우리나라 남해안의 거제도 도장포와 남해군 미조면에 설치되어 있는 수심 20m해역의 중형 정치망어구를 대상으로 길그물 및 통그물의 어군수도기능과 원통그물의 어군체유효과 등을 현장 실험을 통해 검토, 분석하였다. 어류에 Tag를 부착하고 통그물의 각부와 길그물의 주변에 방류 시켜 다음 양망과정에서 재포하였으며, 본 실험을 통해 얻은 결과를 요약해 보면, 다음과 같다. 1. 정치망의 헛통에서 방류하여 양쪽 원통 안으로 들어가 재포된 입망률은 소형 고등어가 20.3%, 소형 전갱이는 16.2%, 감성돔은 10.3%, 꼬치고기는 19.1%, 학공치는 16.3%, 전어는 20.0%였으며, 전체 방류미수 667마리 중에서 115마리로 17.2%였다. 2. 양쪽 원통에서 방류하여 다시 그 원통그물내에서 재포된 잔류율은 소형 고등어가 21.7%, 소형 전갱이는 21.5% 감성돔은 6.7%, 꼬치고기는 17.8% 학공치는 16.8% 전어는 19.1%를 나타냈으며, 전체 방류이수 1,513마리 중에서 284마리로 18.8%였다. 그리고 81.2%는 원통그물로부터 빠져나갔다. 3. 창문으로부터 25m거리의 길그물 양측 지점에서 방류하여 헛통으로 들어간 비율, 즉 길그물의 수도율은 소형 고등어가 58.9%, 소형 전갱이는 74.6%, 감성돔은 38.0%, 꼬치고기는 54.7% 학꽁치는 58.6%, 전어는 54.5%였으며, 총방류미수 1,086마리 중에서 627.4마리로 평균 57.8%를 나타내었다. 따라서 소형 고등어, 소형 전갱이, 꼬치고기, 학공치 및 전어는 길그물의 차단수도교과가 크게 작용하는 어종으로 나타났다. 4. 꼬치고기, 학공치, 전어는 조상측의 원통그물에 많이 입망되었고, 소형 전갱이와 감성돔은 조하측 원통그물에서 많이 입망되었다. 5. 소형 고등어와 소형 전갱이는 조하측 원통그물에서 잔류율이 높았고, 감성돔, 꼬치고기 및 학공치는 조상측 원통그물에서 잔류율이 높았다.
In order to hold the behavior of fish school to the set-net, a series of tag-recapture experiments were carried out in two fishing grounds of the middle sized set-nets which were located in 20m depth on the coast of Keojedo and Namhaedo in the Southern part of Korea from September to October in 1996. In the experiments, the leading ability of the leader and the fish court and the recapturing ability of the bag nets were checked out for the six species of fish in method of discharging the tagged fishes at side points of leader, and the middle points of the fish court and the bag nets in a hauling step, and recapturing them at the bag nets in the next hauling. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The ratio recaptured at the both side bag-nets in the next hauling after discharged from the fish court in the previous step was 20.3% in small size of mackerel Scomber japonicus, 16.2% in small size of horse mackerel Trachurus japonicus, 10.3% in black sea-bream Acanthopagrus schlegelii, 19.1% in red barracuda Syhyraena pinguis, 16.3% in halfbeak Hemiramphus sajori, 20.0% in gizzard shad Konosirus punctatus individually, and totally in six species of fish, that was 17.2%. 2. The ratio recaptured at the same bag net after discharged in the both side bag-nets was 21.7% in small size of mackerel, 21.5% in small size of horse mackerel, 6.7% in black sea-bream, 17.8% in red barracuda, 16.8 in half-beak, 19.1% in gizzard shad individually, and totally in six species of fish, that was 18.8%. 3. The leading ratio from side points of the leader departed from door in 25m to fish court was 58.9% in small size of mackerel, 74.6% in small size of horse mackerel, 38.0% in black sea-bream, 54.7% in red barracuda, 58.6% in half-beak, 54.5% in gizzard shad individually, and totally in six species of fish, that was 57.8%. So it was assumed that the leader of set-net was very effective in leading to the swimming direction of small size of mackerel, small size of horse mackerel, red barracuda, half-beak and gizzard shad. 4. Red barracuda, half-beak and gizzard shad entered into bag net of upstream in large numbers than bag net of downstream, and small size of horse mackerel and black sea-bream entered into bag net of downstream in large numbers than bag net of upstream. 5. Small size of mackerel and small size of horse mackerel had high remaining rate in the bag net of downstream, and black sea-bream, red barracuda and half-beak had high remaining rate in the bag net of upstream.