미국은 국가안보와 해운산업 국제 경쟁력 강화를 위하여 미 연방상선대학과 같은 4년제 대학교육으로 상선사관을 양성하고 있다. 미국의 해기사 양성제도는 크게 연방정부에서 지원 운영하는 Academy (U. S. Merchant Marine Academy와 U. S. Coast Guard Academy)와 각 주(State)에서 지원 운영하는 캘리포니아해양대학교 등 6개 주립대학의 정규 4년제 교육을 통하여 이루어진다. 본 연구에서는 미국 해기사 교육기관 중 교육중심의 캘리포니아 해양대학의 교육제도, 실습방법, 실습선 운영형태를 파악하여 우리나라 해기사 교육제도에 도움이 되게 하고자 한다.
This paper presents the maritime education and training at CMA. There are two kinds of Federal Maritime Academies, i.e. U. S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) and U. S. Coast Guard Academy, which are supported by federal government and six State Maritime Academies operated by each state. CMA is a unique campus of the California State University(CSU). A specialized education combining classroom instruction, hands-on experience and professional development prepare students for a successful career in international business and logistics, maritime policy, engineering, technology or in the maritime and transportation industries. All students of CMA, under licensed faculty supervision, learn and train aboard the Training Ship Golden Bear during a two-month training cruise in their first year at CMA. Second-year students participate in a land-based cooperative, or sail on a commercial cruise or the Training Ship GOLDEN BEAR depending on their major. Third-year maritime licensing option students take a final cruise on the training ship, while other students participate in an additional land-based cooperative. In their senior year, students take license exams to complete graduation requirements.