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Identification of Fatty Acids in the Pulp Oils of Jujube and Their Compsitional Changes in the Ripening Period

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/257316
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한국응용과학기술학회지 (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology)
한국응용과학기술학회(구 한국유화학회) (The Korean Society of Applied Science and Technology (KSAST))

In search for several fatty acid with unusual structure in vegetable oils, we have found that unknown peaks were shown on GLC in the analysis of fatty acids of the lipids from the pulp of ripened jujube (Zizypus jujuba var. inermis) fruits. These fatty acids were identified as a series of cis-monoenoic acids with Ω-5 double bond system such as C14:1Ω5, C16:1Ω5 and C18:1Ω5, including Ω-7 fatty acid as C16:1Ω7 and C18:1Ω7, by GLC, solid-phase extraction silver ion-column chromatographic, GLC-mass spectrometric and IR techniques. First of all, total fatty acid methyl esters were resolved into saturated and branched fatty acid, monoenoic acid, dienoic acid, and trienoic acid fraction, respectively, with 100% dichloromethane (DCM), DCM/acetone (9:1, v/v) 100% acetone, and acetone/ acetonitrile (97:3, v/v) solvent system. Unknown fatty acids were included in the monoenoic fraction and were confirmed to have cis-configuration by IR. Picolinyl esters of monoenoic fatty acids gave distinct molecular ion peak and dominant diagnostic peaks, for example, m/z 317, 220 and 260 fragment for cis-C14:1Ω5, m/z 345, m/z 248 and 288 fragment for cis-C16:1Ω5 and m/z 373, m/z 276 and 316 fragment for cis-C18:1Ω5. In this way the occurrence of cis-C16:1Ω7 and cis-C18:1Ω7 could be deduced from the appearance of prominent fragments as m/z 345, 220 and 260, and m/z 373, 248 and 280. Level of total Ω-5 fatty acids amounted to about 30% in the fatty acid composition with the predominance of C16:1Ω5 (18.7~25.0%), in the semi-ripened and/or ripened samples collected in September 14 (C16:1Ω5 ; 18.7%, C14:1Ω5 ; 3.6% and C18:1Ω5 ; 3.0%), September 22 (C16:1Ω5 ; 25.0%, C14:1Ω5 ; 1.4% and C18:1Ω5 ; 2.6%), and October 7 (C16:1Ω5 ; 24.7%, C14:1Ω5 ; 7.7% and C18:1Ω5 ; 2.5%). However, the lipids extracted from unripened jujube in July and August contain these unusual fatty acids as low as negligible. It could be observed that the level of Ω-5 fatty acids in the pulps increased sharply with an elapse of ripening time of jujube fruits. Other monoenoic fatty acids with Ω-7 series, C16:1Ω7 (palmitoleic acid) and C18:1Ω7 (cis-vaccenic acid) could be detected. And in the lipids of the kernel and leaf of jujube, none of Ω-5 fatty acids could be detected.

  • 우효경 | Woo, Hyo-Kyeng
  • 김성진 | Kim, Seong-Jin
  • 박성혜 | Park, Sung-Hea
  • 조용계 | Joh, Yong-Goe