This work aims at examining the navigational safety of the entrance channel of Inchon harbour and suggesting the way to improve ship's navigation of the navigational safety at Inchon, that small ships such as fishing boats and barges coming out of the harbour through the East Channel cause major threat to the inbound large ships using the channel. An additional new waterway, therefore, has been recommended to be established in the middle of the East and West Channels so that the outbound small ships can use it. A waterway design simulation methodology has been applied to examin the sagety of the newly suggested channel. Minor chansge has been made to the original design after the simulation experiment, and the corrected final design of the waterway has been suggested to be implemented as soon as possible.
본 논문은 EUROFIX 시스템에 적용하기 위한 Reed-Solomon 코딩에 대해서 다룬다. EUROFIX는 최근에 위성시스템의 비상수단으로서 인식되는 LORAN-C 시스템을 이용하여 DGNSS(Differential Global Navigation Satellite Systems) 정보를 전송하는 통합위치결정 시스템으로서, LORAN-C 신호 펄스열들의 펄스 위치 변조에 의한 LORAN-C 전송을 통해서 데이터 통신을 한다. 또한 통신 시스템에서 처리되는 광대한 양의 데이터에 대한 오류론 제어하기 위한 수단으로 오류 정정 부호나 정정 알고리즘이 대두되었으며, 실제로 중요한 적용요소가 되고 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문에서는 EUROFIX 정보전송의 부호화과정에서의 오류정정을 위해서 유한체 푸리에 변환을 이용한 Reed-Solomon 코드의 부호화 및 복호화에 대해서 연구하였다. 시뮬레이션을 통해서, EUROFIX 정보전송의 오류정정에 효과적인 것을 알 수 있었다.
DGPS/Radio beacons are currently being planned or installed in many countries. They offer a cost-effective way of distributing differential data to large number of users. These networks are also being deployed in South Korea, Japan, and China. Several DGPS stations among them are operating on the same frequencies. The DGPS signal based on a radio beacon in medium frequency band travels principally as a groundwave over the surface of the earth. The signal may also be received as skywaves at locations beyond about 100 km from the reference station. These skywaves interfere with groundwave signals due to fading. This factor has generally ignored in designing DGPS/Radio beacon systems. A further important factor is to reduce the coverage due to interference from other beacons on the same or adjacent frequencies. The desired signal may fade due to interaction between its skywave and groundwave components. It may degrade the accuracy of the positioning in a complex fashion. This paper estimates the coverage of Far East Asia DGPS stations which are operating on the same frequencies, which is based on the signal protection ratio and interference of the signal strength of the groundwave and skywave.
When the GPS system was come to the operation, the U.S Coast Guard initiated development of differential GPS system based on a marine radiobeacon. It has rapidly been spread out to many countries. DGPS equals to P(Y) code in a positioning accuracy. USA has recently determined to expand the coverage of DGPS to inland in order to install a nationwide DGPS chain. Korea is under processing for improving the DGPS as a nationwide positioning system. Before expanding the service area inside Korea, we need to verify the relation between the field strength and DGPS accuracy for the service area. The Japanese DGPS data is received in the southern Part of the Korean peninsula. The Korean DGPS was not a complete system, so we selected the Japanese DGPS data as a model for the study. This paper investigate accuracy and reliability characteristics of RBN/DGPS over the effective service area. Through the experimental and simulation study, we obtained the reliable and stable positioning accuracy in the southern part of the Korean peninsula. In addition, the characteristics of RBN/DGPS were examined in the land over the effective coverage from Japan. The results would be a basic reference to research the RBN/NDGPS in Korea.
This paper is concerned with the experimental analysis of EOW(End-of-Week) rollover. The GPS EOW Rollover happens every 20 years. Because GPS time, counted in weeks, started counting Jan. 6, 1980, the GPS week will rollover from week 1023 to 0000 at midnight between Aug. 21 and 22. This is significant because it is the first EOW rollover since the GPS constellation was established and it could be interpreted as an invalid date in receivers that were not designed to meet GPS specification. We analyzed GPS data of the noncompliant receivers and the compliant receiver. It was concluded that all receivers had not serious problems during or after the rollover.
