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Evaluation of Pheromone Trap Settings for Managing Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) in Brinjal

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/258914
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한국자원식물학회지 (Korean journal of plant resources)
한국자원식물학회 (The Plant Resources Society Of Korea)

An experiment was conducted to find out among 9 trap settings the most appropriate site for trap placement in the Brinjal field based on Brinjal shoot and fruit borer trapping efficiency, shoot and fruit infestation, healthy and total fruit yield, and BCR. The efficiency of different trap setting positions varied significantly. Trapping efficiency observed the T1 ensured the minimum shoot and fruit infestation 10.02% and 20.95%, respectively, minimum infested fruit yield (4.75 ton/ha), maximum healthy and total fruit yield (26.72 and 31.47 ton/ha) and the maximum BCR (1.70), which was followed by T2 and T4. The minimum trapping efficiency of T9 treatment led the maximum shoot and fruit infestation 13.89 and 29.26%, respectively, maximum infested fruit yield (7.59 ton/ha), minimum healthy and total fruit yield (17.74 and 25.32 ton/ha) and the minimum BCR (1.00). A correlation between the number of BSFB adults trapped from the most efficient trap setting and the shoot and fruit infestation recorded and found a linear positive correlation between number of BSFB adults trapped and shoot infestation (r = 0.781) and fruit infestation (r = 0.810). The effect of pheromone trap positions observed in this study may be attributed to the easy accessibility of the lures and traps, when they are placed at the canopy.

  • Mizanur Rahman
  • Razzab Ali
  • Mohammad Saiful Islam
  • Myeong-Hyeon Wang