인도네시아 어장에서 조업한 트롤어선의 물때별, 조업시간대별 어획량을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 가장 어획이 많았던 물때는 조금∼두물로 전체 어획량의 22.8%였고, 가장 적었던 물때는 아홉물∼열한물로 16.9%였다. 2. 조기류, 갈치, 가오리의 어획이 가장 많았던 물때는 각각 열두물∼열네물(20.8%), 조금∼두물(33.8%), 아홉물∼열한물(22.0%)이었고, 가장 적었던 물때는 조기류와 갈치는 아홉물∼열한물(18.7%와 10.0%), 가오리는 여섯물∼여덟물(16.8%)이었다. 3. 08∼12시 시간대의 어획량이 전체의 19.7%로 가장 많았고, 20∼24시에 14.1%로 가장 어획이 부진하였다. 4. 조기류, 갈치, 가오리의 어획이 가장 많았던 조업시간대는 각각 00:00-04:00(21.0%), 08:00-12:00(35.0%), 12:00-16:00(21.2%) 이었고, 가장 어획이 부진했던 조업시간대는 12:00 -16:00(12.7%), 20:00-24:00(4.5%), 20:00- 24:00(13.4%)이었다.
Catch characteristics according to the tide and fishing time were analyzed through the fishing log data of trawls which work at Arafura Sea of Indonesia. This study aimed to provide basic data to make a fishing plan from the catch difference according to fishing time after analyzing the suitable fishing time of fish species. The results obtained are summarized as follows ; 1. Catches were the largest at the day of very weak tide as 22.8% of total catch and was the smallest at the day of a little strong tide as 16.9% of total catch. 2 Catches of croaker Argyrosomus sp. & Johnius vogleri, silver hairtail Trichiurus lepturs and coachwhip ray Himantura sp. were the largest at the day of weak tide(20.8%), very weak tide(33.8%), a little strong tide(22.0%) and catch for croaker and silver hairtail were the smallest at the day of a little strong tide(18.7%-10.0%) and coachwhip ray was the smallest at the day of strong tide(16.8%). 3. Catches were the largest at the time of 08:00-12:00 as 19.7% of the total catch and were the smallest at the time of 20:00-24:00 as 14.1% of total catch. 4. Catches of croaker, silver hairtail and coachwhip ray were the largest at the time of 00:00- 04:00(21.0%), 08:00-12:00(35.0%) and 12:00-16:00 (21.2%) and were the smallest at the time of 12:00-16:00(12.7%), 20:00- 24:00(4.6%) and 20:00-24:00(13.4%).