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해양오염제거용 천연분말상 유흉착재의 흡착 특성에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

Adsorption Characteristics of Natural Powdered Oil Absorbent for Marine Oil Pollution

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/262998
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
해양환경안전학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment and Safety)
해양환경안전학회 (The Korean Society Of Marine Environment & Safety)

The amount of petroleum consumption has been Increased according to the industrialization and It leads to the increase of the possibility of marine oil pollution. In Korea, some countermeasures including oil skimmer, gelling agent and herding agent of oil have been used for the remediation of the pollution. However, most of them have lets of shortcomings in the application under in-situ condition, because they are sensitive to the situation such as geographical feature, the wind and the tide. In reported literature, the natural powdered oil absorbent which is made of peat moss is an effective mean to clean spilled oil from lake or coast. However, the peat moss is a natural resource which is only Produced from a specific cold weather are like Canada. This indicates that the alternative materials which is readily obtained from everywhere are needed for powdered oil absorbent. Therefore. in the study, same natural materials including pine leaves and straw are tested as the alternative materials for the absorbent. The raw materials were dried and treated by heat at various temperature during several Periods and then. shattered by a grain cracking machine. The oil sorption capacity of the prepared materials was compared according to the methods of heat treatment and their sizes. The proportion of hydrogen cyanide to combustion of the absorbents was measured to confirm their final disposal methods. The biodegradability test of the absorbents was carried our to evaluate possibility of a side pollution in the coast. In was found that the heat treatment of pine leaves enhanced the capacity of oil sorption and decreased the water sorption. The maximum oil sorption was observed for the material treated at 180℃for 60 min. The amount of hydrogen cyanide from the combustion were 0.09ml/g, 0.07ml/g for pine leaves and straw respectively meaning that the final disposal by combustion might be feasible. The amount or organic carbon extracted from pine leaves during 7 days was up to 0.015g organic carbon from one gram of pine leaves. but the degradation was as fast as for glucose. It is concluded that the pine leaves can be served as a good raw material for the powdered oil absorbent like peat moss

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