Bay, Korea at June, 2015. Total catches were collected 31 species as Chordata 10 species, mollusca 8 species, arthropoda 6 species, echinodermata 5 species, sipunculida 1 species, annelida 1 species during the experiment at the Yeongil Bay. The dominant species were Scapharca broughtonii, Callithaca adamsi, and Atrina pectinata and they reached 79.9% of the total catch. The catch rate of Scapharca broughtonii and Callithaca adamsi was 69.6% and 10.4% respectively. The rate of bycatch was 20.1%, consisted with Echinodemata 13.0%, Chordata 3.6%. The catch of ordinary dredge was 27 species 1,307 number 85,052g and that of dredge with escapement device was 21 species 1,690 number 91,648g. In conclusion, the dredge gear with bycatch reduction device has higher catch rate of target species and lower bycatch rate to non–target species than ordinary one.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiments for catch and cluster analysis on the catch by gillnet for the Pacific herring were conducted using traditional nylon net (PA) and developing biodegradable net (PBS) with different monofilaments of #2 (=0.23 mm) and #3 (=0.28 mm) in diameter between 2011 and 2012, and of #2, #2.5 and #3 in 2013 in the eastern coastal waters of Samcheok, Korea. The total catch during the experiments was 3,337kg in weight and 16,757 individuals in number. Though the catch ratio of the Pacific herring in 2011 and 2012 was 97.4% and 98.7%, respectively, that of the Pacific herring in 2013 was 73.6% as the biggest and followed by goldeye rockfish (8.6%), black edged sculpin (8.4%), atka mackerel (7.2%) and Alaska cod (1.0%). The ANOVA analysis on the total catch in relation to net material showed that there was not statistically significant difference at the 5% level between nylon net (PA) and biodegradable net (PBS) (p=0.91). With the cluster analysis on the catch in relation to net material (PA, PBS) and twine thick (#2, #3), it showed the influence of net material on the catch was greater than that of twine diameter in this experiment. From the test of homogeneity on the catch by the gillnet with PA and PBS in which several species were caught in 2013, there was not statistically significant homogeneity in relation to net material (p<0.005). That meant the traditional gillnet of nylon (PA) was more efficient than the biodegradable (PBS) gillnet to catch several kinds of fish, however the PBS gillnet was better than the PA gillnet to catch the target Pacific herring.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 동해 북부지역 거진, 중부지역 죽변 및 남부지역 감포의 조간대에 분포하고 있는 해조상의 지리적 종조성과 우점종 및 서식 특성을 2014년 5월과 8월에 조사하였다. 해조상의 지리적 종조성을 보면 거진, 죽변 및 감포는 모두 온대성 해조상의 특성으로서 거진은 구멍갈파래(Ulva pertusa), 염주말(Chaetomorpha moniligera)이 우점하였고, 죽변은 염주말(C. moniligera), 개서실(Chondria crassicaulis)이 우점하였다. 그리고 감포는 지충이(Sargassum thunbergii), 구멍갈파래(U. pertusa), 솜털류(Ectocarpus sp.)가 우점하였다. 지역별 해조상을 대표적으로 나타낼 수 있는 C/P, R/P와 (R+C)/P의 비율에서 거진은 각각 0.85, 2.10, 2.94, 죽변은 각각 0.58, 3.15, 3.73 그리고 감포는 각각 0.80, 3.91, 4.71로 전체 지역이 온대성 특성의 해조상이 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 군집분석의 결과에 의하면, 이들 지역은 거진의 A 그룹과 죽변과 감포 지역의 B 그룹으로 나누어졌으며, 이것은 지리적 종조성에서 죽변과 감포는 거진보다 온대성 해조상 특성이 강하게 반영되어 나타났다.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The dredge gear is dragged along the bottom of the sea to catch targeted edible bottom dwelling species. Species composition and ecological index of the catches of dredge were estimated around Gangneung coastal fishing ground by dredge with different mesh size and tooth space from July to December 2013. Eight different types of dredge including four different tooth space (24.7 mm, 29.9 mm, 34.9 mm, 40.1 mm) and four different mesh size(15.5 mm, 32.7 mm, 51.1 mm, 060.0 mm) were used in the experiment. During the experiment, total catches were collected 31 species as sipunculida 1 species, mollusca 13 species, annelida 3 species, arthropoda 8 species, echinodermata 4 species and others 2 species. The dominant genus were mollusca and echinodermata while the dominant species were Megangulus venulosus, Pseudocardium sachalinensis, Schaphechinus brevis. The richness index was ranged 1.29-1.72, evenness index was 0.6-0.65 and diversity index was 1.65-1.83 according to the tooth space and mesh size of dredge. Richness index, diversity index were high at tooth space 34.9 mm dredge and ecological index showed decreasing tendency with the increasing of mesh size of dredge. Cluster and MDS analysis, based on a Bray-Curtis and similarity matrix of fourth root transformed data of number of species and wet weight, showed division into four different groups as four different tooth space (Group A), four different mesh size Group B (51.1 mm, 60.0 mm), Group C (32.7 mm) and Group D (15.5 mm).
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Experiment was set up to analyze bycatch and discards situation including snow crap Chionoecetes opilio of whelk trap. Four types of trap were used: drum type trap with PE net; drum type trap with PBS net; cylinder type trap with PE net; and cylinder type net with PBS net. Three funnels were attached in drum type trap and two funnels were used in cylinder type trap. A fleet of traps was consisted with one hundred traps. 25 traps of each type were set on a line in repeated sequence. Field experiments were conducted with 6 fishing operations in the Uljin waters, East Sea in July 2014. Catch of target whelks were 173,261 g and catch rate was 48.7% of total catch, while bycatch were 182,571 g, 51.3% of tatal catch. The catch rate of bycatch was 2.6% higher than that of target catch. Bycatch weight of snow crap was the highest as 142,987 g and formed about 40.2% of total catch, followed giant octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini, 31,762 g (8.9%). Bycatch rate of cylinder type trap was 2.3 times higher than that of drum type trap. Discard rate (discard/(discard+landing)) was 43.6%. Discard rate was the highest at cylinder type trap with PBS net as 63.1%, followed cylinder type trap with PE net as 47.9%, drum type trap with PE net as 33.4%, the lowest at drum type trap with PBS net as 22.1%.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Namdae stream in Gangneung-si is one of the rivers where salmon stock is mainly maintained by natural spawning rather than artificial seedlings. There are structures including weir, and fish distribution and movement characteristics can be different by these structures. In this study, we investigated the distribution and behavioral characteristics of salmon by sighting survey within 12 km immediately upstream of the river mouth between October 2021 and February 2022. As a result, salmon distributed within 9 km from rivermouth. There were more salmon in the lower reaches of Doosan weir than in the upper reaches of that. The main spawning ground for salmon was between 7-9 km from rivermouth and around the lower part of Doosan weir. Salmon behaved for spawning in the gravel-bed area and undercut slope of the mainstream, such as mating, digging the riverbed, and competition among males. Salmon moved more slowly in the gravel-bed area than sand-bed area. Doosan weir hinders the spawning migration of salmon by frequent flow changes and terraced fishway. This study provides primary information to understand the ecological changes of salmon by environmental changes in the Namdae stream.