
해양환경안전학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol.30 No.3 통권 제132호 (2024년 5월) 3

2024.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The digitization of ship environments has increased the risk of cyberattacks on ships. The smartization and automation of ships are also likely to result in cyber threats. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has discussed the establishment of regulations at the autonomous level and has revised existing agreements by dividing autonomous ships into four stages, where stages 1 and 2 are for sailors who are boarding ships while stages 3 and 4 are for those not boarding ships. In this study, the level of a smart ship was classified into LEVELs (LVs) 1 to 3 based on the autonomous levels specified by the IMO. Furthermore, a risk assessment for smart ships at various LVs in different risk scenarios was conducted The cyber threats and vulnerabilities of smart ships were analyzed by dividing them into administrative, physical, and technical security; and mitigation measures for each security area were derived. A total of 22 cyber threats were identified for the cyber asset (target system). We inferred that the higher the level of a smart ship, the greater the hyper connectivity and the remote access to operational technology systems; consequently, the greater the attack surface. Therefore, it is necessary to apply mitigation measures using technical security controls in environments with high-level smart ships.
2024.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
To ensure a systematic and integrated approach to defense safety management, individual safety management regulations have been consolidated into the National Defense Safety Directive. However, despite being enacted after the enforcement of the Severe Accident Punishment Act, the National Defense Safety Directive does not incorporate the contents of the Serious Accident Punishment Act. This omission is likely to cause confusion in safety management. In this paper, a PDCA analysis of the Severe Accident Punishment Act and the National Defense Safety Directive was conducted to identify area for improvement and supplementation in the Directive. Chapter 3 proposes amendments to clearly define the scope and responsibilities of safety management, implement serious accident prevention measures and inspections, and establish the penalties for those involved. These amendments aim to ensure faithful compliance with the Severe Accident Punishment Act. Chapter 4 emphasizes the implementation and inspection of risk assessments to enhance the effectiveness of safety accident prevention and preparation, thereby ensuring the completeness of the PDCA cycle.
2024.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, a survey on the coexistence of offshore wind farm and fishing activities in Gochang, Gunsan, and Buan’s fishermen in the southwest sea offshore wind farm was carried out witn an aim of examining the factors that should be considered when coexisting. A questionnaire was composed after referring to domestic and foreign literature data on examples of coexistence. The questionnaire was issued through direct visits. Frequency analysis and cross-analysis were used for survey response results, and IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 26 was used for statistical processing. As a result of analyzing a total of 84 questionnaires, the perception of the coexistence of offshore wind and fishing activities was the same by 50.0% positive and negative, respectively. As a result of cross-analysis by region, significant differences were found (p <0.039). Gochang fishermen showed a high negative perception of the coexistence of offshore wind and fishing activities at 62.1%, with the main reason being that fishing resources are expected to decrease due to the influence of noise, vibration, and current generated from offshore wind farm facilities. In Gunsan, negative perception of coexistence was high at 57.7%. This was mainly attributed to the impossibility to operate in the offshore wind farm due to the nature of the fishery. On the contrary, in the case of Buan, 69.0% of the positive perception of coexistence was high 'because fishermen were dissatisfied with the current coexistence plan (policy)'. According to previous studies, 91.8% of domestic fishing methods show the possibility of fishing activities in offshore wind under caution, so it is concluded that research should be conducted to coexist with offshore wind and fishing activities as in foreign countries for smooth installation of offshore wind and continuous fishing activities.