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中国特色社会主义法律体系形成的考察及相关理论争鸣 KCI 등재

Investigation of Formation of the Socialist Legal System with Chinese Characteristics and some Theoretical Disputes

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  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/265654
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가천법학 (Gachon Law Review)
가천대학교 법학연구소 (Gachon University Law Research Institute)

摘要:2011年3月10日,中国全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长吴邦国宣布成中国特色社会主义法律体系形成,那么法律体系是可以通过立法建构形成的吗?描述中国特色社会主义法律体系特征的词汇是什么意思?评价这一体系形成的标准又是什么?为了回答这些问题,本文以关键时间点的关键法律为点,以中国特色社会主义法律体系形成的历史和法学界的理论争鸣为面,点面结合,试图勾勒出一幅清新完整的历史构图和理论框架。本文的核心观点认为,第一,宪法在中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成中起到根本作用,宪法本身的好坏决定了这一体系的内容和价值,也决定了这一体系形成的路径和历史轨迹。中国全国人大作为这一体系形成的主要缔造者,其行为也要受到宪法的制约。第二,中国宪法的历次修改,虽然是中国社会政治经济文化发展的结果,但是加深了中国人民对法律的认识,带动了法学界对法律体系的讨论,从而间接影响了中国特色社会主义法律体系的内容。并认为,中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成,实则是在中国宪法指引下的宪政良性运行的结果。首先,基于立法的需要,法律体系被提出来,紧接着分析了这一概念产生的社会根源。其次,中国学者关于法律体系的通说,是指由一国现行的全部法律规范按照不同的法律部门分类组合而形成的一个呈体系化的有机联系的统一整体。通过分析,认为它可以归结为部门法体系,在本质上也就是规范体系。它延续了分析实证主义法学的基本观点,其最大功用在于指导立法者分门别类的立法,通过查找缺漏,增补完善,可以在短时期内有效推动立法。同时,也便于法学院的学生学习,为他们今后从事法律工作提供指引。在思想上,部门法体系突出了国家中心主义的建构观,强调了国家理性,维护了宪法确立的人民代表大会制度,树立了各级人大及其常委会的中心地位。这种建构主义过于相信了人类理性的作用。再次,通过历史材料的运用,剖析了中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成经历了一个由初步形成,到基本形成,再到最终形成的过程。而中国特色社会主义法律体系的理论则经历了“社会主义法律体系”、“社会主义市场经济法律体系”、“中国特色社会主义法律体系”的时空转换。在此之间,重点梳理了中国官方和学者关于法律体系形成标准的讨论,因为这是法律体系建构中面临的重大理论问题。在分析了各种观点以后指出,宪法在中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成中居 于根本地位,则可以将形成标准归结为四项:(1)宪法的各项规定是否全面落实为立法;(2)法律部门内部的基本法律法典化;(3)尊重人权;(4)法制统一。虽然立法任务艰巨,可是比起法律体系形成后的法律实施,则相对容易。当立法不再大规模进行,法律解释,尤其是司法的功能就会日益明显。这些都是中国今后面临的挑战。

On March 10, 2011, Chairman Wu Bangguo of the standing committee of China's National People's Congress announced that a socialist law system with Chinese characteristics has formed, but the legal system can be constructed through legislation to form? What meanings are vocabularies that describe the characteristics of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics? And what is the evaluation criterion of this system? To answer these questions, in this paper, we combine the key laws in the key point and the legal disputes between scholars in the forming process of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, trying to sketch a picture of pure and fresh and full of historical composition and theoretical framework.Core idea of this article think, first, the constitution i plays a fundamental role in the formation of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Whether the constitution itself is good or bad determines the content and value of the system, also determines the path and the historical track of the formation of the system. China's National People's Congress (NPC) as the main architect of this system, whose behavior is restricted by the constitution. Second, although all previous changes to the Chinese constitution, which are the result of the development of social politics economy and culture in China, but deepened people’s understand to the law in China, led to scientific discussion of the legal system, and thus indirectly affect the content of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Furthermore, we think that the formation of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics in fact is the result of benign operation of constitutionalism under the guidance of the constitution in China.First of all, the legal system was proposed based on the needs of the legislation, and analyzed the social cause to the concept. Second, Chinese scholars on the legal system of tong said, which is to point to by a country's current legal norms, formed by the combination according to different classification of legal department of a systematic organic connection of the unified whole. Through the analysis, we think it boils down to law system, in essence is a normative system. It lasted for the basic ideas of analytical positivism jurisprudence, its biggest function is to guide legislators classify legislation, by looking for omissions, additions, so can effective legislation in a short period of time. At the same time, it also facilitates law student learning, and provides direction for their future work in the legal fields. In thought, law system highlights the national centralism construction view, emphasized the national rationality, maintenance of the constitution established the people's congress system, set up the center of the National People's Congress and its standing committee at all levels. The constructivism too believes that the role of human reason. Again, through the use of historical material, analyses the formation of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics has undergone a preliminary formation, the basic form, and then to the final forming process. While the theory of socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics has experienced a "socialist legal system", "legal system of socialist market economy", "the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics" between transformation of space and time. Between the key combed the Chinese officials and scholars discussing the standard about legal system formed, because this is a major theoretical issues in construction of legal system. After analyzing various views, point that the constitution is in the core position in the formation of the legal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, if considering t the constitution should be brought into the formation of legal system, and care to the codification of China tradition, criterion of formation can be summed up in four: (1) whether the full implementation of the provisions of the constitution as the legislation; (2) the basic law of law department has codified ; (3) respect for human rights; (4) the unity of legal system. Although the legislation is a difficult task, but compared to law enforcement of the legal system, it is relatively easy. When legislation is not largely enacted, legal interpretation, especially the judicial function becomes increasingly obvious. These are all challenges for China in the future.

六、结 论
  • 黄垠珍(中国政法大学法学院2011级宪法学与行政法学专业博士研究生) | Hwang, Eun Jin