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Shape Optimization of a Segment Ball Valve Using Metamodels

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/261430
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Journal of Korean Navigation and Port Reserch (한국항해항만학회지)
한국항해항만학회 (Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research)

This study presents the optimization design process of a segment ball valve that involves the reduction of the flow resistance coefficient and the satisfaction of the strength requirement. Numerical analysis of fluid flow and structural analysis have been performed to predict the flow resistance coefficient and the maximum stress of a segment ball valve. In this study, a segment ball valve incorporating the advantages of a ball valve and a butterfly valve has been devised. In general, ball valves are installed in a pipe system where tight shut off is required. Butterfly valves having smaller end-to-end dimension than ball valve can be installed in narrow spaces in a pipe system. The metamodels for the shape design of a segment ball valve are built by the response surface method and the Kriging interpolation model.

  • Jin-Hwan Lee
  • Kwon-Hee Lee