The accuracy for determining fishing ground and for setting fishing gear location, and the repeatability of ship position vary depending on fishing methods. Especially, Loran-C has been served to give fisherman highly accurate ship's position, and a number of fishing vessel are equipped with it's receivers. In this paper, in order to evaluate the accuracy of Loran-C fix of Korean chain in Korean southeast coast, the authors examined and analyzed the data of the receiver of Loran-C(LC 90, Furuno) and GPS(AccNav SportTM, Eagle) measured automatically and continuously for 2 seconds at interval of 5minutes during 2hours from 11th to 21st, July, 1996 at six observed points, that is, Pusan, Wolnae, Pangojin, Chongja, Kampo and Kuryongpo in Korean southeast coast. As the result obtained, Loran-C signals showed little fluctuation with good reprodutibility. Good stability of Loran-C signals was indicated by the small value of the standard deviation 0.064~0.094μ s. Although determination of the observed position could not be completely accurate, the extent of the error was estimated smaller than 0.35 nautical mile.