Study on TSD Characteristics of LiF ( Mg , Cu , P ) Single Crystal
LiF(Mg, Cu, P) 단결정의 미시적 이완매개변수와 유전손실 등을 구하기 위하여 TSD glow곡선을 측정하고, 측정된 glow곡선을 초기상승법, 가열율법 및 전면적법으로 해석하였다. 쌍극자의 이완시간 τ, pre-exponential인자 τ하(o) 및 활성화에너지E는 각각 12.19S, 1.97×10 상(-12)S 및 0.55eV이었다. 또한 TSD glow곡선을 사용하여 온도영역 300k~340k 사이에서 구한 LiF(Mg, Cu, P)단 결정의 tanδ값은 약 3×10 상(-2)이었다.
The microscopic relaxation parameters for the single crystal were measured by using thermally stimulated depolarization (TSD). Initial rise method, various heating rate method and total glow peak method were used for the determination of the activation energy and Debye relaxation time from TSD glow curves. Activation energy, pre-exponential factor and relaxation time for impurity-vacancy dipole reorientation were 0.55eV, 1.97×10 super(-12) sec and 12.19sec in average, respectively. Dielectric dissipation factor for the crystal was calculated from the measured TSD glow curve, its value being about 3×10 super(-2).