
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 113

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to replace the imported Chinese complete medium for Lentinula edodes with a newly-developed complete medium that is suitable for export as well. Three media compositions that supported fast mycelium growth and higher density, compared to that in the control, were chosen. Culture in the T13 medium reduced the incubation period for ‘Nongjingo’ by 12 days and for ‘Cham-aram’ by 10 days, compared to that required for the control; in addition, the number of days required for browning was greatly reduced for both varieties. The quantity of each mixed medium was increased according to the composition from the 1st to the 5th cycle by 5.9% for ‘Nongjingo’ and 12.6% for ‘Cham-aram’ in T13, compared to that in the control. A mixed medium comprising oak sawdust + Douglas fir sawdust + corn flour (40:40:20, v/v) was selected as the most suitable complete medium.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated on the nutritional components and physiological activity of four wild vegetables namely Salvia plebeia R. Br., Angelica acutiloba, Gynura procumbens and Saururus chinensis Baill for the development of representative wild vegetables in Chungbuk. Salvia plebeia possessed the highest radical scavenging activity and beta-carotene, but exhibited the lowest α-glucosidase inhibitory activity compared to the other three vegetables. Angelica acutiloba showed high crude protein content and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, but contained low total polyphenol content, radical scavenging ability and beta-carotene compared to the other three vegetables. Gynura procumbens showed high mineral content, beta-carotene, vitamin K1 content and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity, but showed the lowest total polyphenol content and radical scavenging ability compared to the other three vegetables. Saururus chinensis showed high crude fiber content and total polyphenol content, but contained the lowest mineral and vitamin K1 content. To conclude, it is suggested to use Salvia plebeia or Saururus chinensis as antioxidant food materials and Angelica acutiloba and Gynura procumbens as food materials and sources of α-glucosidase inhibitors. In particular, it is believed that Saururus chinensis, which possessed high content of crude fiber, is suitable for low-calorie food materials such as diet products.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the quality characteristics of yanggaeng with rice germ; it was incorporated into yanggaeng at different levels (containing 5% rice germ, 10% rice germ, 15% rice germ, and 20% rice germ) based on the total weight of red bean extracts. For analyzing the quality characteristics of yanggaeng, moisture content, hardness, color, antioxidant activity, total polyphenol content, reducing sugar, and vitamin E were determined. There was no significant difference in the moisture content and hardness except in the control. For color, lightness and yellowness of yanggaeng increased as the concentration of the powder was increased, whereas there was no significant difference in redness. As the rice germ powder was increased, total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity increased significantly, whereas reducing sugar decreased. Especially, total vitamin E, including isomers, increased as the concentration of the powder increased from 0.41 mg/100 g to 4.03 mg/100 g. Therefore, it could be possible to develop processed products with functional snack for yanggaeng prepared by adding 10% rice germ.