It is being more and more difficult to suppress emissions from electronic products using PCB(Printed Circuit Board) to the limit. Therefore, the exact evaluation of the emission from PCB has been more important to reduce the required time and the cost at the design phase of the products, especially on board ship's equipments. This research has evaluated the emission radiated from PCB based on the theoretical approach of SDA(Spectral Domain Analysis), which is available to analyze microwave stripline, coplanar line, patch antenna, etc. According to the theoretical results, it has been clearly shown that the emission radiated from PCB is reduced as the thickness of PCB is thinner, the permittivity of PCB is higher, the length of stripline is shorter, and the frequency is lower.
The Japanese DGPS Data can be received easily in the area of the Korean peninsula and some Korean users may use these data. However, its analysis has not been actually investigated. This paper is a study on accuracy analysis of Japanese Marine Radiobeacon/ DGPS in the South Coast of Korea. The 3 Japanese DGPS stations, Wakamiya(295 kHz), Ose Saki(302 kHz) and Hamada(305 kHz), near the Korean peninsula were analyzed by several ways. It was concluded that the feasible result of the experimental study with an error range of no more 10 m in 2 DRMS.
The fundamental objectives of vessel traffic services (VTS) are the safety of traffic, efficient traffic flow and the protection of marine environment. And the coverge of VTS is used to be within the port and their approaches. It , however, is tend to expand the coverge beyond the radar coverage and the vessel carrying dangerous cargo. Therefore this study aims to investigate the international tendancy of the extended VTS system, and take a field test of using KOREASAT for the extended VTS system in Korean coastal waters. As the results of the test, KOREASAT is proved to be one of the alternatives for extended VTS system.
Radiobeacons that carry corrections for global satellite navigation systems are currently being planned or installed in many countries. In early 1996, it was begun to send DGPS correction message from a marine radiobeacon station located in Changgi Got Lighthouse. It was the first test broadcast of DGPS correction data based on medium frequency of marine radiobeacon where transmission power and rate are 300W and 100bps respectively in Korea. However, there has not been any scientific study on the characteristic of the accuracy of a marine radiobeacon/DGPS. Accordingly, this paper investigates the accuracy of the system, which is currently operating in 310kHz. To do this , the real time differential correction in RTCM data was collected in an implemented system. And then the accuracy was analyzed related to the coverge of the radiobeacon/DGPS. As a result, it is verified that the differential positioning accuracy using the marine radiobeacon is sufficient to ensure the safety of marine activities around the coast of Korea.
With the rapid advance of electronic equipments and the frequent, use of them, the electromagnetic environments including EMC or EMI problems are very complicated. The radiation of electromagnetic waves from electronic equipments has strictly been controlled by the authorities concerned from many years ago. Though it is the most proper to test EMI or EMC in the open area test site, we have used the anechoic chamber in place of the test site because of its various restrictions. To achieve the purpose, in this paper, the performances of a few anechoic chambers according to absorbing materials are analyzed for horizontal and vertical polarizations respectively. Furthermore, the calculated and the measured site attenuations in semi-anechoic chamber made with ferrite grid are compared. The obtained results are to be valuable for designing an anechoic chamber.
The accuracy for determining fishing ground and for setting fishing gear location, and the repeatability of ship position vary depending on fishing methods. Especially, Loran-C has been served to give fisherman highly accurate ship's position, and a number of fishing vessel are equipped with it's receivers. In this paper, in order to evaluate the accuracy of Loran-C fix of Korean chain in Korean southeast coast, the authors examined and analyzed the data of the receiver of Loran-C(LC 90, Furuno) and GPS(AccNav SportTM, Eagle) measured automatically and continuously for 2 seconds at interval of 5minutes during 2hours from 11th to 21st, July, 1996 at six observed points, that is, Pusan, Wolnae, Pangojin, Chongja, Kampo and Kuryongpo in Korean southeast coast. As the result obtained, Loran-C signals showed little fluctuation with good reprodutibility. Good stability of Loran-C signals was indicated by the small value of the standard deviation 0.064~0.094μ s. Although determination of the observed position could not be completely accurate, the extent of the error was estimated smaller than 0.35 nautical mile.
The method of Electromagnetic Wave Immunity Test is continuously endeavored by IEC and CISPR as international unification, but it has not been established yet. The main reason is why it is difficult to obtain the measurement method and normalization of threshold to find out the complicated parameters for Electromagnetic Wave immunity Test. So far, thus, the Electromagnetic Wave Immunity Test is carried out case by case as the electromagnetic environment, which is set up Electromagnetic Wave Immunity Test. This study has developed an algorithm and measurement software suitable for IEC1000-4 Regulations, where a ready-made Amplifier, and Signal Generator have been used and an interconnecting Interface Board has been constructed for connecting with the other apparatuses, i.e., RF Switch, Power Meter, Field Sensor, Pre-Amp., etc. Therefore, we have achieved the aim to develop an automated software using OOP method and the measurement system.
