Through the rapid development in personal computer technology, it has recently become possible to make a radar become possible to make a radar simulator based on the PC. Althougth such a technology has already been developed in the advanced countries like Japan, U.K., and U.S.A., our country has not been able to make such a simulator so far. In addition, revised STCW convention requires the maritime training institution to be equipped with the ARPA simulator satisfying the performance standard specified in the convention. In this thesis therefore, an attempt was made to developed the software of the ARPA radar simulation system using Visual Basic 4.0, with which we can finally make a Mockup style ARPA simulator satisfying the performance standard specified in the convention. In this thesis therefore, and attempt was made to developed the software of the ARPA radar simulation system using Visual Basic 4.0, with which we can finally make a Mockup style ARPA radar simulator. The system developed through the research has been found to run successfully on the desk top personal computer(586PC). A Mockup style ARPA radar simulator will be able to be made by simply installing this software on the PC which will be placed inside a ARPA radar Mockup, and this is one of the future research subjects.
This work aims at examining the navigational safety of the entrance channels of Masan harbour and suggesting the way to improve ships' navigational safety through the channels. It has been found, from the on-scene investigation of the navigational safety at Masan, that the depth of the Budo-Sudo channel is not deep enough to cater for the largest vessel visiting the harbour, and that the No.2 navigational channel is not wide enough for the vessel. An additional new waterway, therefore, has been recommended to be established in the south of the Budo-Sudo channel so that the deep draft vessel can detour. The No.2 navigational channel has been recommended to be widen. The width of the channel was suggested to be 280 meters. A waterway design simulation methodology has been applied to examine the safety of the newly suggested channels. New channels have been proved to be safe from the experiment.
This work aims at examining the navigational safety of the entrance channel of Inchon harbour and suggesting the way to improve ship's navigation of the navigational safety at Inchon, that small ships such as fishing boats and barges coming out of the harbour through the East Channel cause major threat to the inbound large ships using the channel. An additional new waterway, therefore, has been recommended to be established in the middle of the East and West Channels so that the outbound small ships can use it. A waterway design simulation methodology has been applied to examin the sagety of the newly suggested channel. Minor chansge has been made to the original design after the simulation experiment, and the corrected final design of the waterway has been suggested to be implemented as soon as possible.
In recent years, through the rapid development in personal computer technology, it has become possible to make a radar simulator based on the personal computer. The advantage of the personal Computer aidd radar simulator lies in its cost effectiveness, when comparing with that using the real radar. Although there have been studies carried out to develop radar simulator using PC and the products of thi kind is in the commercial market already, they are all using the mockup of the real radar, and therefore, the price of the simulator is still rather expensive. In this respect, this thesis aims to develop a ARPA radar simulator which is running on the sole PC, so that the students of the maritime educational institution may get ARPA radar training easily and cheaply. The simulator developed in this thesis using Visual Basic is found to run successfully on the 486PC, and it is expected that this new simulator system designed first time in Korea would be used as an easily accessible ARPA radar training equipment.
Although the studies carried out in recent years have provied much new information about channel widths and alignment, they are not consistent in their results. In addition, as a result of variations in local condition and type of traffic accommodated, the dimensions of the channel widths vary over a wide range. Therefore, the recommendation made by the maritime engineering organizations over the world, do not offer detailed and decisive optimal design criteria and are all different. It, therefore, was attempted in this paper to draw a decisive guideline on the optimal widths and alignment of the navigational channels, which can be utilized by the port designers at the stage of the planning. The guideline was drawn through the comparison and analysis of the existing guidelines of the U.S.A, Japan and PIANC and simulation experiment. The simulation experiment was carried out using the "Off Line Port and Waterway Design Simulator" to find the optimal dimensions of the widths of the navigational channels. 90 different simulation runs were conducted at the 3 different secenario channels. New guidelines, the result of the study, is expected to be used usefully by the Korean port designers when designing the rapodly developing ports in Korea. in Korea.
Kwangyang harbour has been developed very rapidly and has 20 berths including 2 for 250,000DWT bulk carriers at the terminal of Kwangyang Steel Company only. In addition to this, the port is developing a container terminal with 10 berths for 50,000GRT container ships, the construction of which is scheduled to be finished in the year 2000. Because of these development, it has been pointed out that the existing waterways are not wide and safe enough for the new large ships to be catered for. This work, therefore, aimed to examine the naviga-tional safety of the waterways of Kwangyang Harbour, and to suggest how to improve the existing water-ways for the large ships to be introduced in the near future. In examining the safety of the existing and newly suggested waterways, waterway design simulation methodology has been applied. From this study, it has been suggested that the No.4 navigational channel has to be dredged to the depth of 22.5 meters and used as an entrance channel only, while the No.3 channel is used as an exit channel. Additionally, a new waterway has been recommended to be established over the Myodo Island for the container ships which will use the new terminal, the width of which has been recommended to be 400 meters with 440 meters from the bend area.
