낙엽활엽수림 개벌 후 벌채지에서 식생구조 회복과정과 변화를 관찰하기 위하여 서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 부속 남부연습림인 백운산의 벌채지를 대상으로 선정하였다. 1994년에 2개의 모니터링 조사구를 설치하였고, 1997년과 1999년, 2001년, 2003년에 식생조사를 하였다. 벌채후 10년간 벌채지의 산림식생변화는 다음과 같다. 벌채지 산림내부에서 벌채 후 1년째에는 잔존 수목인 쪽동백나무, 때죽나무 및 비목나무가 우세하게 나타났으며, 벌채 후 6년째에는 근주맹아목인 때죽나무와 비목나무, 실생목인 두릅나무가 우세하게 나타났고, 벌채 후 8년차부터 벌채 후 10년차 까지 비목나무 때죽나무, 졸참나무 등이 우점종으로 나타났다. 벌채지 산림내부의 종다양도지수는 남서사면에서 계속 낮아졌으며, 북동사면에서는 6년차까지 증가하다가 벌채 후 8년차부터 감소하였다. 흉고직경급(DBH) 분석에서 벌채 후 10년경과시 남서사면의 경우 졸참나무, 때죽나무, 비목나무의 개체수가 출현율이 높았고, 북동사면의 경우 당단풍나무, 쪽동백나무, 함박꽃나무, 비목나무. 두릅나무의 개체수 출현율이 높게 나타났다. 기저면적은 남서사면의 경우 8년차에 비해 감소하였으나, 북동사면 경우는 증가하여 사면간 차이를 보였다.
The objective of this study was to monitor vegetation recovery process after timber harvesting at (Mt.) Baekwoonsan Seoul National University Forests, Korea. Two monitoring plots were established in 1994 and woody plant were monitored in 1997, 1999, 2001, and 2003. Vegetation development pattern during last ten years (1994-2003) after timber harvesting were as follows; Styrax obassia, Styrax japonica and Lindera erythrocarpa as of the existing tree were competitive species in the first year after clear-cut, Styrax japonica and Lindera erythrocarpa as of sprout tree and Aralia elata as of seedling were dominant species in the sixth year after clear-cut, and Lindera erythrocarpa, Styrax japonica and Quercus serrata were dominant species from the eighth year to the tenth year after clear-cut. Species diversity index of harvested forest interior was decreased at the southwestern slope while it was increased in the northeastern slope till 6th year and decreased after the 8th year). According to DBH distribution pattern, No. of individuals of Quercus serrata, Styrax japonica and Lindera erythrocarpa showed high frequency in the southwestern slope, and Acer pseudosieboldianum, Styrax obassia, Magnolia sieboldii, Lindera erythrocarpa, and Aralia elata showed good growth in the northeastern slope. There was a difference between slopes in Basal area. It was decreased at the southwestern slopes during the 10th year continuously and it was increased the sixth year however, was decreased after the eighth year at the northeastern slope.