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the quality characteristics of Soksungjang combined with sorghum koji, according to the amount of sorghum added and the length of the fermentation period. The moisture content of Soksungjang was the lowest in the control group when there was no sorghum koji added, but gradually increased as the amount of added sorghum koji increased. The reduction in the sugar content of sorghum Soksungjang did not change according to the fermentation period of the control group, but increased alongside the fermentation period when sorghum koji was added to Soksungjang. The amino nitrogen content increased from 67.20-80.73 mg% from the beginning of the fermentation period to 173.13-383.60 mg% at the end of the fermentation period, and the total polyphenol content increased from 260.25-351.28 mg% from the beginning of the fermentation period to 567.28 mg%-674.93 mg% to the end of the fermentation period. DPPH radical scavenging activity also increased as the fermentation period elapsed, and ABTS radical scavenging activity increased and then decreased slightly over the fermentation period. The antioxidant activity was the highest in the Soksungjang mixture with a 10% concentration of sorghum koji.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Centella asiatica (CA) has been used as a nutritional plant as well as a traditional herbal medicine around the world. This study, quality component (proximate composition, total polyphenol, and triterpenoid compound), and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of CA dried using various methods were investigated. Proximate compositions of CA with different drying methods included a large amount of carbohydrates, crude protein, crude ash, and crude fiber. Among the drying methods, cold drying provided the highest total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity, while hot-air drying at 75℃ provided the lowest total polyphenol content and antioxidant activity. In addition, when the major triterpenoid compounds of CA were analyzed, the highest content of asiaticoside of triterpenoid glycoside was obtained with all drying methods. With respect to the total triterpenoid, the highest content was obtained with cold drying (68.8 mg/g) whereas natural drying (31.4 mg/g) provided the lowest content. In anti-inflammatory activity of LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 cells, EtOH extract of cold drying showed a significantly higher inhibitory activity in comparison to the other drying methods. In conclusion, it is considered that the cold drying method is suitable for industrial preparation of functional materials with high physiological ingredients, and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities from CA.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        화상병균(Erwinia amylovora)에 의해 발생하는 과수 화상병은 주로 사과, 배 등의 장미과 식물에서 발병한다. 과수 화상병은 국내에서 금지 병원균으로 지정되어 있으며, 2015년 경기도 안성의 배과수원에서 최초 발견되었다. 그러나, 현재까지 근본적인 방제약제가 없는 상황으로 발생지는 매몰이 최선의 방법으로 여겨진다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 2019년을 기준으로 충북지역의 과수 화상병 발생 원인 분석을 통하여 발생 경로 차단을 위한 역학조사를 실시하였다. 1. 충주시 등 3개 시군의 전체 221농가 141ha에서 과수 화상병이 발생하였으며, 세부적인 연도별 발생현황은 2015년(2농가 1ha), 2018년(74농가 51.5ha), 2019년(145농가 88.9ha) 로 나타났다. 2. 과수 화상병의 발생시기는 주로 5월부터 8월 사이로 나타났으며, 특히 6월(73.8%)이 가장 많이 발생하였으며, 7월 (17.2%), 5월(7.6%), 8월(1.4%)순으로 나타났다. 3. 과수 화상병 발생 의심 신고 후 확진 매몰까지 소요기간은 11.9일이었고, 발생에서 매몰까지의 기간은 최단 5일에서 최장 19일로 조사되었다. 4. 