In this paper, the maritime educational and training systems in different countries were compared and analyzed. The sample countries have been divided into two large groups, one of which comprising the countries adopting European maritime educational system and the other of which consisting of countries adopting American maritime educational system. From the comparison of the two educational systems, the merits and demerits of each system has been analysed. The results of the analyses show that the maritime educational institutes of the countries such as U.S.A., Japan, Korea, Taiwan, which have American maritime educational system, have more adaptability to the rapidly changing, shipping environment. In addition, it has been concluded that the college of the Maritime Science of the Korea Maritime University is required to set up a new educational model which is similar to the of the SUNY Maritime College in the U.S.A to meet the recent changes in Korean shipping industry.
항만 설계에 영향을 미치는 네가지 중요요인인 선박요인, 인간요인, 환경요인 및 항로표지요인들이 실제 항만 및 수로의 설계에 미치는 구체적인 영향들을 각 요인별로 분석하였다. 아울러 항만 및 수로 설계요소인 수심, 항로의 폭, 항로의 배치, 선회수역의 크기 및 부두의 배치 문제에 대한 분석을 기하였다. 그리고, 항만 및 수로의 설계 문제에 관한 최근의 연구결과들과 각국의 설계 Guideline들을 수집하여 특히, 항로의 폭, 항로의 배치 그리고 선회수역의 크기에 대해 그 내용을 비교하고 분석하였다. 이들 연구 결과들과 항만 설계기준들은 연구 방법과 설계 기준을 마련한 기구들에 따라 그 내용의 차이가 있음이 확인되었다. 따라서 이들 기준들은 항만 설계를 위한 1차 계획 수립시에만 활용되고 세부적인 설계는 1차 설계 후 항만 설계 시뮬레이션 기법을 통한 검정을 거쳐야만 안전한 항만의 설계 및 개발이 이루어질 수 있다는 것이 확인되었다.
The increase in seaborne cargoes has made our coastal traffic congested, and future coastal traffic is also expected to increase considerably as result of our economic development and high dependence on foreign trade. This increased traffic may be a cause of serious sea pollution as well as greater number of sea accidents. In view of this problem the introduction of VTMS along on our coast is required, following careful study of a large number of foreign systems. This paper analyzes the actual condition of 132 VTMSs in the world from the view point of management method authority of VTMS, coverage and characteristics of system. And this results provide helpful information for the development of VTMS in the future and for the implementation of VTMS in our coastal waterway.
The conventional school affairs management, with an example of Korea Martitime University (KMU), is studied through the university codes and its internal regulations and the inevitable problems of the conventional school affairs are analyzed. From the view points of complexity of the educational structure and increase in educational population, the computerized school affairs management is increasingly requested. Therefore, in order to design and implement a computerized school affairs management system, a code-system suitable for the KMU is, first of all, constructed and then a data base which copes with various reforms or changes is developed by using the code system and the IMAGE/DMBS of a HP-9040AM computer. A FORTRAN example program shows that the designed data base can be easily transformed into on-line system and made good use of managing school affairs. Furthermore, it is recommended that the university authority organize a research team for designing the total system in future university administration and solving difficult problems occurring through the computerization.
The purpsoe of automatic steering system is to keep the ship's course stable with the minimum course error and rudder angle, and there have been a number of studies as to the optimal design and adjustment of the autopilot. Recently, modern control theories are being used widely in analyzing and designing the system. When a ship is at sea, autopilot installed on the ship plays an important role, particularly in the respect of economic aspects, that is, when the design and the adjustment of adjustable parameters are not conducted perfectly, the amount of loss in energy and the extension of sailing distance become large. Therefore the optimal design and adjustment of a autopilot are very important. Though P.I.D type autopilots are widely spread and generally used in modern ships, the suitability and the adjusting method are not clarified. In this paper the authors considered the stabilaity and the economical efficiency of the P.I.D. type autopilot and investigated various facts which should be considered at the time of designing and using the P.I.D. type autopilot through the digital computer simulation.
Many studies have been done in the field of fuzzy logic theory, but it's application is not so much, and particularly, there isn't any application to the ship's steering system, until now. This paper is to survey the effect of application of fuzzy logic control to the ship's steering system. The controller is made up of a set of Linguistic Control Rules which are conditional linguistic statements connecting the inputs and the output, and take the inputs derived from the errors, that is, deviation angle and it's angular velocity. These two variables together give information about the state of the steering system, and the Linguistic Control Rules are implemented on the digital computer. The characteristics of this system were investigated through the computer simulation and satisfactory results compared with that of the conventional PD controller were obtained.