A Study on the development of Tuna Purse Seiner
The purpose of present research is to develop and efficient numerical method for the calculation of potential flow and predict the wave-making resistance for the application to ship design of tuna purse seiner. Havelock was considered the wave resistance of a post extending vertically downwards through the water from the surface, its section by a horizontal plane being the same at all depths and having its breadth small compared with its length. This enables us to elucidate certain points of interest in ship resistance. However, the ship has not infinite draft. So, the problem which is investigated ind detail in this paper is the wave resistance of a mathematical quadratic model in a uniform stream. The paper deals with the numerical calculation of potential flow around the series 60 with forward velocity by the new slender ship theory. This new slender ship theory is based on the asymptotic expression of the Kelvin-source, distributed over the small matrix at each transverse section so as to satisfy the approximate hull boundary condition due to the assumption of slender body. The numerical results using the panel shift method and finite difference method are compared with the experimental results for wigley mono hull. There are no differences in the wave resistance. However, it costs much time to compute not only wave resistance but also wave pattern over some range of Froude numbers. More improvements are strongly desired in the numerical procedure.