병원균의 최초 발생지로부터의 확산 거리는 평균 21 km로 나타났으며 가장 먼거리는 음성군 비산면으로 34 km였다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the quality characteristics of Makgeolli to investigate the availability of Korean sweet potato cultivars as alcoholic beverages. The following sweet potato varieties were used: Gogunmi, Daeyumi, Shingunmi, Shinyulmi, Shincheonmi, Jinyulmi, Jinhongmi, Jeungmi and Pungwonmi; their alcohol contents ranged from 12.20% to 14.20%, with the lowest value in Makgeolli made with Jeungmi and the highest value in Makgeolli made with Jinhongmi. The DPPH radical scavenging activity was in the range of 37.51~77.02%, with the lowest value in Makgeolli made with rice (control) and the highest value in Makgeolli made with Gogunmi. As a result of analyzing the aroma component of sweet potato Makgeolli, 27 kinds of aroma components were detected, and six kinds of alcohols, 13 kinds of esters, four kinds of acids, and four kinds of other compounds were found. Regarding the number of aroma compounds, Makgeolli made with Shinyulmi showed the lowest number with 14 kinds, while Makgeolli made with Pungwonmi showed the highest number with 27 kinds.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        민자주방망이버섯의 대량 생산 및 상업적 실용화를 위하여 야생 균주에 비해 재배기간이 짧고 자실체 발생이 잘 이루어지는 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 본 연구를 수행하였다. 민자주방망이버섯 유전자원 18계통을 수집하고 볏짚발효배지를 이용한 상자 재배를 통해 자실체가 발생한 4계통을 교배모본으로 선발하였다. 단포자 교배를 통해 671조합의 교배를 하였으나 ‘CBMLN-19’ 계통과 ‘CBMLN-30’ 계통을 교배한 17조합만이 교배가 이루어 졌다. 그 중 균사 생장이 빠르고 밀도가 높은 8계통을 1차 선발하였다. 볏짚발효배지에 유전자원 14계통, 교배계통 8계통을 접종 후 배양기간을 조사한 결과 교배계통 중 6계통은 20일만에 배양이 완료되었으며 유전자원 14계통 중 7계통은 배양이 완료되기 까지 40일 이상이 소요되어 대부분의 교배계통에서 배양기간이 20일 이상 단축되었다. 배양이 완료된 계통은 식양토를 1~2 cm 복토하여 후 배양을 하였고 균사 배양이 완전히 완료되었을 때 균긁기를 한 후 자실체 발생을 유도하였다. 발생 유도 환경은 온도 14 ̊C, 상대습도 95% 이상, CO2농도 1,500~2,000 ppm 이었으며, 야간에 6℃로 온도를 낮추어 하온 충격을 주었다. 그 결과 유전자원 ‘CBMLN-31’, ‘CBMLN-44’ 2계통, 교배계통 ‘CBMLN-96’, ‘CBMLN-103’ 2계통 총 4계통에서 자실체가 발생하였다. 접종 후 자실체가 발생되기까 지의 기간은 대조구인 유전자원 ‘CBMLN-31’이 100일로 가장 길었고, 교배계통인‘CBMLM-103’이 45일로 가장 짧았다. 자실체 특성 조사 결과 교배계통인 ‘CBMLN- 103’은 개체중이 1.9 g으로 작은 형태를 나타냈으며, 상자 당 유효경수 123개로 4계통 중 발생량이 가장 많았다. 또 다른 교배계통 ‘CBMLN-96’은 개체중이 5.5 g 으로 ‘CBMLN-103’ 보다 큰 형태를 나타냈으나, 상자 당 유효 경수는 30개로 발생량이 적었다. 수량성 조사 결과 대조구인 ‘CBMLN-31’계통에서 상자 당 수량 783 g으로 가장 높게 나타났고, 교배계통 ‘CBMLN-96’은 165 g, ‘CBMLN-103’은 232 g으로 나타났다. 교배계통 2계통에서 수량성은 대조구 ‘CBMLN-31’보다 낮았지만 자실체 발생량이 많았으며, 재배기간이 40일~55일 단축되어 이 2계통을 우량계통으로 선발하고자 한다.
        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, to develop balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorum) leaves, which are not used as tea, a method of making green tea was referred to, and several physiological activities were analyzed using the balloon flower leaf tea with different times of roasting and rubbing. The highest total polyphenol and tannin contents were 33.02 mg GAE/g and 5.03 mg/g at two times of roasting and one time of rubbing, respectively. In the case of the total flavonoids, the RO3 + RU2, subjected to three times of roasting and two times of rubbing, showed the highest value, whereas there was no significant difference between the control and the other samples. Except for the green tea as a control, the RO2 + RU1 samples reported the highest antioxidant activity whereas it decreased with increasing number of times of roasting and rubbing. The color, lightness, and yellowness tended to decrease slightly as the number of increasing roasting and rubbing among the samples with no significant difference. All of these things together, to develop tea using the balloon flower leaves would be suitable with two times of roasting and one time of rubbing.
        2020.09 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        우리나라에서 톱밥재배 방식으로 생산하는 표고의 경우 톱밥배지에 종균이 접종된 후 배양 및 갈변까지 완료된 완성형 배지의 형태 를 구입하여 버섯을 생산하는 농가가 대다수이며 , 중국으로부터 수입되는 표고 완성형 배지를 이용하는 재배 농가가 50% 이상을 차지하고 있다 . 표고버섯의 수출량은 105.5 105.5 톤(2019) 으로 팽이 , 새송이 , 느타리 다음으로 수출되었으며 수출 금액은 1,626 1,626천$(2019) 이다 . 수출 형태는 주로 건조버섯으로 수출되고 있으며 , 이외에 조제저장 , 생버섯의 형태로 수출되고 있다 . 신선버섯은 해외 수출을 위한 운송 수단에 따 라 유통기간이 크게 좌우되므로 완성형 배지로 수출 형태 전환의 필요성이 대두되고 있으며 , 수출 맞춤형 완성형 배지의 가장 적합한 배지조성을 설정하기 위해 본 연구를 수행하였다 . 시험품종은 ‘농진고 ’ 품종과 ‘참아람 ‘ 품종을 사용하였다 . 배지 재료의 주재료로는 참나무톱밥과 미송톱밥을 사용하였으며 , 영양원으 로는 미강 , 밀기울 , 대두박 , 파옥쇄를 사용하여 혼합비율을 달리한 20 처리를 하였다 .
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