부산시 선적의 근해안강망 어선에서 사용하고 있는 어구의 1/10, 1/20 모형을 제작하여 흐름이 비교적 빠른 연안에서 전개상태를 측정 및 관찰한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 전개장치의 전개높이, 전개간극 등은 네갈랫줄의 상대적 길이에 따라 상당히 다르며, 보편적으로 사용하고 있는 바와 같이 네갈랫줄의 길이를 길게 하고, 맨 위쪽 줄의 길이를 그 보다는 짧게한 방식이 효과적이며, 가장 효과적인 것은 갈랫줄의 길이를 아래로부터 차례로 맨 아랫것 보다 5%, 9%, 4%씩 길게 한 것이 전개 높이, 전개간극, 전개면적 등의 모든 면에서 가장 효과적이었다. 2. 흐름이 빨라지면 등판과 밑판의 평면형상은 뜸줄과 발줄이 아주 심하게 만곡되고, 그물 길이의 2/5 정도까지는 망지가 뒤로 많이 쏠려서 망구에 있어서의 물의 여과를 혼란시켜 어군의 입망을 방해할 것 같고, 또 밑판이 해저의 장애물에 걸렸을 때는 파망의 우려가 크다. 3. 유체저항을 실물어구의 것으로 환산하면 R=29.2×103 v1.65 이라고 표현되고, 이것을 그물의 설계상 구성요소를 고려한 식으로 바꾸면 R=5.9×d/l×abv1.65 이라고 표현된다.
Stow nets have widely been used in the western sea of Korea from the olden age. The original structure of a stow net is a large square-sectional bag net made of 4 netting panels, and the front fringes of top and bottom panels are connected to the top and bottom beams respectively. Wire ropes, which is originated from the holding anchor are gradually forked and biforked, and finally 4 pieces of wire rope (biforked pendants) are jointed to each beam. Much convenience caused by long and heavy beams were problemed, then some studies have been carried out to improve the net since 1930's. The most effective improvement were achieved in 1980 by Mr. Han and his colleagues. The key point of improvement was that the beams were removed and the belt shaped shearing device made by canvas was attached to the side panels, the head rope and ground rope to the front fringe of top and bottom panel, and biforked pendants are joined to the shearing device. Even though this is the epoch-making improvement of a stow net, the further study should be required to find out more effective method. The authors carried out a model experiment on the stow net to determine the vertical and horizontal opening of a net mouth, and also examine the front, top and side-view configuration of the net. The model net was constructed depending on the Similarity Law of Fishing Gear in 1/10 and 1/20 scale and set against to the current at shallow and speedy flowing channel. The vertical and horizontal openings were determined by using scaled bamboo poles, and the configuration was observed by using specially prepared observation platform and underwater observation glass, and also photographed by using specially prepared underwater photographic equipment. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The opening height and width of the shearing device varied in accordance with the relative length of the biforked pendants. Considering the height and width of shearing device in 6 cases of the arrangement system of biforked pendants, the best result was obtained in the case that the 2nd, 3rd and 4th pendents from the bottom-most was 5%, 9% and 4% longer than that. 2. On the top-view configuration the excessive deformation of head rope and ground rope were observed. In the actual net, 54m long head rope and ground rope were attached to the front fringe of top and bottom panels so that the head rope may be lifted to make the net mouth open highly. But actually the head rope and the ground rope are streamed backward without any lift, and also the netting followed the ropes were deformed until the 2/5 in the whole length of the net. This deformation may be guessed to disturb the entrance of fish school into the net and also caused the net to get caught by obstacles in the sea bed and to be broken largely. 3. Hydrodynamic resistance R of the actual net may be deduced as R(kg)=29.2×103 v1.65. It is also expressed as R(kg)=5.9×d/l×ab v1.65. depending on the formula deduced by Koyama to estimate the resistance of trawl nets, where d/l denote the ratio between diameter of netting twine and length of mesh leg in every part of side panel, a and b, the stretched circumference of the mouth and the stretched length of the net, respectively.