Studies on the Mackerel Purse Seine operating in the Sea Area of Cheju island - 3. Fishing Ability of Purse Seiner by Classes of Boat-Size -
한국 제주도와 대마도 주변해역을 중심으로 고등어와 정어리를 주어획대상으로 선단조업을 하고 있는 건착망어업의 어선의 성능, 어패의 크기, 어획성능, 조업해역별 단위노력당 어획량등을 조업어선의 톤급별로 분석, 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 망선의 총톤수(x)와 건착망의 면적(y)간에는 y=538.8x+99657.3의 관계가 있었다. 2. CPUE의 계절변동지수는 11~4월은 기분보다 높고, 5~10월은 낮은 현상을 나타내었다. 3. 각 해역에 있어서 톤급별 어획성능지수는 톤급별, 해역별 CPUE는 1%의 유음수준에서 차가 인정되었다. 4. 톤급별 망어패의 효율은 A와 D급선 보다 B와 C급선이 높은 현상을 나타내었다
Mackerel purse seine fishery operating in the sea area of Cheju and Tsushima is one of the most important fishery in Korean off shore fishery, which a fishing fleet are generally composed with one purse seiner, two light ships and three or four fish carriers. In this study, purse seiners are classified in to four classes in term of their gross tonnage : A class(80-100tons), B class(100-120tons), C class(130-140tons), and D class(140-150tons). Operating sea area are divided into five sectors including east and west sea area of Tsushima Island, coastal sea area of Cheju Island and south and west sea area of Cheju Island. The performance of the purse seiner, the fishing efficiency, the dimension of fishing gear and variation of CPUE in each operating sea area are summarized as follows: 1. The relationship between a gross tonnage x and net area of purse seine y of a purse seiner can be expressed as : y=538.8x+99657.3 2. The index of seasonal variation of CPUE from May to October is lower than the standard value, whereas index from November to April is higher. 3. The power factor of fishing efficiency by classes of boat-size shows significant differences with 1% level in each operating sea area. 4. The net efficiency of purse seiner by classes of boat-sea shows that B and C classes are higher than A and D classes.