삼중자망의 망목 선택성 및 적정망목을 추정하기 위하여 강원도 주문진 해역에서 2000년 8월 10~13일, 11월 9~13일 (18회), 부산 수영만에서 2001년 6월 1일~27일(21회), 시험조업을 행하였다. 또한 주문진 해역에서는 60, 75, 90 105, 135, 150, 180mm의 7가지의 삼중자망으로 조업하였고, 수영만에서는 60, 75, 90mm의 삼중자망과 홑자망으로 비교실험을 행하였다. 망목 선택성 곡선의 분석은 전체 어획량의 약 60%를 차지하는 물가자미(Eopsetta grigorjewi) 를 대상으로 하였으며, Master curve의 다항식이 포함된 Kitahara(1968)방법을 사용하여 작성하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 총 어획미수는 삼중자망이 2,331미였고, 홑자망이 1,433미였으며, 가자미류가 59.8%~60%였다. 2. 최적 l/m값은 삼중자망이 2.56이었으며, 흩자망이 2.47로 삼중자망이 약 0.1 정도 크게 나타났다. 3. 50% 선택구간은 삼중자망이 1.88~3.36(1.48)로 나타났으며, 홑자망은 2.00~3.02(1.02)로 삼중자망이 약 1.5배 정도 넓게 나타났다. 4. 가자미의 최소성숙체장 265mm에 대한 적정망목은 삼중자망이 약 141mm, 홑자망이 약 132mm로 삼중자망이 약 10mm 정도 크게 나타났다. 5. 적정망목을 사용했을 경우 50% 선택 체장범위는 삼중자망이 265mm~474mm, 흩자망이 265mm~398mm로 삼중자망의 체장범위가 76mm 정도 넓은 것으로 나타났다.
The field experiments were carried out to examine for the mesh selectivity in trammel net and optimum mesh size, during Aug. 10~13, Non 9~13 2000 in Jumunjin, Kangwon-Do and during Jun. 1~27 2001 in Suyong-Bay, Busan. The experiments in Jumunjin area were conducted by using trammel nets with seven different mesh sizes (60, 75, 90, 105, 135, 150, 180mm) and those in Suyong-Bay were done by using trammel nets and gill nets with three different mesh sizes (60, 75, 90mm) in order to compare two types of nets of same structure. The mesh selectivity analysis was done mainly with flat fish(Eopsetta grigorjewi) that was occupied 60% out of total catches. And the mesh selectivity was written by extension of Kitahara's method included master curve with function type. The results obtained are summarized as follows 1. Total number of catch by, trammel net was 2,331 and that of gill net was 1,433, and flat fishes occupied 59.8 ~60% in total catches. 2. The value of optimum l/m by, trammel net was higher about 0.1 than that of gill net according as trammel net was 2.56, and gill net was 2.47. 3. The 50% selection range by, trammel net was wider about 1.5 time than that of gill net according as trammel net was 1.88~3.36(1.48) and gill net was 2.00~3.02(1.02). 4. The optimum mesh size(OMS) was estimated that trammel net was about 141mm and gill net was about 132mm on first maturity length(FML) 265mm of flat fish. 5. On the optimum mesh size based on the first maturity length of flat fish, The 50% range by, trammel net was wider about 76mm than that of gill net according as trammel net was 265 mm~474mm and gill net was 265mm~398mm.