Inhibitory Effect of Perilla Sprouts Extracts on Oxidation of Perilla Oil
들깨 종자를 10일 간 발아시키면서 얻어지는 싹에 대하여 일반성분 및 항산화력의 변화를 분석하였고, 들깨유 산화에 대한 싹 추출물의 억제효과를 조사하였다. 종자의 수분 함량(2.9%)은 발아 10일째 싹에서 9.2%로 증가하였으나 조회분 함량은 유의적인 변화가 없었다. 종자에서 46.8%와 20.7%이었던 조지방과 조단백질 함량은 발아 10일째 싹에서 각각 18.2%와 18.3%로 감소하였지만, 환원당과 조섬유 함량은 2.2% 및 14.8%에서 각각 12.8%와 22.4%로 증가하였다. 깻잎과 비교하면 10일째 싹은 조지방, 탄수화물, 환원당, 조섬유 함량이 더 높았고 수분, 조회분 및 조단백질 함량은 더 낮았다. 발아동안 항산화력은 증가하여 8일째에 최대치에 도달하였는데, DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거능에 기반한 Trolox 당량 항산화력(TEAC)은 각각 133.1과 136.8 Trolox eq. mmol/kg이었으며, 3가 철이온 환원력(FRAP)는 399.3 Fe(II) eq. mmol/kg이었다. 폴리페놀 함량(19.2 g/kg)도 이 단계에서 가장 높았다. 한편, 깻잎은 발아 8일째의 싹과 유사한 TEAC를 보였으나 FRAP은 더 높았다. 발아 8일째 싹의 메탄올 추출물을 들깨유에 첨가 시 농도 의존적으로 산화가 억제되었는데, 대조 들깨유에서 1.67 hr이었던 산화유도기간이 2.5%(w/w) 추출물 첨가 들깨유에서는 4.62 hr로 나타나 들깨유의 산화 안정성이 약 2.8배 증가하였다. 이러한 산화유도기간은는 동일농도의 BHT 첨가구와 비교 시 약 38% 수준에 해당하였다.
During 10 days germination of perilla seeds for sprouts preparation, the changes of proximate composition and antioxidant activities were monitored, and the inhibitory effect of sprouts extracts on perilla oil oxidation was also studied. The moisture content in seeds(2.9%) was increased to 9.2% in sprouts at 10 days while crude ash content wasn't significantly. The crude fat and protein contents were reduced from 46.8% and 20.7% in seeds to 18.2% and 18.3% in sprouts, respectively, but reducing sugar and fiber contents increased from 2.2% and 14.8% to 12.8% and 22.4%, respectively. Compared with perilla leaf, sprouts at 10 days contained more fat, carbohydrate, reducing sugar, and fiber while less moisture, ash, and protein. Antioxidant activities during germination were increased and reached to maximum at 8 days in which Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity(TEAC) based on DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging were 133.1 and 136.8 Trolox eq. mmol/kg, respectively, and ferric ion reducing power(FRAP) was 399.3 Fe(II) eq. mmol/kg. Polyphenol content(19.2 g/kg) was maximum at this stage, too. Perilla leaf showed similar TEAC but higher FRAP than the sprouts. When methanol extract of sprouts at 8 days was added to perilla oil, the oil oxidation was delayed in dose dependent manner. The induction time for oxidation was extended about 2.8 times by adding 2.5%(w/w) extract, that is, from 1.67 hr(control) to 4.62 hr. This induction time corresponded to 38% level of that of perilla oil containing 2.5% BHT.