A design method of an electromagnetic wave absorber with ferrite fins in the second layer, which has very wide band frequency characteristics, is proposed and discussed. A theoretical model using the equivalent material constants method is adopted, assessed for its accuracy by comparision with the Hashin-Shtrikman formulas and compared with the conventional absorbers. Based on the model, a wide band electromagnetic wave absorber with excellent reflectivity frequency characteristics in frequency range of 30MHZ to 3530MHZ has been designed.
A wide band design method of an electromagnetic wave absorber with square ferrite cylinders in the second layer, which has very wide band frequency characteristics, is proposed and discussed. A theoretical model using the equivalent material constants method is also evaluated and proposed for its accuracy by comparison with Hashin-Shtrikman formulas. Based on the developed model, wide band electromagnetic wave absorbers with excellent reflective frequency characteristics in the frequency range of 30MHz to 3, 690MHz were designed.
A wide band design method of an electromagnetic wave absorber using exponentially tapered ferrite, which has very wide band frequency characteristics, is proposed and discussed. The wide band electroma-gnetic wave absorber can be designed by the proposed equivalent material constants method for the re-gions varying spatially in the shape of ferrite. Futhermore, the wide band ferrite electromagnetic wave absorber with taper, which have not only exce-llent reflectivity frequency characteristics but also the band width of 30MHz to 2150 or 2450MHz under the tolerance limits of -20dB reflectivity, were designed.
As a method of measure the absorbing characteristics of microwave absorber, the various microwave measuring method can be used fundamentally. There is, however, a big problem in measuring errors, since the wavelength of microwave such as used for radar is very short. Therefore, this research aimed to design and fabricate a converting adaptor of 20mmΦ coaxial tube from a Type-N connector to 20mmΦ coaxial tube and to use it for evaluating absorption characteristics of microwave absorber. Furthermore, the measurements of absorbing characteristics and material constants have been performed and review, which were carried out by using the coaxial tube and by using rectangular waveguide, respective. As a result, the validity of the proposed measuring method has been confirmed.
The coaxial sample holder with 20mm in diameter and the adaptor from type N connector-to-20mmΦ coaxial tube are designed and manufactured which have been used for designing and measuring the fabricated microwave absorber. In addition, the measure in method of material constants of the microwave absorbers is described, which is focused on minimizing the error due to the sample's shapes, the fitting conditions, etc. After describing the design method of a single-layed microwave absorber, the microwave absorbers for X-band, C-band and S-band RADARs are designed and fabricated, respectively, which are composed of ferrite, carborn, and binder and have good performance. Futhermore, we develop the high performance microwave absorber in extremely wide-band type for RADAR, which is composed of different material and its mixing ratio and which could cover nearly from 4 to 10 GHz.
The Radio Navigation System(R. N. S.) has been progressed consistantly with the development of electric-electronic engineering techniques since the R. D. E had been developed in 1910. The R. N. S. mostly depends on either Hyperbolic Navigation System(H. N. S.) or Spherical Navigation System(S. N. S.) in the ocean, and on Rectangular Navigation System (R. N. S.) in the air near the airport or an a combinations of the above systems in both area. Another effective R. N. S may be the Ellipse-Hyperbola Navigation System(E-H N. S.), which is proposed and named such in this paper. The equations calculating GDOP are derived and the GDOP values are calculated in the case of H. N. S., S. N. S, and E-H. N. S., respectively, for the specified case that four transmitting stations are arranged on the apex of a square, Then the GDOP diagrams of above navigation systems are presented for qualitative comparison in this paper. To measure the distances from the receiver to the stations in S. N. S., and/or the sum of distances to two stations in E-H N. S., the time synchronization between the transmitter clocks and the receiver clock is a major premise. The author has proposed the algorithm for getting this synchronmization utilizing the by S. N. S. or E-H N. S while GDOPs of those are relatively good. Even though clock synchronization error is a voidable due to the fix error used, the simulated results shows that the position accuracy of S. N. S. and E-H N. S. by the proposed method is far upgraded compared with that determined by H. N. S. directly, as far as the outer region of transmitter arrangement is concerned.