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신안군 장도 산지습지 식생과 토양특성 KCI 등재

Vegetation and Soil Properties of a Forest Wetland in Jangdo, Sinan-Gun

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262422
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국환경생태학회지 (한국환경생태학회지 (환생지))
한국환경생태학회 (Korean Society of Environment & Ecology)

신안군 장도 산지습지의 식생과 토양 및 ordination을 분석하였다. 장도 산지습지에서 특기할만한 식물은 바늘꽃, 개쉽사리이고, 한국 특산식물로는 흑산도 비비추와 소사나무 2종이며, 관속식물은 40과 62속 57종 9변종 1품종 총 67분류군이다. 식생군락은 버드나무-기장대풀군락, 기장대풀군락, 억새군락이다. 토양 분석 결과, 유기물함량 20.6-72.4%, 전질소함량 0.74-2.13%,유효인산함량 33.3-114.6ppm, 양이온치환용량(CEC) 25.5-94.3이고, 토양pH는 5.10-5.42이며, 토성은 주로 식양토로 나타났다. 군락의 분포와 환경 인자들과의 상관을 보면, pH가 군락의 분포에 영향을 미치고 있음을 알 수 있으며, 버드나무-기장대풀군락은 3군락 중 pH가 가장 높으며, 전질소, 유기물함량, 양이 온치환용량, 치환성 Na, Ca, Mg등의 양료가 가장 많은 입지에 분포하고 있으며, 억새군락은 버드나무-기장대풀군락과는 반대로 3군락 중 pH가 가장 낮으며, 전질소, 유기물함량, 양이온치환용량, 치환성 Na, Ca, Mg등의 양료가 가장 적은 입지에 분포하고 있다.

This study was carried out to investigate soil properties, ordination, and vegetation of a forest wetland in Jangdo, Sinan-Gun. Peculiar species such as Epilobium pyrricholophum and Lycopus ramosissim us were found in the forest wetland of Jangdo, and Hosta yingeri and Carpinus turczaninovii for coreana that are an endemic species of Korea were also found. The vascular plants of 40 families 62 genera 57 species 9 varieties 1 form, total 67 taxa were accounted for. The communities were classified as Salix koreensis-Isachne globosa community, Isachne globosa community, and Miscathus sinensis var purpurascens community. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, available phosphorous concentrations, and cation exchange capacity each ranged from 20.6 to 72.4%, 0.74 to 2.13%, 33.3 to 114.6 ppm, and 25.5 to 94.3 me/100g, respectively. Soil pH ranged from 5.10 to 5.42. Soil texture was clay loam. Results of the correlation between Jangdo forest community and environmental factor are as follows; Soil pH was the most effective factor for plant community distribution. The Salix koreensis-Isachne globosa community was found where it had the highest soil organic matter, nitrogen, and exchangeable Na, Ca, Mg concentration, ana CEC among the three communities. Miscathus sinensis var. purpurascens community was found where it had the lowest soil organic matter, nitrogen, and exchangeable Na, Ca, Mg concentration, and CEC among the three plant communities.

  • 송호경 | Song, Ho-Kyung
  • 박관수 | Park, Gwan-Soo
  • 박혜림 | Park, Hye-Rim
  • 소순구 | So, Soon-Ku
  • 김효정 | Kim, Hyo-Jeong
  • 김무열 | Kim, Mu-Yeol