중부지방에서 비닐하우스를 이용한 비가림으로 홍화 2기작 재배 가능성을 검토하고자, 1기작 직파재배후 2기작 정식 방법을 직파, 육묘이식 재배로 구분하여 실시한 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 1. 1기작이 2기작에 비하여 출현 소요일수는 길었으나 생존율과 생육이 높거나 양호하였다. 2. 2기작 정식방법에 따른 입모율 및 활착율은 육묘이식 재배보다 직파 재배에서 높았으나, 생육 차이는 미미 하였다. 3. 종실 수량은 1기작 135 kg/10a에 비하여 2기작에 서 30~74%감수되었다. 춘기 1기작 재배후 2기작 직파 재배시 입모율 89.3%, 총종실 수량 229 kg/10a로 가장 높아 중부지방에서 적합한 2기작 재배 형태로 나타났다.
This study was carried out to investigate the possibility of double cropping of safflower(Carthamus tinctotious L.) in vinyl house for rainshield culture. Planting methods, i.e., direct seeding as the first crop and direct seeding and transplanting as the second crop, were investigated. Growth characters and establishment were better in the first crop than in the second crop. Between direct seeding and transplanting of the second crop, growth was not significantly different, but establishment was much higher in direct seeding than in transplanting. Seed yield of the second crop was lower 30~74% than that of the first crop. In planting methods of the second crop, seed yield was higher in direct seeding than in transplanting. Therefore, optimum method of the second crop for double cropping of safflower in the middle parts of Korea was estimated as direct seeding.