A Study on the Electronic Identity Verification System in face to face transactions
현재 대면거래에 있어서 본인확인을 위한 방법은 본인임을 상징하는 정보가 수록된 신분증을 가지고 상대방이 직접 확인함으로써 본인임을 확인한다. 정보사회에서는 이러한 본인확인이 전자적인 형태로 변화한다. 대면거래에서의 전자적 본인확인방법은 앞으로 활성화될 것이다. 예컨대 은행창구에서의 금융거래, 통신대리점에서의 가입신청, 연금수령, 민원신청 등 다양한 분야에서 전자적 본인확인이 이루어질 것이다. 이에 따른 기술적 현황과 제도의 문제점 분석은 이제 필요한 시점이 되었다. 대면거래에서의 전자적 본인확인방법은 생체정보 기반의 지문인식, 지정맥인식, 홍채인식, 얼굴인식, 전자펜 방식이 있고, 카드장치 기반의 전자신분증, 전자여권, IC카드 방식이 있다.그리고 모바일장치 기반의 휴대폰SMS 인증, OTP 인증 방식, NFC 인증방식이 유력한 기술로서 논의되고 있다. 대면거래에서의 전자적 본인확인을 위한 법제도로서는 국내 본인확인제도는 크게 (ⅰ)주민등록법상의 주민등록제, (ⅱ)금융실명법상의 실명거래의 확인, (ⅲ)전자서명법상의 본인확인이 있고, 해외에서는 미국, 독일, 일본의 제도들을 검토하였다. 특히 2010년부터 독일은 전자신분증제도를 실시하고 있다. 현행 제도의 문제점으로는 주민등록번호에 의한 본인확인 의존도 심화, 국가기관에 의한 본인확인 의존도 심화, 전자서명과 본인확인의 구별 혼동, 민감한 개인정보(생체정보)의 이용, 전자신분증 사용 문제 등이 있다. 본 연구에서는 그 개선방안으로 본인확인 규정 또는 법률 신설, 국가기관에 의한 본인확인 제한, 본인확인용으로 공인전자서명 사용 제한, 본인확인용으로 생체정보 이용 한정, 전자신분증의 이용범위 제한을 제안하고자 한다. 특히 생체정보의 이용은 본인확인용으로만 사용된다면 그 위험성이 적을 것이며, 전자신분증은 이용자의 선택권을 부여해 주는 것이 중요하다.
Typically the electronic form of an identity verfication system is treated as an important issue in non face-to-face transaction where one can not directly confront the face of the other with the naked eye rather than in face-to-face transactions facing the counterpart during the dealing process. For example, in e-commerce transactions where dealing can not be resolved in the presence of the other party identity verification is essential in the process of ordering items and payment.However, identity verification is important even in the off-line. In the Banking, insurance, securities and other financial transactions, new subscriptions to wireless carriers, government agencies services, and at the conclusion of an important contract between the concerned, determining who is the counterpart of transaction is as important process as the content. Identity verification of users has become essential in transactions to ensure the accuracy and truthfulness of the user and the procedure. In real life identity verification is primarily made through a visual check, a copy or scan of the identification card issued by a trusted authority such as the state agencies, and besides sometimes it also will require further handwritten signature. Here happens an interesting situation. Despite the person himselfs visit, he does not receive confirmation, or identity verification is rejected in the site for the reason which he has no ID card that shows his own identity. It also require a signature, even though only identity verification is needed. Identity verification demands the verification of expression of interest which goes beyond the range of identification, and even requires more responsibilities than notified to him at the time. Then, is the identity verification impossible without identification card? This study are to focus on the possibility of such a technical and institutional conditions and considerations.Identity verification is expected to be developed in electronic form in the face-to-face transactions in real-time when considering the discussions about the paperless bank, paperless office, paperless e-court, and paperless hospitals and so on. If so, in the time of face-to-face transactions, electronic identity verification by the methods until now such as confirming the person with the naked eye or copying identification card is not only inefficient, but also impossible. This study, reviewed the electronic identity verification methods advanced at an face-to-face transactions until now such as biometric-based technology(fingerprint recognition, iris recognition, face recognition, finger vein recognition and stylus method), the card unit-based technology(electronic identification card, electronic passport·IC card system), and mobile device-based(mobile SMS Authentication·OTP authentication method·NFC method), and further looked over the electronic identity verification systems which can be reconciled with the existing legal framework. Especially intensification of dependence on state institutions in identity verification, the confusion of electronic signatures and identity verification, the use of sensitive personal information (biometric information), the use of electronic ID card, and etc. are considered as the important issues, and this study examined the ways to improve them.