
해양환경안전학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.1 No.1 (1995년 1월) 5

1995.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
해난사고의 발생으로 표류중인 조난선박을 구조하는데 있어서 가장 중요한 작업은 조난선박의 현재 표류위치를 정확하게 추정하는 것이다. 표류지점을 예측하는데 현재 사용되고 있는 방법들은 기본적으로 해류와 바람의 영향을 벡터적으로 합성하여 수색범위를 결정한다. 여기서 해류보다 바람의 영향에 의한 표류(leeway)를 예측하기가 어려운데 leeway는 주로 실물을 이용한 현장실험을 통하여 결정한다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라의 연안용 소형선박을 대상으로 제주 북방해역에서 실제 표류실험을 하였는데, leeway 산출에는 지금까지의 기법과는 달리 표류선박에서 측정된 상대유속과 유향 그리고 상대풍속과 풍향을 사용하였다. 실험자료로부터 산출된 leeway는 풍속의 약3% 부근이며 leeway angle은 자료중 80%가 -65˚에서 -15˚사이였다.
1995.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Although the studies carried out in recent years have provied much new information about channel widths and alignment, they are not consistent in their results. In addition, as a result of variations in local condition and type of traffic accommodated, the dimensions of the channel widths vary over a wide range. Therefore, the recommendation made by the maritime engineering organizations over the world, do not offer detailed and decisive optimal design criteria and are all different. It, therefore, was attempted in this paper to draw a decisive guideline on the optimal widths and alignment of the navigational channels, which can be utilized by the port designers at the stage of the planning. The guideline was drawn through the comparison and analysis of the existing guidelines of the U.S.A, Japan and PIANC and simulation experiment. The simulation experiment was carried out using the "Off Line Port and Waterway Design Simulator" to find the optimal dimensions of the widths of the navigational channels. 90 different simulation runs were conducted at the 3 different secenario channels. New guidelines, the result of the study, is expected to be used usefully by the Korean port designers when designing the rapodly developing ports in Korea. in Korea.
1995.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this paper, a program for the calculation of GZ curve for a ship in waves is developed and GZ curves for a ferry in the still water and in waves are calculated. And the added mass, damping, restoring forces and wave exciting forces are calculated by using the strip theory given by Salvesen, Tuck, Faltinsen. Capsizing simulations are perfoned in consideration if the nonlinear restoring forces of the ship in waves by using the Runge-Kutta 4-th method.
1995.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In recent years, through the rapid development in personal computer technology, it has become possible to make a radar simulator based on the personal computer. The advantage of the personal Computer aidd radar simulator lies in its cost effectiveness, when comparing with that using the real radar. Although there have been studies carried out to develop radar simulator using PC and the products of thi kind is in the commercial market already, they are all using the mockup of the real radar, and therefore, the price of the simulator is still rather expensive. In this respect, this thesis aims to develop a ARPA radar simulator which is running on the sole PC, so that the students of the maritime educational institution may get ARPA radar training easily and cheaply. The simulator developed in this thesis using Visual Basic is found to run successfully on the 486PC, and it is expected that this new simulator system designed first time in Korea would be used as an easily accessible ARPA radar training equipment.
1995.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The small-waterplane-area-twin-hull(SWATH) ship has been recognized as a promising high performance ship because of her superior seakeeping characteristics and large deck area for various operations compared to the conventional monohull ship. significant advances in analytical technics for the prediction of the ship motions, wave loads and structural responses, structural fatigue and its prediction, and hull vibration for ship motions, wave loads and structural responses, structural fatigue and its prediction, and hull vibration for SWATH ship have been much developed during the last twenty years. Based on these developments in technology an integrated computational procedures for prediction wave loads and structural responses can be used to get a accurate results. But the major problem of SWATH ship's structural design is the accurate prediction of structural responses by the maximum critical loads likely to be experienced during the life of SWATH. To get a easier and safer computational procedures and the analytical approach for determining the accurate structural responses, a case study has been presented through the project experienced.