Anatomical Study on the "Ggaenggaengipul(Jeffersonia dubia BENTH)"
Korean folk medicine "Ggaenggaengipul" has beenused to dlear heat and treat chronic childfood mutitional impairment, diarrhea, jaundice, haemorrhoid, inflammation, anepithymia, nausea and egestion .The crude drug often used as a supstitute for the more expensive "Huang Lian " (황연) in Korea and China. With regard to the botainicla origic of " Ggaenggaenigipul" , it has never been studied pharmacognostically. To clarify botanical origin of " Ggaenggaegipul" , the morphological and anatomicla characteristics of the leaves, petiole, rhizoma, and radix of Jeffersonia dubia BENTH were studied.